looks like we should have enough for a mostly-full league! still 3 or 4 people im waiting to hear back from too so maybe full 32. i only worry about some of the new dudes putting in the time and being around to play!
Hah, ferny is going to get stuck with someone awful like the skins. That's what he gets for waiting to pick his team.
Hah, ferny is going to get stuck with someone awful like the skins. That's what he gets for waiting to pick his team.
looks like we should have enough for a mostly-full league! still 3 or 4 people im waiting to hear back from too so maybe full 32. i only worry about some of the new dudes putting in the time and being around to play!
I'm disabled and have nothing else better to do.
Until The Show comes out.
I've actually read these threads for awhile to get a good gist of how the game is...
well you have your work cut out for you with the titans! if mcneily doesn't play you could have the redskins... haven't heard back from him yet!
ferny let me know by tomorrow if possible!
I see people already complaining about that coca cola commercial cause MURICA... Sigh
such a terrible super bowl. glad i'm practicing dota heroes
I see people already complaining about that coca cola commercial cause MURICA... Sigh
I see people already complaining about that coca cola commercial cause MURICA... Sigh
yeah. i dont really remember such a boring, uncontested SB. i'd rather be sleeping
Im gonna take a shower at the start of the 4th so im ready to go for post superbowl dota. This is embarrassingly bad.
broncos went up in a blaze
get it
Broncos are being slung into the UFL right now.
yeah. i dont really remember such a boring, uncontested SB. i'd rather be sleeping
This superbowl is awful. Broncos have looked lifeless since the first play. And they ruined my great football pool numbers with that fucking safety.
Elway Peyton and that team can go eat a dick. I could have been playing dota!
Edit: And it get worse!
such a terrible super bowl. glad i'm practicing dota heroes
I guess there will be time for Dota tonight after all.
Looks like this was a rough game.
Not at all. I got a last hit per level. Boss! Check out that tower damage. I'm the best!
That Earthshaker got out of hand pretty quick.
5 tower damage seems almost impossible, especially with Leshrec. How did you have more healing that the mek carrier az? Did you salve someone or something?
Did anyone stream that game?
I was kinda Drunk and AT was pulled down by me in his lane.How long was that game? And how drunk was AT?
There is still a league?
Also, is there a DOTA group I can run with at the moment or alts?
There is still a league?
Also, is there a DOTA group I can run with at the moment or alts?