Himuro said:The hilarious thing about about the anti-traditional rpg people is that they don't realize the amount of variety in the jrpg genre. Almost every notable jrpg these days is completely different from the next. On the other hand, almost every fps' is practically the same.
chaostrophy said:I'm glad to hear about the great environment design. Setting is very important to me in RPGs. I can sometimes forgive a boring story, or flat characters, or uninteresting battle and character building systems. But if an RPG's world is one I don't end up wanting to spend time in, I lose interest fast.
Himuro said:I was just using an extreme example since others want to use extremes when it comes to jrpgs. There's a considerable difference between Portal, Half Life 2, and Team Fortress 2, the Doom's, the Halo's. Still, the jrpg genre is much more varied than pretty much any genre out there.
replayy said:Just ordered the asian version. Can't wait, i've been looking forward to this since I got my 360.
FateBreaker said:I find it amusing that people can't just wait one week for the US version. :lol Oh well, a purchase is a purchase.
replayy said:I don't think the US version would work on my PAL 360![]()
clashfan said:When does LO come out in PAL countries?
Several days ago, in Asia.clashfan said:When does LO come out in PAL countries?
Surfheart said:Is anyone with the game struggling with the difficulty of the boss encounters?
I got through theafter a few attempts, but the second bossfirst boss, the griffon type thingis nailing me. I've had so many goes at it that I'm nearly at the point where I'm just going to shelve the game and never go back to it.the worm
I don't want to "grind" I think that is an incredibly poor game design.
It just seems totally unbalanced. You have trivial encounter after trivial encounter and then bam, uber boss and 2 hours or hair pulling retries later I'm ejecting the disk.
Am I doing something wrong? Any strategies? I think my party are around level 14 or 15.
Kingpen said:Ouch... Gamespy gave it a 2.5 / 5
Gamespy. :lolKingpen said:Ouch... Gamespy gave it a 2.5 / 5
Kingpen said:Ouch... Gamespy gave it a 2.5 / 5
deadairis said:Like I said -- really disappointed in LO. Not a terrible game, but they played it about a decade too safe with the gameplay.
Are these not the DLC that's currently free in Japan?Kadey said:So the only way to get those two bonus items is to preorder?
Teknoman said:Im curious, what did Blue Dragon do better than Lost Odyssey?
deadairis said:Competence beyond the core design. I wasn't a huge fan of Blue Dragon, but it was utterly competent beyond just balancing hit points, magic points, damage output, and encounter timing.
And although it took more than a dozen hours, Blue Dragon did eventually start demanding something a bit more difficult than balancing a spreadsheet in combat.
xir said:
clashfan said:When does LO come out in PAL countries?
xir said:
Alex said:Where were all of the anti-turn based and classical people when Dragon Quest VIII came out? I remember certain people humping that and dropping 9's on it like no tommorow. It's a glorious game, DW1 was like my second or third game as a kid altogether and it's what got me into the genre, but it's hardly a tour de force of anything but a ton of hyper polished archaic conventions for genre nerds.
Granted, I really know betetr than to read reviews period, let alone RPG reviews from mainstream US pubs, but still
Also, I am a cult Suikoden fan, and I recall Suikoden V getting a near perfect score on Gamesspy, since that was posted... I'm not arguing quality, as I haven't played LO, but Suikoden V is a love song to Suikoden II, and thus is absurdly rooted in it's glorious classical nature. Different reviewers probably, I'm sure, but it'd be nice to see sites attempt to feign consistency.
There's just absolutely no logic to RPG reviews here in the west some times. It's like a bunch of this shit gets by on writers vying for some awkward internet cred on things like SMT and DQ.
Either that or they just wore all their 8-10 stamps out on the fucking eighty four million FPS's last year, most of which, gasp, play like they're ten years old!
FrenchMovieTheme said:um, a 2006 PS2 RPG plays exactly like a 2002 PS2 RPG, which plays like a 1998 square PSOne rpg. whats the fucking difference? if you like that type of game then you like it. you shouldn't have to make excuses
XHitoshuraX said:Ok...how many years ago was Suikoden V? And on what system?
This game is fantastic, dont get me wrong, but I stand by my stance that while incredible, Lost Odyssey plays like a PS2 2006 RPG.
Oh and SMT is nothing like DQ, or for the sake of argument, LO.
Ok fine, so LO plays like PSOne Square rpg? I said I enjoyed the game, an opinion on gameplay isn't an excuse darling.
Himuro said:I don't know what happened either. They loved DQVIII, DDS2, SuikoV, Persona 3, VP2...but for some reason they find games like Blue Dragon lesser quality. I guess it's the next gen effect.
Anyways I'm pumped for this game and it needs to come out right now. I'd love a demo.
DQVIII can get away with being turn-based because it's a DQ game
FFChris said:The difficulty, it doesn't seem that bad to me. For the second bossI've really enjoyed the difficulty of the game, not too challenging, not easy though.just attack it with its opposite element, water.
chinmonster said:Picking this up on day one... need to make room in the budget. Still just going to import the Asia version if the U.S. doesn't have a Japanese language track.
AgentOtaku said:I want the Asian version just for the boxart, but I have a US 360 =*(
here's hoping for a region free one from Playasia in the future
US version will have five vocal tracks, including Japanese.chinmonster said:Picking this up on day one... need to make room in the budget. Still just going to import the Asia version if the U.S. doesn't have a Japanese language track.
Aaron said:US version will have five vocal tracks, including Japanese.