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Official North American Lost Odyssey Thread


Running off of Custom Firmware
I have a Kelo Ring, but not a Killer Kelolong Ring. Will the Kelo Ring also increase chance to hit?

I think it's too soon for the Gamble spell. It's not in my book. I'm only in early disc 2.


Mejilan said:
I have a Kelo Ring, but not a Killer Kelolong Ring. Will the Kelo Ring also increase chance to hit?

I think it's too soon for the Gamble spell. It's not in my book. I'm only in early disc 2.

I think the ability that the Kelo rings give is called Kelolon Killer, no? In any case, they won't raise your chance to hit, but will make you do a lot of damage if you connect.

I wouldn't waste my time, though. There are going to be better Kelolons in different places that show up more frequently (Numara Atoll being one) that you can visit later.
The whole game so far is such a mixed bag for me. I think Jansen epitimizes the game for me, sometimes I love him then what potentially is a funny adult immature (the way he joins the party is quite awesome...) character is ruined by acting like a kid, see the ending of disc two
him slapping his ass ruined the scene and I don't see how anybody over the age of 5 would find it amusing.
Sakaguchi, if you freaking grow up you could easily make something amazing, why you refuse to is beyond me.


Alright, I'm screwed at about the 5 hour mark of Disc 3.

I'm on the train track as Jansen/Ming and I just found Cooke and Mack. There is a boss battle with a giant ice crab and all it does is use sheildus and All-Aquaras, which takes off 800-900 hp... the thing is, none of my characters have over 900 hp, so once it uses All-Aquaras my entire group dies... I've tried using All Sheild, but it doesn't stop A-A from taking off 800-900....

...so what the hell do I do?


Running off of Custom Firmware
Phthisis said:
I think the ability that the Kelo rings give is called Kelolon Killer, no? In any case, they won't raise your chance to hit, but will make you do a lot of damage if you connect.

I wouldn't waste my time, though. There are going to be better Kelolons in different places that show up more frequently (Numara Atoll being one) that you can visit later.

I really only want to kill one, I guess. I like to kill at least 1 of every creature in my RPGs, even if the game lacks a Monster Codex. Thanks.


Sallokin said:
The only one I'm not clear on is the floating lower level of the temple of enlightenment. What's the item there? Everything else I've done including the rolling rock in the sorcerer's temple and trading in the three tablet fragments to the artisan in Numara.
Forbidden Explosives x6... From the entrance, there's a switch on the left you need to hit twice then you can take one of the elevators down to the chest which holds this. Another often missed treasure is in the Ipsilon Mountains, from the starting point, head north to the path that goes right, there's a tree near there you can ram.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Shitcakes. I cannot find the 19th Crystal Fragment in the Crimson Forest. :/

Edit - I think I'm overdoing things if I've unlocked the 500 Perfect Strikes Achievement in late Disc 1, and the 1000 Enemies Slain Achievement in early Disc 2! :lol


manxor said:
Forbidden Explosives x6... From the entrance, there's a switch on the left you need to hit twice then you can take one of the elevators down to the chest which holds this. Another often missed treasure is in the Ipsilon Mountains, from the starting point, head north to the path that goes right, there's a tree near there you can ram.

Got both of those as well. I've beaten the game already, but that one achievement is still eluding me.

Not a Jellyfish

but I am a sheep
Aight on the 4th disk and been on it since like the first couple days it came out. I got bored with it mainly because not a lot of direction on what to do and where to go on this desk. Now I have been sucked back into Call of Duty 4. some encouragement to finish the game is all I ask.


On disc 4, just cleaning up all the side missions and extra bosses before I go on to the last area. Just topped about 50 hours.

Not perfect, it definitely has problems that all JRPGs seem to have, but it's about as good as "Final Fantasy-type" RPGs get, IMO.


Put me down as one of the people who missed a critical item. I didn't get the glasses that let you see opponents health totals.

Funny thing is, I got it the first time through, but I was over confident and didn't stagger my saves correctly. I ended up doing the whole section again and in my rush through missed them the second time through.

I'm on disk 4 now, and been back to the forest hut, but they're no longer there. :(

Great, great game though.


he's Virgin Tight™
So let's see...

I missed Turn Tails (Sed can learn this skill, but when do I get Sed? Just tell me the disc number, don't spoil =P). Some Kelonon rings (WTF does Kelonon do?). This is why I suck at JRPGs, lose a lot of important stuff then life is hell. Actually I am worried for my split party in Disc 3, since Kaim and Sarah can hold their ground, but if Cooke and Mack have to fight I will be badly owned.

Also, the Jansen-Ming heat scene was just plain awesome.

Also Dark10x... WTF ARE YOU DOING PLAYING THIS GAME? It's absolutely nowhere near 30FPS on scenes, much less 60FPS :lol :lol I thought you only played 60 FPS games
Up until disk 4, turn-tail is really not a requirement at all.

This game is pretty easygoing on the player, imo. At least, if you keep the anti-poison and anti-paralysis skill set.

I only found out about slot seeds at the end of disk 2. Oddly enough, it was the awakening bracelet (+3 slots) that made me realise that you could add slots. :lol
(yes, you can get it before disk 3. Just ask the crow at the stand in Saman for the other one. That's where I got it, but I don't know whether this is a random item)


Wow with the lots and lots and lots of things that happen on disk 3. It opens up big time.

back at frozen Gohtza
. I loled at Jansen
singing the singles
and the following scene with Ming. And Seth meeting Sed was nice too. They put a lot of effort in the facial animations work and it pays off i think.

Talking about Turn-Tails, it doesnt always work. I reached the sewers on disk 3 and found a little secret cave with just a treasure chest but the enemies there are pretty powerfull and i have died everytime i have encountered them. I tried with turn-tail to avoid the fight but it didnt work so the next time i just left the chest for a later time if its possible to go back.

Btw the cave is much bigger but unreachable from where i was. Is it avaiable to visit later?


So I almost made it through the temple of enlightenment today. Someone should have warned me that the boss in the temple is a low down cheating bastard... also there was no save before the boss so now I have to redo half the temple....
Don't know if I can be arsed to do so.


How do you use slotseeds? I think I'm gonna have to read through the manual, even though I'm already on Disc 3...
I just got out of the underwater chase scene in Sed's ship, the Nautilus. Now I'm at some Refugee camep


DarkMehm said:
Are dreams missable? I missed the 13th one and I can't go back to Numara.
Once you get past a certain part on disc 4 you can aquire all the dreams.

-Rogue5- said:
How do you use slotseeds? I think I'm gonna have to read through the manual, even though I'm already on Disc 3...
I just got out of the underwater chase scene in Sed's ship, the Nautilus. Now I'm at some Refugee camep
Uhmm you simply select them in the item menu (outside of combat) and apply them to your immortals.


there shoulda been an eccessory for no random fights like in FF8 woulda helped with exploring places where baddies are too easy for disc 4 later on.


FateBreaker said:
Did anyone else get a strong Shadow Hearts vibe in Saman? <3

Totally. Made me smile to see that influence. Also the NPC naming conventions is from SH, as are the goofy sidequests at the end of the game that unlock each character's ultimate gear/spells. And Sed's ship being called the Nautilus...well the devs who made SH were also called Nautilus. I love finding the little things they dropped into the game that clearly come from their past titles.
Relix said:
Wow I had a lot of say... was banned for 2 weeks and couldn't talk about the game :lol Haven't been bothered by loading either. Also.... WHY THE FUCK DIDN'T ANYONE TELL ME YOU COULD FLEE FROM BATTLES? I had fought every, SINGLE, battle until I accidentally hit left on the analog stick in the Attack menu and saw Equip, Formation and Flee. NEVER, NEVER did I see this. How could have equip saved me from so many nightmares.
If it makes you feel any better: I didn't realize this either until you pointed this out. :p

I had my suspicions too though, and kept wondering why the developer would include a seemingly useless status effect like Formation Paralysis.

-Rogue5- said:
Alright, I'm screwed at about the 5 hour mark of Disc 3.

I'm on the train track as Jansen/Ming and I just found Cooke and Mack. There is a boss battle with a giant ice crab and all it does is use sheildus and All-Aquaras, which takes off 800-900 hp... the thing is, none of my characters have over 900 hp, so once it uses All-Aquaras my entire group dies... I've tried using All Sheild, but it doesn't stop A-A from taking off 800-900....

...so what the hell do I do?
Try All Barricade or Barricadus instead of Shield. Shield only protects you from physical attacks, not from magic attacks like All-Aquaras. Other than that, you should just use magic attacks of your own on the boss while healing your party. Maybe even use Spirit Magic to boost your own stats. The boss doesn't have much health, so you should be done with him pretty quick if you're doing things right.

Mejilan said:
Edit - I think I'm overdoing things if I've unlocked the 500 Perfect Strikes Achievement in late Disc 1, and the 1000 Enemies Slain Achievement in early Disc 2! :lol
Indeed. I'm nearing the end of disc 3 and I don't even have those achievements yet... And I'm not exactly rushing through things either, since I'm trying to find every treasure in a dungeon before moving on.


Mejilan said:
Shitcakes. I cannot find the 19th Crystal Fragment in the Crimson Forest. :/

Edit - I think I'm overdoing things if I've unlocked the 500 Perfect Strikes Achievement in late Disc 1, and the 1000 Enemies Slain Achievement in early Disc 2! :lol

You're craaaaaaaazy. I'm on disc 4 and still neither. :lol :lol
Another question in regards of slotseeds: Is there a point where they're dropped by rare monsters? I just got onto disk 4 and my immortals still don't have that many slots...


You can find them in a variety of places - hidden chest and underwater bubbles examinations. I got most of my slots from the Slots +5 and +10 equipment though. You also get one for each victory in the Backyard fights I think.


Junior Member
Spirit of Jazz said:
Another question in regards of slotseeds: Is there a point where they're dropped by rare monsters? I just got onto disk 4 and my immortals still don't have that many slots...
dropped? i dunno, but I've stole at least two or so.

also, there are three accessories for extra slots, +3, +5 and +10 iirc.

i only have the +5 one, it's called freedom armband, got it at disc 4 in uhra if i am not mistaken.

check gamefaqs and if you missed any, try the auction house.
Spirit of Jazz said:
Another question in regards of slotseeds: Is there a point where they're dropped by rare monsters? I just got onto disk 4 and my immortals still don't have that many slots...

Just do the sidequests, you'll be more then fine.

Without spoiling: auction house in Saman for missed items.

with spoiling:
freedom band for +5 slots in Urah, +10 slots skill from the "1000 years memory" item which you get for defeating the Holy Beast at Numara Atoll. If you missed the awakening bracelet, you should visit the auction house.

You'll also get a lot of slot seeds from doing the backyard battles in Low Town and getting three stars for the battles (talk to gossip guy there for hints on this).


Made it to Disc 4!!! For those who've played it, is it shorter than the other 3 (which took about 10hours each)?

... Oh, I haven't used any Slot Seeds yet (I have 17.) Should I just make one guy with a dozen slots, or should I distribute them as evenly as possible across all the immortals?


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
-Rogue5- said:
Made it to Disc 4!!! For those who've played it, is it shorter than the other 3 (which took about 10hours each)?

... Oh, I haven't used any Slot Seeds yet (I have 17.) Should I just make one guy with a dozen slots, or should I distribute them as evenly as possible across all the immortals?
I feel as if I've rushed through the game, unfortunately. I'm now taking my time and doing all kinds of side quests, but it took me only 25 hours to reach disc 4. :\


Beat the boss in the temple of enlightenment. Had to teach all spellcasters double cast but after that it was a cakewalk. :D
Almost at 59 hours. I might try to achieve 3 stars on all the backyard fights and then I'll probably just finish it. Some of the achievements are a bit to much work for my taste (like teaching ever skill in the game to every immortal).
-Rogue5- said:
Made it to Disc 4!!! For those who've played it, is it shorter than the other 3 (which took about 10hours each)?

... Oh, I haven't used any Slot Seeds yet (I have 17.) Should I just make one guy with a dozen slots, or should I distribute them as evenly as possible across all the immortals?
It's about the same time frame give or take. I hit Disc 4 at 30 hours and now I'm at 72 from all the side quests and level/skill grinding. I'm gonna do the skill master achievement later. It's time to beat this awesome game.


9/10 NeoGAFfers don't understand statistics. The other 3/10 don't care.
I've hit disc 4, going to take a break to play a few others games.


Deacan said:
I've hit disc 4, going to take a break to play a few others games.

I kind of just want to be done with this game. Is double cast what I think it is? I know Sed has double gold, double item, but who has double cast (and at what level)?

I got Seth to learn a bunch of cool stuff from Sed and Tolten -- persistence, auto-sheild, auto-barricade -- and I'll probably do the same for my other immortals. Does persistence maintain the 1hp, or does it only lower you to 1hp once and then if you don't heal and get hit again, you die? I seem to recall Tolten getting rocked a bunch of times when he only had 1hp and he didn't go down. If that's the case though, the rest of the game should be easy-peasy as your squad couldn't die.


-Rogue5- said:
I kind of just want to be done with this game. Is double cast what I think it is? I know Sed has double gold, double item, but who has double cast (and at what level)?

I got Seth to learn a bunch of cool stuff from Sed and Tolten -- persistence, auto-sheild, auto-barricade -- and I'll probably do the same for my other immortals. Does persistence maintain the 1hp, or does it only lower you to 1hp once and then if you don't heal and get hit again, you die? I seem to recall Tolten getting rocked a bunch of times when he only had 1hp and he didn't go down. If that's the case though, the rest of the game should be easy-peasy as your squad couldn't die.
Double cast is probably what you think it is. It allows you to cast magic twice in a row. I believe Jansen learns it at lvl52.


DevelopmentArrested said:
Just finished Disc 1.. does the game get better as it goes along? I like it, but so many other games out there right now. (Smash)
IMO the story peaked at the end of disc 1 (really dissapointing because it was so good). Gameplay gets really good on disc 3 and peaks at disc 4 (if you like exploring and doing sidequests).


Disc 4 is friggen hard. I'm getting raped in the Ancient Ruins by random groups of guys... I'm running out of steam for this game and Chains of Olympus and Beyond Good & Evil are looking really tempting right now.
Is it me, or are Dreams really hard to find on Disc 3? I don't think I encountered one of those yet. Hints for treasure also seem rare, since I've only received one.


Fair-weather, with pride!
Disc 1 was my favourite actually. I've made it about half way through disc 4 now and that's about as far as I'll get. I'll probably actually write a detailed review later but it just goes on to be so disappointing. The battle system really begins to break down as the battles get hard at the end of the game. Still great just not what it could be.

Also I'm currently having more fun playing Digimon Story DS, so take that for what you will. Obviously Smash is the big thing now for a couple weeks though. I'll come back to it after March cools down.


Phthisis said:
Did you get all the invisible chests? Once you complete the cubic music score sidequest, you get the Sunderch Glasses, which allow you to see invisible chests. There's 10 of them scattered throughout the world. I know one is out front of the mansion and one is at the northern cape. To find the rest you either need to look in the guide or at a FAQ.
But, so far, I've found 11. Where did you get that number from?
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