Last one took almost exactly 2 months. That's about average, I think. It all depends on the people and what time of year it is. This one may take a little longer because of the holidays.TheDrizzlerJ11 said:how often does gaf start up a new season?
WhyRorschach said:I hate you.
LukeSmith said:s'OK, I'm gonna keep winning for you Bluemax.
bluemax said:Well thanks to you too Fifty. You seem to be playing the Steelers about the way I would so no complaints at the results.
I really want to play Madden again![]()
Tonight or tomorrow evening/night works good for me. I assume you're on the west coast? I usually get home from work around 6 PM (Central Time) and am usually up until midnight or so. I'm not sure what your schedule's like but pick a couple of times and we'll get it figured out!LukeSmith said:AB, when do you wanna torch the 'Hawks defense?
AirBrian said:Tonight or tomorrow evening/night works good for me. I assume you're on the west coast? I usually get home from work around 6 PM (Central Time) and am usually up until midnight or so. I'm not sure what your schedule's like but pick a couple of times and we'll get it figured out!
9 PM sounds good! VD? Everyone is expecting him to get catches; it's the Tank that's needs a breakout game. If I can get past my self-tackling o-line, watch out!LukeSmith said:I can play tonight, I'm on the West Coast. I should be home around 7 my time. You ready to make VD a star?
Luke said:I know we say it every four or so pages, but I really wish there was a spectator mode![]()
Matrix said:Malley can you play now?
If not,I'm free around 11 pm eastern tonight.
LukeSmith said:I know we say it every four or so pages, but I really wish there was a spectator mode![]()
Malleymal said:Sounds good to me man....
Mrbob said:Win a game Matrix! Do it for cousin David!
OK, I'm on now. GT = AirBrianLukeSmith said:AB I'm around whenever.
If only those tackles counted as points!LukeSmith said:Patrick Willis is a GOD, 17 tackles 4 stops for a loss and one sack against the hawks.
Anyone around who can unlock AB and I's game?
AirBrian said:If only those tackles counted as points!
GG, sir. I'm still in awe of your damn kicker! :lol
Striker said:Damn!
GG Malley
Lee Evans decided to rape my Jags secondary for two TD's this week. Unlike the past two weeks, my DB's weren't making any plays on the ball and the receivers were gathering everything. It sucked when Henderson went down, but I thought my front seven did ok. My DB's weren't good at all and you made me pay for it.
I also cannot for the love of shit get a ground game going for Maurice Jones-Drew. He had 7 carries this game vs. the Bills for 4 yards! He hasn't done anything in the past two, either. At least Taylor's been productive.
Welp, time for backseat time of the AFC South![]()
AirBrian said:GG, sir. I'm still in awe of your damn kicker! :lol
Lonestar said:He's why I made it to the Playoffs. 58 Yarder says HAAAAAAAAALOOOOO GUVNA
Yep.Malleymal said:Yea man GG striker,
Taylor seems to be the man carrying the ball, I couldnt get to him in time on any of the plays you had for him.. As for the receiving, the WR's were grabbing everything... especially that one pass where the WR got LIT UP, i couldnt believe he held on to that ball...
You did have alot of injuries this game though, that definitely affected how your D played. All in all you held Marshawn to sub 100 shit... sub 50 i think l
Whenever. You're probably asleep by now, so I can play tomorrow just name a time from 3pm EST onward.Striker said:Yep.
Henderson, Taylor, and Mathis all at least missed some action.
I need to recover.
When you want to clear our OAK/JAX ball game?