After Archer?dcx when can you play?
other playoff teams with byes:
AFC - Dolphins, Bengals
NFC - Packers, Seahawks
After Archer?
10:30 eatwhen is that?
brent i will have your opponent shortly!
10:30 eat
Screw it..let play now
Creep shackling for the win.Unfortunately you still have to actually cast shackle for it to be better.
Creep shackling for the win.
Gg bro..yea..the fumble killed me and Kap just is too fast for my D..I spied and even placed DE on contain and even flat zones and he out ran everyone for crucial third down pick dcx. another defensive struggle with a couple big plays being the difference. it seemed like both of us would get on the cusp of FG range and then stall. i was afraid to try and kick those long fg's since i had turned down FG kick power earlier in the season
wtf did smokes get banned for
Gg bro..yea..the fumble killed me and Kap just is too fast for my D..I spied and even placed DE on contain and even flat zones and he out ran everyone for crucial third down pick ups.
Is this the only season? If so I will be selling it.
Trying to throw, yo
You tried, but TEAM was TOO STRONG!
The Perfect World guys jumped the gun a bit and have announced the new Replay Takeover mode to their user base.
Basically when watching a replay you will have an option of instantly creating a lobby from that point in the replay. You can then get 10 people in the lobby and play from where you timestamped the replay. Everyone locks into a hero from that team and you play out the rest of the match as you see fit.
This will only work on games after the New Bloom patch.
Come cast our games on Saturday you dumb bitch
I could do that! Maybe I can dig up that relic Luke Smith as well.
Can terrorblade swap health with friendly heroes?
Can terrorblade swap health with friendly heroes?
Outside of the fun troll possibilities, my thought was that Terrorblade + Shallow Grave would be a potentially sick ass combo.
Always thinking with your Dazzle.
how do you guys know every hero
do you just have to play a shit ton or do i need to read a dotacyclepedia
OMG. Time to get my Lion on.
how do you guys know every hero
do you just have to play a shit ton or do i need to read a dotacyclepedia
As if it wasn't hard enough to get you to buy a mek first with witch doctor, we now get lion.
I'm rushing aghs every single game now. No wards, no couriers, no meks!
how do you guys know every hero
do you just have to play a shit ton or do i need to read a dotacyclepedia