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Official North American Lost Odyssey Thread


Disc 3 is full of awesome. Just got to camp. Should be on disc 4 sometime in next two days I guess. So far for me Disc3>Disc1>>>>Disc2.


Digital Foundry
Im amazed at how engrossed I am with this game. It's even enough to draw my away from GAF for 5+ hours - which is quite a feat.

I do, however, really wish they'd polished it up a little. It would've been perfect were it not for the framerate/v-sync issues. I've learnt to overlook it entirely, based on the merits of the story, but it's always something casual observers of the game seem to pick up on.

Does any share this sentiment? Could it be resolved (even partially) via the following?

-Patchy patch.
-Deluxe/international/special edition budget re-release with optimized frame-rate and extra dungeons, optional characters.... etc..
-PC port?
I though that the really emotional scene near the end of Disc One was a fucking masterpiece, and I'm more important than any of you, so change whatever other opinions you think you have on this issue, k thx.

Seriously, though; LO's pacing is quite impressive and I'm enjoying the hell out a game that punishes me for grinding. I think that some things sting, such as the loading in and out of everything and the mixed quality in the cut-scene animation, but overall I'm very impressed and I'm enjoy an amnesiac story that deals with it quite intelligently.

I also love the text stories. They are fundamentally a good idea and executed at a level far above what I was prepared for.


I've done a few sidequests on Disc 4 but I don't want the game to end! This is one of those games where pretty much every aspect of it just 'clicked' with me. I really hope Mistwalker get the opportunity to keep the series going.

Phthisis said:
I found Queen Trooky and I have the Trooky Talisman. I talked to her twice and she runs away. What now?
You need to get another Trooky to steal it from you first.


Wow, the
Temple of Enlightenment
is insane! Is ~level 48 too low? With random battles this tough, I hate to think what the boss is going to be like!

Phthisis said:
Do they appear in that dungeon as enemies or what?
Yep. Although I noticed they had more of a tendency to appear in the beginning part of the level, just outside the temple.


Junior Member
help needed!

can someone tell me the exact location of Sarah's Gift (last hidden treasure), it's supposed to be in the old mansion courtyard but i can't find it no matter what :(


McDragon said:
help needed!

can someone tell me the exact location of Sarah's Gift (last hidden treasure), it's supposed to be in the old mansion courtyard but i can't find it no matter what :(
I must have searched every inch of that freaking courtyard looking for that :D

You need the level 2 treasure finder thingy to make it appear. You'll get that later in the game, so come back then.


elbkhm said:
I must have searched every inch of that freaking courtyard looking for that :D

You need the level 2 treasure finder thingy to make it appear. You'll get that later in the game, so come back then.
Ooh FFS I had the same exact problem. After searching for around 15-20 minutes with tons of random encounters I just gave up. Thanks. :lol


Junior Member

i spent 2 fucking hours wondering there lol.

oh well, at least most of my skills are maxed now, thanks elbkhm.
I have now 100% stopped reading the 1000 year dreams. They're awesome initially, but now it's at the point where I feel like they're too long and I just want to play some videogames. I'll definitely buy a book of them though if it ever hits the States.


chinmonster said:
I have now 100% stopped reading the 1000 year dreams. They're awesome initially, but now it's at the point where I feel like they're too long and I just want to play some videogames. I'll definitely buy a book of them though if it ever hits the States.

I semi-agree with this. I was enjoying them, but now I just want to play, on the other hand I cannot go back and read like 4-5 in a row. I haven't stopped but I'm not enjoying them nearly as much.

I at least mash "A" through the ones that give you treasure hunting clues and always read seth's
Amon37 said:
I semi-agree with this. I was enjoying them, but now I just want to play, on the other hand I cannot go back and read like 4-5 in a row. I haven't stopped but I'm not enjoying them nearly as much.

I at least mash "A" through the ones that give you treasure hunting clues and always read seth's

You can press start and skip them, and you till get the
treasure hunting clues.


I finally beat this game, I had to do all the sidequests and get all the weapons before I went on to beating the game. Great game, although I thought the ending was a little weak.
Lost Odyssey seems incredible. I have only played it for approx. 5 hours, but I like everything about it so far. The battle-system is old-fashioned, but lovely, the graphics are great, the world- and character-designs are even better, and the soundtrack is amazing. Thank you, Nobuo. :)

Can't wait to play more!


Has anyone had any problems with the game freezing on them? I'm at the very tail end of the game on disc four,
climbing the Grand Staff through the elevators to fight Gongora's sorcerers.

I restarted from my last save after it froze at the loading screen and it happened at the exact same spot again. The disc looks good enough, doesn't help that it came in the paper sleeve though.


Junior Member
mjc said:
Has anyone had any problems with the game freezing on them? I'm at the very tail end of the game on disc four,
climbing the Grand Staff through the elevators to fight Gongora's sorcerers.

I restarted from my last save after it froze at the loading screen and it happened at the exact same spot again. The disc looks good enough, doesn't help that it came in the paper sleeve though.

good luck.


Synless said:
I finally beat this game, I had to do all the sidequests and get all the weapons before I went on to beating the game. Great game, although I thought the ending was a little weak.

Same here I did all the sidequests and such and I also didn't think the ending was that great, especially being as long as it was.


Running off of Custom Firmware
I MUST be getting to the end of the first disc by now, no? 11 slot seeds, 42 seeds, 14 or 15 dreams, 4 party members, tons and tons of skills mastered, and a surprisingly plot-twisty funeral out of the way.

That introduction and death made for a pretty damn good plot twist, but I'll be damned if the flower/branch fetching and subsequent fire dance mini game didn't completely and utterly ruin the mood and moment.

Anywho, Crimson Forest's next. With 21 hours on the clock and guys at level 24 or so, I can't help but feel that I've been grinding a bit too much.



Don't grind too much as you did the same with FFXII and we know how that ended up... or maybe I'm thinking someone else.
When I first saw Ming, I was really hoping that she'd use those daggers that she wears at her side. Would have made for a more interesting character to have instead of being a boring mage. The lack of weapon variety for the melee folks is also pretty annoying. I was hoping for at least one spear or axe wielder.


I don't know if this game is for me.

I used to love JRPG's back in the SNES and PSX days, but I didn't really like DQ8, or FFX, orBlue Dragon. I did like FFXII quite a bit though. Think I'd like it? I think it's feminine male leadsabd terribly linear city, dungeon, city, dungeon that get to me. Also grinding > tactics sucks.


JavaMava said:
I don't know if this game is for me.

I used to love JRPG's back in the SNES and PSX days, but I didn't really like DQ8, or FFX, orBlue Dragon. I did like FFXII quite a bit though. Think I'd like it? I think it's feminine male leadsabd terribly linear city, dungeon, city, dungeon that get to me. Also grinding > tactics sucks.

What? This game is tactics over grinding more than most JRPGs. And Kaim feminine? Er...

Anyway, can anyone help me with the trooky thing on disc 4? They won't show up in battle. What the hell am I supposed to do?


Junior Member
Jamesfrom818 said:
When I first saw Ming, I was really hoping that she'd use those daggers that she wears at her side. Would have made for a more interesting character to have instead of being a boring mage. The lack of weapon variety for the melee folks is also pretty annoying. I was hoping for at least one spear or axe wielder.
Kaim was actually a spear wielder in the early screenshots but for some reason, they changed it.


(unless this is still in because i haven't beat the game yet)


I haven't read a single post in this thread (way too many) but im 70ish hours into this game and absolutely love it. It is easily the best RPG on the 360 and one of the best RPG's in awhile.


JavaMava said:
I don't know if this game is for me.

I used to love JRPG's back in the SNES and PSX days, but I didn't really like DQ8, or FFX, orBlue Dragon. I did like FFXII quite a bit though. Think I'd like it? I think it's feminine male leadsabd terribly linear city, dungeon, city, dungeon that get to me. Also grinding > tactics sucks.
Kaim feminine? What? Just his voice alone makes him one of the most masculine leadcharacters in a jrpg ever. Also this rpg has no grinding whatsoever.
Just finished my first playthrough and... Wow. Amazing RPG. The last boss fight in particular was incredibly beautiful thanks to the music and the stage. I clocked in at around 93 hours. I did not expect LO to last me that long, and I would've spent more time in the game had I devoted myself to doing every sidequest. There's still so much I've left to do, to boot. Dreams, treasures, finding all the spells...

Freakin' awesome game. :D


So after 60+ hours in the game, I've thrown the towel for at least a month or something. I've done the majority of sidequests, and I'm in no particular hurry to finish the game. I may not even finish it later, but it was some good fun.
I'm right at the end of disc 3 and still enjoying the game quite a bit. Sed is such a bad ass, and his voice actor is great too. It's odd, I feel like the game is only middling to decent in almost every aspect, but it still manages to be really enjoyable. I guess it's greater than the sum of its parts. I can't wait to get to disc 4 and start power leveling and doing sub-quests. :D


I'm on disc 4 now. Is there anywhere thats good to level up after lvl 50?
Gongora's cave
kinda tapers off around 50 and it's getting harder to lvl there, unless I'm missing something?


The Inside Track
Otheradam said:
I'm on disc 4 now. Is there anywhere thats good to level up after lvl 50?
Gongora's cave
kinda tapers off around 50 and it's getting harder to lvl there, unless I'm missing something?
Temple of Enlightenment, outside you have some nice battles with about 8 enemies at a time that will get you to 60 IIRC, and inside black/hellish kelolons have no level cap
CowboyAstronaut said:
What is more sad is that same guy gave Eternal Sonata a much better review score than Lost Odyssey. :lol

Is this honestly how the "pros" review games?
A lot of the so called pros are just biased or fanboys, or both.
soco said:
a lot of times reviewers have other gamertags for reviews and previews and all of that. i know for certain that's his personal one. dunno if he uses another one for reviews though.

Yeah, the review was posted february 12th, He got the achievements on the 15th-17th.

In the end its still gamespot, so who fuckin cares?


Gold Member
Just ordered the Asian English version of this game since Pal Land got shafted with the casing like the US did. Can't wait for it to arrive :D . FFX was the last RPG I truely enjoyed.

PS, I've been looking into getting Blue Dragon... Would it be worth getting cheap considering my Favourite RPGs are FFVIII and X? (I never saw the appeal with VII and the dragon quest games)


Phthisis said:
What? This game is tactics over grinding more than most JRPGs. And Kaim feminine? Er...

Anyway, can anyone help me with the trooky thing on disc 4? They won't show up in battle. What the hell am I supposed to do?

Danielsan said:
Kaim feminine? What? Just his voice alone makes him one of the most masculine leadcharacters in a jrpg ever. Also this rpg has no grinding whatsoever.

I didn't say this game or character was any of that. I was simply explaining what I dislike in a JRPG and wondering if this one was like that or not.
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