I didnt know the Lions had championship D.
Did you even have one user tackle kone
Btw how were you able to get like ten mins in the pocket,I couldnt get to the QB at all even with blitzing,you had an all-pro off line :\
Cloudy said:I dunno, man. Duce said the same thing. Maybe I pass quick?
When there is a little bit of pressure you run to the left a little bit then stop. I didnt see exactly whats happening but it buys you a ton of time somehow.
Cloudy said:FB dive is guaranteed positive yards unless the other guy knows it's coming![]()
Matrix said:Nah I know that,I mean like he went thru my players,like a glitch.
Cloudy said:Until EA fixes the momentum, it's just too risky to play manual defense for me
So Konex hits Y when he's not controlling the WR and hits X when he's not controlling the defensive player and still thinks he's responsible for the outcome?
He just doesnt play any manual D.Id rather deal with jump passes myself,not seeing someone play any manual D just makes me feel like im playing with myself...
I will say this,Konex didnt throw any jump passes against me
Cloudy said::lol
OK seriously...on tackles, I switch to the nearest guy and hit x (I've abandoned the shitty hit stick cos I keep getting burned) but on pass deflections, I just wait till the ball is almost there and hit Y. It works, dammit! >_<
ColdBlooded33 said:I still cant believe you actually think your doing something by pressing Y :lol :lol :lol
Truelize said:mmlemay: I can play tomorrow night if that works for you. I wasn't around at all today. Was building a pantry in my kitchen. I'm the next Ty.![]()
hgplayer1 said:Denog sorry about not being able to get our game in last night. Ive got that worked out now but I guess youre leaving.
DJ I can probably play tonight but it is opening week in the NFL and I cant get enough football so I may be watching the Colts game later.
if not tonight then Monday evening is good for me. probably no earlier than 8 CST.
vumpler said:Denogg nooooYou were becomiing a football rival of mine. You better not be a stranger then since you're not in the league this year
DenogginizerOS said:This game is getting sold. Play me in NBA 2k or NHL. Madden is just not doing it for me this year.
Matrix said:I can play anytime past 9 pm eastern time tomorrow.
Matrix said:Ill meet you on xbl at 9:15 eastern time tomorrow night,I already sent you a friends request.
If something comes up before then and I cant play *im 95% sure I can* I'll post in here in advance.
sableholic said:Oh wait shit, forgot my skins are on tommorow night. Man I need sleep lol. So stupid. Can we push it back to whenever that is completed? Prob like 10:30ish?
vumpler said:What is this trash:
Top teams that start with a B
1. Buccaneers [ 2.8 ] (6) 2
2. Bears [ 2.8 ] (6) 4
3. Broncos [ 3.0 ] (5) 3
4. Bengals [ 3.0 ] (3) 1
5. Bills [ 4.7 ] 5
6. Browns [ 4.7 ] (2) 6
4th!? I can understand the bucs getting the nod but 4th!?!? I'm undefeated in the preseason along with the bucs BAH!
LiveWire said:FMT: karishbhr and I tried about a dozen times to start a game tonight but for some reason it wouldn't let us. We both kept getting "unable to connect" or "opponent has left the room" messages. Neither of us has had this happen before. We've both had occasional lag against other players. I saw DM playing an unranked game while we were trying to play, so I'm assuming it's not the EA servers....but then again, it may be, knowing how crappy their online "service" is....anyway, let us know what you want us to do.
hgplayer: I'll be at FedEx Field south endzone tomorrow night for the game, so I won't be able to play until Tuesday night. Let me know what times work for you.
P.S. I hope the Jags victory helped get y'all used to losing, cause next week you'll have another L in your home stadium.![]()
mmlemay said:True,
Are we going to rumble tonight? If so, let me know soon.
DCX said:Fifty, there is no point i playing game three if the season is supposed to start on wensday.
Truelize said:Sorry man. Family came into town Saturday night so I was obligated to be a good host. Hit me on AIM tomorrow and we'll try to set something up.