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Official North American Lost Odyssey Thread

To be honest, the game is remarkable (in a very FFXII way) but I can honestly say the score isn't anything particularly spectacular. Bad? Not in the very least. But not as amazing as some are saying.


flinging feces ---->
harSon said:
The score is forgettable? Not really. And gameplay being done before is not a valid reason to knock a game for... Good gameplay is good gameplay, whether it's innovative or not is a non issue.

I can't understand why people have a problem with this. Let me spell it out in a clear, concise, and easy-to-read statement: gameplay that does nothing new is sometimes *gasp* not as fun as gameplay that does do something new. Yes, when I was playing Uncharted, I enjoyed the game a lot, but it was not as fun as it should have been because I have played games with Uncharted's gunplay before.

Yes, sadly, when people do something too many times, the banality-factor does kick in and reduces a game's "fun-factor" (Gamepro). I'm sorry but I had trouble enjoying Soul Calibur III because I had enjoyed it already twice before in the incarnations of Soul Calibur I and II.


dirtmonkey37 said:
I can't understand why people have a problem with this. Let me spell it out in a clear, concise, and easy-to-read statement: gameplay that does nothing new is sometimes *gasp* not as fun as gameplay that does do something new. Yes, when I was playing Uncharted, I enjoyed the game a lot, but it was not as fun as it should have been because I have played games with Uncharted's gunplay before.

Yes, sadly, when people do something too many times, the banality-factor does kick in and reduces a game's "fun-factor" (Gamepro). I'm sorry but I had trouble enjoying Soul Calibur III because I had enjoyed it already twice before in the incarnations of Soul Calibur I and II.

In that case one day you may just want to give up gaming. Genres can only progress so far.
Saying the gameplay of a trad jrpg has been done before is like saying youve shot a gun in a fps before so whats the point.


dirtmonkey37 said:
I can't understand why people have a problem with this. Let me spell it out in a clear, concise, and easy-to-read statement: gameplay that does nothing new is sometimes *gasp* not as fun as gameplay that does do something new. Yes, when I was playing Uncharted, I enjoyed the game a lot, but it was not as fun as it should have been because I have played games with Uncharted's gunplay before.

Yes, sadly, when people do something too many times, the banality-factor does kick in and reduces a game's "fun-factor" (Gamepro). I'm sorry but I had trouble enjoying Soul Calibur III because I had enjoyed it already twice before in the incarnations of Soul Calibur I and II.

Yeah, ok.

I guess the question being raised is why game reviews seem so intent on knocking JRPGs these days for this fact when basically every other genre on the planet has worked itself into the same boat as well.

I mean, come on. Traditional JRPGs are tired and spent with one or two big productions a year at most, but FPS games with twenty releases a month are still fresh and vibrant? Sure.

Is Gran Turismo 5 going to be called out for this same fact? I highly doubt it. Oh, because racing games are evolving so quickly?

Or maybe I should just "spell it out" really "clear, concise" and "condescending" - the only thing really tired and old around here I can see is this complaint, to be honest.
i don't know about the "it's all been done!" argument. football games are the same every year, but little changes here and there make all the difference. i'm more interested in the story than the gameplay, although i loves me some j-rpg's. reserved this today thanks to the commercial roping my interest!


/ignores reviews and complaints about a genre I love and, as such, knows what they're getting into with their purchase.

Bought first day!


I just heard the final boss theme music. And all I gotta say is that there better be an incredble looking final boss + environment to go with that. That was a nice follow up to the last boss theme in Blue Dragon(That track just came out of nowhere and hit you in the back of the head with an awesome bat).

Sounds a little fast paced, the way the FFIV-VI (last segment of Dancing mad) themes were.


Part of me died when Nautilus was dissolved and I found out there would be no more Shadow Hearts games. That piece of me sprang to life when it was discovered that Lost Odyssey basically hired the Shadow Hearts development team. As the best RPG series on the PS2, I have high hopes for Lost Odyssey.
I really want to get this game but the turn based/random encounters kills it for me. ff12 spoiled me something horrible. I'm still jonesing for infinite undiscovery, ff13, and wkc tho. i might rent it and see how that goes. itd be nice if a demo was released, but i doubt it.


bdizzle said:
I really want to get this game but the turn based/random encounters kills it for me. ff12 spoiled me something horrible. I'm still jonesing for infinite undiscovery, ff13, and wkc tho. i might rent it and see how that goes. itd be nice if a demo was released, but i doubt it.

Turn-based and random encounters are awesome. I hope they never go away.

Himuro said:
The hilarious thing about about the anti-traditional rpg people is that they don't realize the amount of variety in the jrpg genre. Almost every notable jrpg these days is completely different from the next. On the other hand, almost every fps' is practically the same.

Completely true. Anyone that can look at a genre that includes Final Fantasy XII, Valkyrie Profile 2, Dragon Quarter, Riviera, Shadow Hearts Covenant, Dragon Quest VIII, Grandia II, Nocturne, and P3 and fail to see an incredibly diverse genre is insane.


ethelred said:
Turn-based and random encounters are awesome. I hope they never go away.

lol I actually want that to be true...All the different types of encounters in turn based and action rpg's have their own place in the genre. And I still wish FF had not made that leap from turn based to...whatever you call the FFXII/Kotor style fight system. Was hoping for an even more refined FFX turn based battle system.

Probably too far of a stretch to hope that FFXIII returns to a turn based system. But at least SMT, Mistwalker games (so far seems like it anyway), and Dragon Quest will keep turn based rpgs around.

And Grandia if another is made.


Himuro said:

Hahaha! Nice one man. Plenty to tuck into with LO that's for sure.


Skilletor said:
/ignores reviews and complaints about a genre I love and, as such, knows what they're getting into with their purchase.

Bought first day!

Yeah good call. No way am I going to let some nitpicky reviews ruin this game for me.


Himuro said:
The hilarious thing about about the anti-traditional rpg people is that they don't realize the amount of variety in the jrpg genre. Almost every notable jrpg these days is completely different from the next. On the other hand, almost every fps' is practically the same.
I fully agree with this, but I'd still like RPGs to stop using random encounters altogether. I'm convinced they are simply a relic of technical limitations. Turn based systems are perfectly fine as long as they are not so "traditional" and slow as to bore me to tears (ie. DQ8).

Anyway, my (asian) copy of LO should arrive any day, and I'm looking forward to see if it can dethrone my favourite this-gen JRPG so far.
Day 1. first JRPG since Final fantasy

Kinda been itchin to play one, and its being released on my birthday, so i will be buying myself a birthday present.


Good thing the Official Thread banner was changed. After looking at the Turok thread, I went here immediately to make fun and was surprised that the sad first banner was removed. Good job. :D


9/10 NeoGAFfers don't understand statistics. The other 3/10 don't care.
Strider2K99 said:
The only thing that I'm disappointed is that, once again, we don't get the awesome Japanese boxart.

Region Free for the win! err well for Europe anyway.

Whats the case like for the USA version, do they stack all 4 DVD's or does it come with the awesome 4 slot case?
Himuro said:
The hilarious thing about about the anti-traditional rpg people is that they don't realize the amount of variety in the jrpg genre. Almost every notable jrpg these days is completely different from the next. On the other hand, almost every fps' is practically the same.

The hilarious thing about about the anti-traditional FPS people is that they don't realize the amount of variety in the FPS genre. Almost every notable FPS these days is completely different from the next. On the other hand, almost every FPS troll is practically the same.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Pre-ordered on Monday to get the bonus content... can't wait! Though I should go and hurry up and finish Eternal Sonata first...

I haven't seen the commercial yet, is it the full 1 and a half min commercial from the Xbox site, or are they pieces of it?


I think my wife is getting this for me for Valentines Day. I can't wait. I need to hurry and beat the last dungeon on BD now.


Did the whole pre-order thing a few days ago. About to beat Ar Tonelico so that frees me up to focus on this game when it finally comes out.

Excited. Can't wait!
Himuro said:
The hilarious thing about about the anti-traditional rpg people is that they don't realize the amount of variety in the jrpg genre. Almost every notable jrpg these days is completely different from the next.

Agreed 100%.

Himuro said:
On the other hand, almost every fps' is practically the same.

No. I don't like FPSs, but I still know there are significant differences between Doom 3, Halo 3, Half-Life 2, etc.
Fantastic official thread, Rahxephon91!

I'm scared to look at the achievements for fear of spoiling something, so can someone tell me if we get more of the same Blue Dragon-esque achievements that require foreknowledge of something coming up so that you can get the achievement?

Things like "Catalog every monster" and that sort of thing. I'm hoping LO has mostly game progression achievements.


Eeny Meenie Penis
Awsome that this game seems to be getting more air time from MS.

I've kept myself from viewing any movies and screens so that when I play it it will be as fresh as possible. I want this game BAD.:lol


9/10 NeoGAFfers don't understand statistics. The other 3/10 don't care.
Wollan said:
How often do the random encounters happen? (comparisons?)

I've played about 7 hours so far, and random encounters are very low.


Phthisis said:
Part of me died when Nautilus was dissolved and I found out there would be no more Shadow Hearts games. That piece of me sprang to life when it was discovered that Lost Odyssey basically hired the Shadow Hearts development team. As the best RPG series on the PS2, I have high hopes for Lost Odyssey.

Damn you. Ok, how much of the Shadow Hearts team? If we're talking Shadow Hearts 1 or 2, I'm sold. Shadow Hearts 3, I'm backing the hell off!

Ha, I was going to pass on this game, but seeing SH2 is my favorite RPG on PS2, now I have to consider LO.
supercake said:
Damn you. Ok, how much of the Shadow Hearts team? If we're talking Shadow Hearts 1 or 2, I'm sold. Shadow Hearts 3, I'm backing the hell off!

Ha, I was going to pass on this game, but seeing SH2 is my favorite RPG on PS2, now I have to consider LO.

It's most of the team, 40-60 people if I recall (duckroll knows this perfectly). The only notable person missing--to me--is Yoshitaka Hirota, who did the music for all three Shadow Hearts games. Still, Uematsu's score sounds ace.


IGN said:
The four discs will last you anywhere from 35-50 hours, depending on your thoroughness.

Hmm, I was definitely expecting more. Ah well, still can't wait to try this mother out.


FateBreaker said:
It's most of the team, 40-60 people if I recall (duckroll knows this perfectly). The only notable person missing--to me--is Yoshitaka Hirota, who did the music for all three Shadow Hearts games. Still, Uematsu's score sounds ace.

Sounds good. Thanks.
I'm glad to hear about the great environment design. Setting is very important to me in RPGs. I can sometimes forgive a boring story, or flat characters, or uninteresting battle and character building systems. But if an RPG's world is one I don't end up wanting to spend time in, I lose interest fast.


chaostrophy said:
I'm glad to hear about the great environment design. Setting is very important to me in RPGs. I can sometimes forgive a boring story, or flat characters, or uninteresting battle and character building systems. But if an RPG's world is one I don't end up wanting to spend time in, I lose interest fast.

Yea, that is really great to hear. A great setting is a big part of what pulls me in RPGs.
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