I'll translate: it's like losing to shake in madden.
I've never played boobs in Madden, but I just assume he's really bad at it since he's so awful at dota.
I'll translate: it's like losing to shake in madden.
I'll translate: it's like losing to shake in madden.
Wow the Raiders are so good at football!
Wow the Raiders are so good at football!
Super scared!you still scared to play me in madden?
Remember when we used to play NHL and other games together? What has happened to us? Who are you anymore??
Super scared!
We can play NBA as a team now!
pistol can you log out of the league as the pats and re-sign in as the lions? thanks brah
You'll have DrunkJuro after this disaster is over.
You guys never invited me before. :'(
That's because you're too busy with Killer Instinct
im up to chapter 5 and enjoying it. graphics are incredible in spots!
Amazon is going to match the Gamestop 29.99 PS Plus Black Friday Deal. Online code too. I'm stacking if I can.
My copy should be here today.People signed in:
i know CB and dcx are getting the game sometime next week. and for those that haven't signed in:
League Name: Neogaffe
Pw: jgar
Did someone fuck on stream or something?
Well, some guy stripped his passed out girlfriend naked. But other then that its been fine.
So first weekend with Xbox one. I give it a thumbs up. I have DR3, Ryse, Forza, and KI all digitally downloaded. I've played a little of everything but keep going back to forza the most. While they changed some things from the last one due to being a launch title, the actual driving and gameplay is really good. Playing with very little or no assists and the driveatar system makes it feel like you're actually racing. Versus gran turismo where you might as well be driving around the circuit with no other cars with the same tire effects from ps1 destroying your ears. Rumble triggers work great and dat 60fps.
DR3 is really fun. Graphics aren't the greatest but are serviceable. Had some friends over and DR3 just finished downloading. So we tried that and they loved it. One guy has a ps4 as well and said he'd lookout for a x1 just to get dr3.
Ryse is the best looking game. All dat 900p juice looks so good. Standard brawler though. Playing on highest avail difficulty and having no problem. Good to show off the system and play when something is on tv. I had the pathetic texans jags game snapped and was playing Ryse while watching the game. Worked well.
KI I've put the least amount of time into. Only done a few practice rounds and a few cpu matches when friends were over. I don't like playing against cpu and would rather play someone from here so maybe that's why.
Kinect voice commands have worked really well. I only area it seems to have some trouble on is when our pull up the user guide when watching tv and want to go to a channel. I usually just use my remote when the tv is on. For navigating around the OS though it's worked fine. I've been able to check everything from friends, install progress, to stating a game all without turning my controller on. Also "xbox record that" is the next gen teabagging in online MP.
Shame that such a weak gpu is in the system, and the circumstances leading up to the launch.
Just got the Xbone hooked up for the past couple hours.
Game is fully installed. No spinning of disc afterward. / Takes forever to fucking install.
Voice chat is absurdly more clear than PS4. / Restricted use of headsets for time being. (Bundled headset is fantastic though)
Menus took about as long to figure out here as it did for me on the PS4. / Fuck Snap.
What's wrong with snap? Xbox snap (say app)
Saved me from ending myself during texans game. Also say xbox help and it pulls up a whole bunch of material. There's also a speech recognition app. Recommend both. That's one thing they need to address in an update... A quick how to guide for the voice stuff. Shouldn't have to dig for it.
I like some things about snap. For party and friends list, I just want a straight forward 360 style list.
I'm 2-0 online in KI! The tutorial system is actually pretty crazy thorough!
you have an xbone too!?
baffling that you guys have an xbone and haven't been playing KI day and night. maybe the crushed blacks on all the games are causing you mental issues!
Are we using existing owners or creating our own?
So first weekend with Xbox one. I give it a thumbs up. I have DR3, Ryse, Forza, and KI all digitally downloaded. I've played a little of everything but keep going back to forza the most. While they changed some things from the last one due to being a launch title, the actual driving and gameplay is really good. Playing with very little or no assists and the driveatar system makes it feel like you're actually racing. Versus gran turismo where you might as well be driving around the circuit with no other cars with the same tire effects from ps1 destroying your ears. Rumble triggers work great and dat 60fps.
DR3 is really fun. Graphics aren't the greatest but are serviceable. Had some friends over and DR3 just finished downloading. So we tried that and they loved it. One guy has a ps4 as well and said he'd lookout for a x1 just to get dr3.
Ryse is the best looking game. All dat 900p juice looks so good. Standard brawler though. Playing on highest avail difficulty and having no problem. Good to show off the system and play when something is on tv. I had the pathetic texans jags game snapped and was playing Ryse while watching the game. Worked well.
KI I've put the least amount of time into. Only done a few practice rounds and a few cpu matches when friends were over. I don't like playing against cpu and would rather play someone from here so maybe that's why.
Kinect voice commands have worked really well. The only area it seems to have some trouble on is when I pull up the user guide when watching tv and want to go to a channel. I usually just use my remote when the tv is on. For navigating around the OS though it's worked fine. I've been able to check everything from friends, install progress, to starting a game all without turning my controller on. Also "xbox record that" is the next gen teabagging in online MP.
Shame that such a weak gpu is in the system, and the circumstances leading up to the launch.
A Link Between Worlds is awesome. Getting Tearaway and Mario 3D World this week then I'll be done with my video game purchases for the year.
accepted a bid to finish our basement. looks like work going be getting underway in the new few weeks. all new bathroom and bedroom added to house, and a new general living space.
ran some practices as the Browns today to prepare for league. Hoyer going to be dat starter.
Lol. You seen some of those houses. Dudes living with basically just desks and power outlets. I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't actually have beds.Getting our team house ready for TI4?
Lol. You seen some of those houses. Dudes living with basically just desks and power outlets. I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't actually have beds.