Well now that it's done we need to have a discussion:
Well now that it's done we need to have a discussion:
Superman or Saitama?
Well now that it's done we need to have a discussion:
Superman or Saitama?
Anyone who has read up to ONE's version knows this is hilariously untrue.While Saitama is clearly OP in his own universe, he doesn't stack up too high in western comic book universes. Although we haven't really seen what Saitama going all-out looks like, so that could change.
I'd put Saitama somewhere around a full-power Hulk. He's faster than the Hulk, but doesn't have the healing factor. Very strong a durable, but couldn't hack it against western heroes like Superman or Flash, who can move around at light speed (or faster) and move planets and totally ridiculous shit like that.
Saitama vs discussions can't really take place because he has no known limit as of now
Anyone who has read up to ONE's version knows this is hilariously untrue.
Saitama is much, much faster than Superman and could easily hang with the Flash.
Just stop, never ever try to make a serious and a gag character compete. It never works, and should never be thought about.
I have read ONE's version, and Saitama can't hang with the Flash. The Flash outran instantaneous teleportation.
I have read ONE's version, and Saitama can't hang with the Flash. The Flash outran instantaneous teleportation.
Any translations of this image posted on One's twitter?
NoWell now that it's done we need to have a discussion:
Superman or Saitama?
Silver Age Supes vs. Saitama is a fair fight, because Silver Age Supes is effectively a reality warper who gets powers as the plot demands.
Any other incarnation, Saitama does what he does. Because he's a gag character, you guys.
While Saitama is clearly OP in his own universe, he doesn't stack up too high in western comic book universes. Although we haven't really seen what Saitama going all-out looks like, so that could change.
I'd put Saitama somewhere around a full-power Hulk. He's faster than the Hulk, but doesn't have the healing factor. Very strong a durable, but couldn't hack it against western heroes like Superman or Flash, who can move around at light speed (or faster) and move planets and totally ridiculous shit like that.
Google says 1.3 seconds.Saitama jumped from the moon back to Earth in an instant. Light takes 7 minutes (I think?) to travel from the moon to Earth. That is MUCH faster than the speed of light.
Saitama jumped from the moon back to Earth in an instant. Light takes 7 minutes (I think?) to travel from the moon to Earth. That is MUCH faster than the speed of light.
Eh, is Saitama a gag character, though? His powers don't change for the plot or for the humor. Being practically invincible doesn't make him a gag character, does it? He's just super strong, fast and durable with no discernible limit. When I think of gag characters the Mask, Freakazoid and Bugs Bunny come to mind.
Well now that it's done we need to have a discussion:
Superman or Saitama?
As awesome as MadHouse's adaptation is, the manga is even better. I think you're in for a real treat.God damn that was good.
This show just makes me incredibly happy.
Think I may jump on the manga.
Google says 1.3 seconds.
Light takes 7 minutes to get from the sun to the Earth. The moon is on a 3 second delay, IIRC, so about 1.5 light seconds.
For anyone who's down about the showing being over (well for the next 1-2 years anyway) then how about you try something else which is highly regarded?
My recommendation is Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann - TV Series
I would say that the show rivals OPM in terms of power level escalation and highly detailed fights. It offers a lot more than that as well!
Eh, is Saitama a gag character, though? His powers don't change for the plot or for the humor. Being practically invincible doesn't make him a gag character, does it? He's just super strong, fast and durable with no discernible limit. When I think of gag characters the Mask, Freakazoid and Bugs Bunny come to mind.
Unrelatedly, I really enjoyed Atomic's scenes:
this was so dope. i wish Metal Bat would've had some cool scenes aside from meanmugging for the cameras.
Season 2 is going to incredible. I really hope thatthey keep the opening theme and use it during the Garou finale!
Metal Bat is getting so much attention right now in the manga I am not complaining. If S2 happens and it does not skip any content, he's going to have more than enough cool scenes.this was so dope. i wish Metal Bat would've had some cool scenes aside from meanmugging for the cameras.
when was the exact date for the announcement of this anime adaptation? just curious of the time length from announcement to release?
March 10th