Shogmaster said:
Are you fucking serious? All you do is play games yet you ruled out the DLP over the LCD because of the rainbow effect and "motion sickness"?!? If you did that after doing a side by side of the two sets, then you need a set of new glasses, or just get a 27" bowed out old RCA with coax input and call it a day.
Rainbow effect.... seriously, what a mountain out of mole hill issue against DLP. It's pretty much only legitimate purpose IMO, is to be used by the LCD projection whores in the Hi-Def forums to flame against the DLP. The only time I notice the rainbow effect is when you look for it on purpose (you have to bob your head around like an idiot), or you play DDR on a DLP set.
And motion sickness? MOTION SICKNESS? What's that got to do with DLP v LCD projection?!? Oh wait, I get it..... Because Grand Wega is so blurry compared to the DLP that it masks any chance of motion sickness from someone who's susceptible. LOL
Yes I'm fucking serious. If I'm going to drop 3 grand on a TV, I'm going to do a ton of research on it and these two problems came up numerous times. The rainbow effect isn't as much of a concern as the motion sickness issue. I'm playing games, DVDs, and a ton of TV, just not HD signals as far as TV is concerned at this point. There's no way in hell I'm dropping 3 grand on a TV that my g/f won't be able to watch because she gets motion sickness from it. The motionsickness doesn't have to do with blurryness or clearity of picture, it's how the colors are displayed. Heck you even raised an issue I didn't know, DDR will be played on this TV quite often since she loves DDR. So thanks again for helping me decide against the Sammy DLP. If it were me alone, ya I would probably still have it as a consideration, but come on the Sony LCD GrandWega isn't a slouch, it seems to be highly recommended even against the Sammy DLP. Let's not be stupid here, these are real concerns, and I'm not going to take the risk in dropping that much money, especially when part of the money is hers too and she's going to be using the TV just as much as me. It's just too risky with that kind of cash with a Sony GrandWega being just as good of a TV.
Klee: I've viewed both, both look nice to me. She's viewed both, but again there's just no way I can convince her to sit in front of a TV in a store for at least 30 min, and have her watch the TV the entire time. She'll get bored, her mind will wonder, and it would just be a pointless test. Also if I'm not mistaken, doesn't SD look better on the GrandWega over the Sammy?