Running backs fumbling, I got a bad feeling...
Ram is wearing a Halo Reach Beta Tester shirt, a Halo helmet, and a reach avatar. This guy really really hates Reach.
You have my permission to go deep.
Not that I change my avatar often, but what does a Mark VI helmet & Cortana have to do with Reach? heh
GG Smokes, pretty frustrating, but oh well.
With what? My 2 and 3 receivers were out
I'm going to leave it at that for now and let it marinate i know it hurts
I've been boosting carry as much as I can. Probably need to purchase that ball wrap trait. Will still fumble.
I've been boosting carry as much as I can. Probably need to purchase that ball wrap trait. Will still fumble.
I'm taking it a lot better than I would in the past. You know Schaub got away with a few today, next time brother!
Rors, you made a sarcastic comment about Reach because my avatar has a beta shirt on & two other things unrelated to Reach, failed joke.
I'm taking it a lot better than I would in the past. You know Schaub got away with a few today, next time brother!
Rors, you made a sarcastic comment about Reach because my avatar has a beta shirt on & two other things unrelated to Reach, failed joke.
GG BigAT. My defense went completely stupid in that game. I guess they were rusty after the last 2 weeks off. So many blown coverages and guys just not being where they were supposed to be.
I fucking knew it, blew a bunch on Spiller too. Had to though, his carry was low 80s and honestly, his elusive/juke/spin are pretty damn high. Stiff arm I guess or route running/catching? Trucking will take a damn while with him, lol.
What's the deal with Bigger Hitter trait? If my defender has POW in the mid 90s, and I can purchase the trait, is it worth it? What about a low hit POW defender, dude give him big hit status even though his POW is low?
These are probably questions I should have asked during the season or at the beginning, lol.
GG Bird. Seems like I have your number for whatever reason.
Onto the shitty winds of San Francisco.
So did you my friend and you had HFA. You also killed my TE for the entire playoffs so there's that.
Also my controller battery died during our game and I had to run through containers trying to find my wired xbox controller. That's the only wireless controller i have in the house too smh
Do I get the Texans?
i resent that!
i would have rather played the rams. giants are the hottest team in the league and but for the grace of pwill/FF did i win that first game![]()
Looks like we need a new MaddenGAF thread.
Do I get the Texans?
It's actually hard to figure out what to increase on certain backs.I wouldn't waste big hitter trait on a small timer. I wouldn't waste trucking on Spiller. If he already has elusiveness, he doesn't need it. Maybe stiff arm would be a better way to go... even though that's probably low as hell. I'm not saying don't get his carry up because I'm still doing that, but that cover ball trait doesn't seem to work.
Do I get the Texans?
It's actually hard to figure out what to increase on certain backs.
hey friend
Elusiveness is the way to go if you got speed. It's incredibly annoying. McFadden has shitty elusiveness. Good truck, but it's useless. I mostly use his stiff arm and manual left stick movement.
Hiya! Let's see how they set it up after the advance.
I thought a good speed + truck back would be good to be honest. Spiller's elusiveness has to be mid 90s at least. He's a beast in the new rosters, maybe I should just ape the stats they have for him now.
I thought a good speed + truck back would be good to be honest. Spiller's elusiveness has to be mid 90s at least. He's a beast in the new rosters, maybe I should just ape the stats they have for him now.
GG Bob. I will give you full credit for the beat down, after I got behind I had to pass to try and get out of it but it didn't work to my favor. I wish I could post videos in this stupid game but EA doesn't allow it. I'm totally miffed by some of your defensive plays. You literally usered Urlacher between two receivers, running towards one of the guys so I'd throw it the other way and you were still able to spin around and get to the ball.... TWICE! Those got me down 17-7 and it was over after that.
What a wacky game as far as fumbles went though.
Texans @ Raiders
Broncos @ Bills
Giants @ 49ers
Bears @ Eagles
NFC Offensive player of the week - Victor Cruz (Giants) - 3 rec, 132 yards, 1 TD
NFC Defensive player of the week - Brian Urlacher (Bears) - 2 tackles, 3 int, 1 FF, 1 TD
AFC Offensive player of the week - Mike Wallace (Steelers) - 4 rec, 94 yards, 2 TD
AFC Defensive player of the week - Quentin Demps (Texans) - 1 tackle, 1 int, 1 TD
hell i beat cola 63-3 and scored a couple rushing TD's with gore in the final 2 minutes! now i can say "well he threw a pick and i ran the ball in on the goal line!" but couldn't i have just run it up the gut into the linemen and ran more clock? yeah, i could have. doesn't that constitute padding gores stats?
Yes. Yes. It's not hard, if you are in THAT much command of a game (24+), to just ease off the gas pedal, drive down and stall out in FG range. Taking 3 is appropriate; if by some crazy reason the other player starts to gets back into it, you can dial it up again. 63-3 happens once every couple of YEARS in the NFL. It happens a couple times a season now in our league. Cue the "lol learn2pass nub" comments. We get it. You're good, you can score at will because you've figured out the game and we haven't. The thing is, you "elites" don't get blown out on a regular basis. If you did, you'd be a LOT more pissed if someone kept scoring on you--not because you're losing, but because it's destroying the spirit of a sim league. The reason this league was interesting at all in the first place was competitive FUN, and the guarantee that you wouldn't be playing the randoms online who go for it on every 4th down. Now it seems like we're just about equivalent to playing randoms.
Let's get this bitch to 20k!!!!!
Audibiling 50 times per play is sim. God bless you livewire!
You realize that every time you hit a button, whether it's to look at the OL blocking options, run play direction, or receivers/hot routes--even if you don't actually change anything--it plays the sound right? Imagine if it made a sound everytime you were adjusting defensive players' coverages?
Lol no. Sorry but no that isn't you.