I really liked the part where Boros is going on an on about how badass his species is and Saitama is just like "shut the fuck up" and the music goes completely silent <3
I also really liked it when the OP song played during the second part of the fight. Inset songs in battles are always hype <3
The bit where Saitama was speed walking backwards nearly killed me. I dunno why but it was so telling of how that fight was going to go (if you didn't already know).
Yeah that was an improvement IMO
I also really liked it when the OP song played during the second part of the fight. Inset songs in battles are always hype <3
The translation didn't quite highlight how little effort Saitama put into that fight, but the voice actors and animation team made up for it. With all of Boros' speed, Saitama was just casually stepping back and still keeping up:
It's funny how the reactions to that fight here mirror Boros'. So much excitement and fist pumping. Yet we're given a glimpse at Saitama probably at his most depressed and let down in the entire series.
The bit where Saitama was speed walking backwards nearly killed me. I dunno why but it was so telling of how that fight was going to go (if you didn't already know).
Lock Murata up in a dungeon and make him draw faster so they can animate it. I need more of this hot fire.

One change in the anime I really liked is removing all the dialogue from the moon sequence. The manga has Saitama thinking to himself a bit before he makes the jump back, but I thought the total silence of space was a better fit.
Yeah that was an improvement IMO