donny2112 said:
First, excluding a significant gaming group as applying to the Wii automatically makes your attempts at verbiage change incorrect.
But I've already stated that's not what I'm doing. Just as you admit the Wii has a lot of "casual" games but also has "core" games, I'm saying the Wii has a virtual lock on women, children and the elderly, but also has males, age 16-30.
With that out of the way, KISS.
I had considered this, but I don't think it applies. It
would apply if the terms "core" and "casual" had were well understood and clearly denoted, but they're not. Many arguments about Wii and "core" games break down rapidly as people insist that Madden is a core game, or Mario isn't now but it used to be, etc. etc. I would argue that 6-7 clear and well defined labels are in fact simpler than 2 labels with nebulous and controversial definitions.
Also, the labels apply to the games, not the people playing them.
Which seems to reinforce my point, not detract from it. Surely as sales agers we're more interested in who than what?
I have put 70+ clocked hours into Fire Emblem Wii (which as anyone who plays Fire Emblem knows translates to 100+ real hours), and really like Wii Fit, Wii Sports,
and Wii Play. I am not a kid, old (by your definition), or a woman. I am also not alone.
This really needs to be stressed, Donny: I am
not excluding 16-30 year old males from liking the Wii or enjoying Wii Fit. These are general trends, and demographic breakdowns are inherenly lacking absolutes. Golf, for example, is a sport that is unquestionably dominated by middle aged white men. As a rather ardent fan of the sport, every demographic breakdown I've ever seen tilts heavily in that direction (As in, more than 66% of all players are men ages 30-55 and are caucasian). That doesn't mean that I can't play, even though I'm not part of that demographic. It doesn't make my choice bad any more than it's bad to like a "casual" game even if I'm a "core" gamer.
Similarly, I would state that Wii Fit tilts much more heavily towards the female, age 40+ demographic than nearly any other video games available on consoles today -- in this case, I have no concrete data to support this, but I'll assume you'll agree. That doesn't mean you can't enjoy it, or that you are effeminate for doing so, or anything of that nature. It's simply statistics.
It simply defines the general audience of the game, which is useful information for someone trying to analyze the video game industry. Surely it helps to know who is buying what?