Jesiatha said:Why does it matter if it is one way or not? Both are offerings that will enhance your entertainment experience. Very different routes to the same end result (you pay money to entertain yourself).
I would guess that as cable TV got popular, people bought less board games. Cable and board games are completely different things, but they are both competing for discretionary entertainment dollar.
Sure, but weren't all those services initially restricted to one market (at least HBO & AOL) while XBox Live launched in some 24 nations within a year? The comparison just seems a bit off, especially considering release timeframes (how old is HBO exactly) and intended markets... tivo seems like the only real close comparison.BeOnEdge said:the hbo, tivo and aol comparisons come from the fact that it took longer for those services tio hit 1 million users.
DarienA said:You know Sony tried this same line talking about how the amount of people playing SOCOM and such were actually affecting the ratings that shows get during the week because they are competing for the folks.
I didn't buy when they said it then and I don't buy it now.... you can have a TV in alot more places in this country than you can have broadband service.
DaCocoBrova said:1 Million. Of which, 75,000 logged on to play in the month of May.
jarrod said:Live also grew faster than broadcast television itself... gee, why didn't Microsoft include that one?
Fine then, cable television.Jesiatha said:...because the comparison was with other subscription services?
Jesiatha said:The difference is that MS isn't comparing the current usage of TV and of Live. They're saying that Live is growing faster than those services did. A year and a half into the existence of HBO, it probably didn't have much effect on network viewer numbers.
I think most people would agree that video games as a whole are having an effect on TV viewership. If Live continues to grow faster than HBO, it will be taking a sizable chunk out of TV audiences, the way that HBO does now.
jarrod said:Fine then, cable television.
DarienA said:Aol launched in what...89?
HBO launched in what... 72?
At least TIVO launched in 99.
Me... just me...I simply can't see the logic in comparing yourself to a service that launched in such different times.... and Be stop being a f'n baby... nobody said the numbers the released aren't impressive... they are... I just think the comparisons are weird ones. I would have thought they'd take this opp to compare themselves to competition right in the VG industry.
jarrod said:A significant amount of consumers... yet. 4 million in an 100+ million industry isn't something to get up in arms over.
Nokia sold 1 million N-Gages. SNK sold 2 million NGPCs. Apple sold 3 million iPods. Sure it's a decent milestone on it's own, my response however was in regard to Iwata's view on exactly how important online is currently to the entire marlket at large (which is not very). Looking at the raw numbers, I think he's justified.jedimike said:I'm sure any manufacturer/publisher/developer out there would be happy if they sold 1 million copies of anything... It would be nice to see how mane Gameboy Plyers got sold or even how many cables for connectivity got sold. 1 Million is a significant milestone.
robot said:any new Live games coming in the next 2 months? My headset is dusty.
"The 15 cities around the world with the most Xbox Live members, according to Microsoft, areTokyo; London; Houston; Chicago; Toronto; San Diego; New York; Brooklyn, N.Y.; Los Angeles; Miami; Seattle; Calgary, Alberta, Canada; San Antonio; Las Vegas; and Seoul, Korea
DarienA said:Aol launched in what...89?
HBO launched in what... 72?
At least TIVO launched in 99.
Me... just me...I simply can't see the logic in comparing yourself to a service that launched in such different times.... and Be stop being a f'n baby... nobody said the numbers the released aren't impressive... they are... I just think the comparisons are weird ones. I would have thought they'd take this opp to compare themselves to competition right in the VG industry.
BeOnEdge said:stop crying.
and as far as the price for subscription, if has nothing to do with price. the comparison is that they are leisure subscriptions. as i said earlier, they are luxury services. doesnt matter when they launched or how much they cost. they are items people buy with their extra money for entertainment.
It was DaCocoaBrava, not Daxtor Too (unless the former got his information from the latter, in which case I wasn't aware of it).sonycowboy said:If you're relying on Daxter too for reliable data, I feel sorry for you. Not saying it's not true, but take his comments with a grain of salt.
isamu said:One million 'eh? Well I predict that number will double to two million when Halo 2, Madden and Burnout 3 come out. And you know this....maaaan!
DarienA said:So like your posts logic never played a part in their choices... got ya.
BeOnEdge said:just admit you're upset because your beloved EA has jumped in bed with M$ and sony's online "service" is pretty shameful.
So am I, but we will never knowMeier said:I'm curious how many of these are from the free trials.
Don't assume everyone's mind operates like yours, BOE.BeOnEdge said:just admit you're upset because your beloved EA has jumped in bed with M$ and sony's online "service" is pretty shameful.
BeOnEdge said:just admit you're upset because your beloved EA has jumped in bed with M$ and sony's online "service" is pretty shameful.
Meier said:I'm curious how many of these are from the free trials.
jedimike said:None... at the end of December XBL subscribers were over 750K. Robbie Bach specifically pointed out that that didn't include free trials... only current paying subscribers.
At E3, at the MS press conference they said they had over a million XBL users (not subscribers)...
Suikoguy said:Err, now i'm confused
If they had a million at E3, then what the heck is THIS million?
BeOnEdge said:just admit you're upset because your beloved EA has jumped in bed with M$ and sony's online "service" is pretty shameful.
jedimike said:One million users= means free trials included... basically one million active accounts
One million subscribers = current paying customers
"Microsoft announced on Thursday that it now has more than a million subscribers for Xbox Live"
DJ Demon J said:But Iwata said consumers don't want online games!
Bluemercury said:Well it seems only the more "true gamers" seems to want to pay for online games, 1 million out of what 16/17 million of xbox owners, thats hardly anything.....
Too bad their cutting off said userbase with XBox incompatability in Xenon...Prine said:You speak as if every Xbox owner has access to broadband. 1 million subscribers is a lot. Going into next gen, MS have already established a decent size userbase of online gamers. Huge advantage for them.
And its only going to grow
Links?jedimike said:None... at the end of December XBL subscribers were over 750K. Robbie Bach specifically pointed out that that didn't include free trials... only current paying subscribers.
At E3, at the MS press conference they said they had over a million XBL users (not subscribers)...
jarrod said:Too bad their cutting off said userbase with XBox incompatability in Xenon...
jedimike said:One million subscribers = current paying customers
Bluemercury said:Well it seems only the more "true gamers" seems to want to pay for online games, 1 million out of what 16/17 million of xbox owners, thats hardly anything.....