LukeSmith said:No one fast!
I'll give you one of them if you can fix my defense. Gotta work on that in my bye week considering I have to play the other adrian peterson next.
LukeSmith said:No one fast!
Fifty said:Yeah, my problem is that I don't really understand the passing game that well (not to say that it isn't at times legitimately unfair), and I make bad decisions the more I throw, especially deep. If I had the Ravens and Ky-Bol, I wouldn't throw nearly as much, and I'd probably be in a much better situation. I really regret the team I chose.
Fifty said:Yeah yeah, I thought it'd be fun too. I can't blame the team..some people can just pass well and make good decisions. I didn't even want to bring this up after yesterday's 'woe is me' fest, but since I read last page's QB discussion I had to chime in.
Denog says he's 'kicking himself for choosing the Ravens. If I wasn't 1-4 stupidly and he wasn't all the way up there at 2-1 I'd make a push to abuse my powers and try to switch teams.
Ultimately I think most players don't change their style of play in Madden. DM's playing the Cardinals like the Bucs, Shawn's playing the Panthers like they're the Cowboys. They can improve or get worse at decision making (me with the latter) but most people I've played play the same conservative or aggressive styles game in and game out.
My game has always been running a lot and throwing only when I need to. Manning, Clark, Wayne and Harrison do more harm than good, tempting me into making impossible passes. I should have picked the team I knew the best and fit my style best (Ravens) instead of simply the highest rated team. Foolish and greedy, and now I'm paying the consequences.
Lonestar said:I'm kind of running the ball like I did with Seattle, as Lewis shouldn't run outside, just like SA. Passing, is nothing like it. Seattle, I had to do alot of rollout PA's, quick passes, quick hooks. Cleveland, lots of different TE movement, throwing it deep on post, go routes.
I actually need to throw in more passes I did in Seattle, because I might be too dependant to "want to throw it deep" as FMT mentioned (Overdependence on Edwards/Winslow)
Defense, I pretty much playcall and play the same as Seattle, just geared a little more to 3-4. I do miss having better safeties, and 2 great LB's.
Fifty said:Ultimately I think most players don't change their style of play in Madden. DM's playing the Cardinals like the Bucs, Shawn's playing the Panthers like they're the Cowboys. They can improve or get worse at decision making (me with the latter) but most people I've played play the same conservative or aggressive styles game in and game out.
My game has always been running a lot and throwing only when I need to. Manning, Clark, Wayne and Harrison do more harm than good, tempting me into making impossible passes. I should have picked the team I knew the best and fit my style best (Ravens) instead of simply the highest rated team. Foolish and greedy, and now I'm paying the consequences.
They both chose teams that fit that style, though.Ultimately I think most players don't change their style of play in Madden. DM's playing the Cardinals like the Bucs, Shawn's playing the Panthers like they're the Cowboys. They can improve or get worse at decision making (me with the latter) but most people I've played play the same conservative or aggressive styles game in and game out.
The second and more significant patch for Madden 08 has been pushed live by Microsoft. Those with the 360 version will be prompted to download the patch as the game loads up.
As previously reported the patch addresses the following issues:
Fumble Fix - Reduced fumble chances in certain situations. This has been tested thoroughly and we feel that people will be happy with a more realistic (and more fun!) number of fumbles. This was priority number 1 for us.
DB Reactions- changes to the way that DBs play man coverage. Defenders in man coverage wont be able to react to passes that they cannot see. This should make it easier to throw against man coverage.
Fifty said:Hey guys..the patch is out.
I just downloaded something at startup, so I checked pastapadre and
Even if it works, it's too little too late for me. Throwing against man was my #1 weakness.
It'll be interesting to see how much or how little has changed.
JOSH MCCOWN FUTURES BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!Fifty said:Hey guys..the patch is out.
I just downloaded something at startup, so I checked pastapadre and
Even if it works, it's too little too late for me. Throwing against man was my #1 weakness.
It'll be interesting to see how much or how little has changed.
Fifty said:Hey guys..the patch is out.
It'll be interesting to see how much or how little has changed.
You can't spell "Bears" without E-A!Rorschach said:WTF I deleted my profile for nothing! It won't let me log in to the EA servers...maybe it's because I picked Raiders as my fav team again... *tries again with bears*
[edit] Holy shit! It works... FUCK YOU EA! Anti-Raiders biased confirmed...
unfuckingbelieveable ...
Fifty said:I guess I should just quit and not care what people think about it. This isn't a job, it's a game..and I've given up. I started off trying but after one BS fumble (Parker was truly down on the ground when he fumbled, but I think because someone was injured on the play, I wasn't able to challenge it..that's the only explanation I have) I just lost the will to compete. Ok, well I tried for one more possession after that..but yeah, not cool. Might as well replace me with someone who wants it, like Luke's friend from 1up.
>:|AirBrian said:You can't spell "Bears" without E-A!
The exact same thing happened to me against FMT. Gore fumbles, but one of my players got injured on the play so it called a TO for me. I went to challenge the fumble and the option was greyed out. :-(Fifty said:I guess I should just quit and not care what people think about it. This isn't a job, it's a game..and I've given up. I started off trying but after one BS fumble (Parker was truly down on the ground when he fumbled, but I think because someone was injured on the play, I wasn't able to challenge it..that's the only explanation I have) I just lost the will to compete. Ok, well I tried for one more possession after that..but yeah, not cool. Might as well replace me with someone who wants it, like Luke's friend from 1up.
Rorschach said::lol @ the new passing game...they gimped the d a little too much. This is gonna be fun. :lol
I tried against Asante Samuel and he kept getting burned by my fourth stringer. I'll try all-madden next.Slo said:I was worried about that. I got the feeling that half of the time, the only reason every drive didn't end in a TD was because of spidey senses and/or insta-fumbles.
How bad is it? Have you tried all-madden?
Rorschach said::lol @ the new passing game...they gimped the d a little too much. This is gonna be fun. :lol
Rorschach said::lol @ the new passing game...they gimped the d a little too much. This is gonna be fun. :lol
Give me 10 mins.LiveWire said:Speaking of...ready to lose? I'm on XBL right now.
Rorschach said:I tried against Asante Samuel and he kept getting burned by my fourth stringer. I'll try all-madden next.
All-Madden is slightly better. About what it was when we played All-Madden leagues. You can still throw, but it's not that easy.Slo said:I was worried about that. I got the feeling that half of the time, the only reason every drive didn't end in a TD was because of spidey senses and/or insta-fumbles.
How bad is it? Have you tried all-madden?
Mrbob said:Just put up 60 points a game now Slo and you'll be fine!
Is DMBALL officially dead?
Mrbob said:Just put up 60 points a game now Slo and you'll be fine!
dammitmattt said:I just played two games and the DB play didn't seem that much different to me. Of course, I have two weapon corners and a weapon safety![]()
Rorschach said:GG Livewire. Sorry about the pauses, but I had like 5 guys get injured and it doesn't automatically take them out. Jordan was out for 2 weeks. :lol
Uhm...yeah, we should change it to all-madden. Even ill advised throws by third rate QBs don't get picked off. There still aren't spider-sense dbs in all-madden, but it's not a gimme every time you drop back to pass.
Oh no. :lolRorschach said::lol @ the new passing game...they gimped the d a little too much. This is gonna be fun. :lol
Rorschach said:GG Livewire. Sorry about the pauses, but I had like 5 guys get injured and it doesn't automatically take them out. Jordan was out for 2 weeks. :lol
Uhm...yeah, we should change it to all-madden. Even ill advised throws by third rate QBs don't get picked off. There still aren't spider-sense dbs in all-madden, but it's not a gimme every time you drop back to pass.