How do you have an online conversation that isn't one sided? Trying to keep the convo going by yourself kinda sucks.
How do you have an online conversation that isn't one sided? Trying to keep the convo going by yourself kinda sucks.
Three dates set up this week through Tinder.
One cancels yesterday because I didn't "continue the conversation" after asking her on a date and confirming details. Okay, weird, whatever.
One cancels an hour before the date because "something came up," Yeah, uh huh, cool.
Third ghosts before we can set a time and place, even though she said she definitely wanted to go out this week.
I hate online dating so so so so so so much.
There's no avoiding that, it happens, no reason to take it personally (maybe something actually did come up or they got cold feet). Just keep at it, you'll eventually match up with someone who is interested in actually meeting up.
Deleted Bumble. It was kind of the same thing as Tinder--it just wrecks my (already incredibly low) self-esteem.
Three dates set up this week through Tinder.
One cancels yesterday because I didn't "continue the conversation" after asking her on a date and confirming details. Okay, weird, whatever.
One cancels an hour before the date because "something came up," Yeah, uh huh, cool.
Third ghosts before we can set a time and place, even though she said she definitely wanted to go out this week.
I hate online dating so so so so so so much.
Girl #1 - That's always a conundrum. If you keep the conversation going, what do you talk about on the date? But, I can understand wanting to keep in touch leading up to the date, but not over-doing it.
Girl #2 and Girl #3 - these are the things I hate about online dating. Everyone (both men, and women) think it's alright to simply flake out or completely drop a conversation. At least Girl #2 had the courtesy to tell you 'something came up' and didn't no-show on the date.
Bumble is such a stupid concept.
Guys have no incentive to NOT swipe right if it's all on the girl to message them. I know it's different because you're female and all, but from a guy's POV it sucks.
(I also live in an area where the dating pool seems to be pretty thin)
The funny thing about girl 1 is that she had the temerity to tell me that because I hadn't talked to her since we scheduled the date, the date was off, when she didn't bother even once trying to talk to me! If it is that important to keep talking before the date, then, I dunno, maybe start the conversation? How am I supposed to know that? And then she told me that I was in the wrong because her way is the normal way to do it. Ha, girl, I've been online dating for years now, there is no normal!
I don't understand that either. Even with some of my friendships, I get the "I haven't heard from you in awhile!" when I haven't heard from them in awhile either!
And yet, no one swipes right on me lol. Had it for like two months and got maybe 5 matches and they unmatched pretty quickly after lol.
Maybe they see that your profile says "friends only"?
I'm extremely late to reply to this, but I once put on a 'make your own pizza' dinner date, and it went down a treat. Provide the bases, toppings, sauces, etc and just go to town. It really was good fun, opens up a lot of discussion while making dinner (favourite foods can be discussed and teased at will), and the end result is delicious. To make it a bit fancier, buy a nice bottle of wine to wash the pizza down with.That's a fantastic idea, tho I can't cook for shit. Maybe I can suggest some joint cooking thing? Wine and dark chocolate in addition sounds great. Would it be too cheesy picking up one of those heart shaped chocolate boxes?
Three dates set up this week through Tinder.
One cancels yesterday because I didn't "continue the conversation" after asking her on a date and confirming details. Okay, weird, whatever.
One cancels an hour before the date because "something came up," Yeah, uh huh, cool.
Third ghosts before we can set a time and place, even though she said she definitely wanted to go out this week.
I hate online dating so so so so so so much.
I know dat feel bro. I even had someone who deleted me when we were almost going to meet
Must be the season or something, guess damn, stuff is boring lately. Lots of non responses or disappearing people. Maybe it'll get better in spring when everybody isn't sitting miserably at home while it's raining outside.Is anyone on OKC actually dating or what, lol?!
Bumble and tinder don't have that. Or at least, I don't fill out the "250 character" profile things they got going on lol
All based on looks right now, and I mean, I know I'm ugly, but can't even get a single dude to say hi in two months? Lol. My self-esteem can't deal.
If that's you on your avatar pic, then oh my god you are so not ugly. I really don't know the psychology behind what you're going through if you haven't received a decent message in months.
I suppose I shouldn't feel so bad then that I have had zero luck so far with Match in the last month since I subscribed. Having had zero luck with OKC for nearly a year, I decided to try Match and it's been the same old story. I have a funny description, great photos of me smiling and even wearing a tie and shit, and I write very well written and respectful messages, and still I get views but no replies.
Then again, if I may be completely honest, I would have to rank myself around a 4.5 out of 10 in the looks department. When I see photos of other guys on the site, I can almost assure myself that I am easily overlooked because I'm not very attractive. The one thing I can't do anything about happens to be an essential part of the online dating pool.![]()
Lol, the only people who have ever been interested in me are either much younger or much older, or their profile pictures are of them wearing actual fedoras.
I know I am incredibly unattractive. It still stings every time I get confirmation though. If I had any sense, I'd never leave my apartment again and shut down any and all social media, but at least it keeps me humble. If I didn't, I'd actually think I was acceptable in any way.
Make sure you ask in here about first messages--these guys can help you and you'll be getting replies in no time!
I guess we're going to just have to agree to disagree about your looks. But hey, I'm all for whatever keeps you humble! That's a good quality.
Okay, I'll try asking about first messages, which I could actually use some help with. There are a lot of profiles that are filled out with basic generalities like I like to go hiking or watch Netflix or go to the gym, etc. I know I should be asking some kind of question so they would have something to respond with. It hasn't worked though. Any further suggestions?
But it's come to a point where I don't have the confidence anymore to write anything unique like I did before. I've written long and short messages and nothing works. I keep seeing the same girls I have already sent messages to in my immediate 30 mile radius search and if none have written back, it's like there is no point to doing anything further.![]()
This is not true at all. Get a better haircut, spice up your wardrobe (get fitted clothes or whatever), ask friends for advice perhaps, then ask a friend to take photos of you (candid) when you're hanging out.Then again, if I may be completely honest, I would have to rank myself around a 4.5 out of 10 in the looks department. When I see photos of other guys on the site, I can almost assure myself that I am easily overlooked because I'm not very attractive. The one thing I can't do anything about happens to be an essential part of the online dating pool.![]()
To be honest, if you're not getting responses, it's likely the pictures. I'd suggest PM'ing them to someone for a quick critique...if you're willing, I'll give 'em a gander. You'll get the best bang for your buck in improving them.
The first message should be (1) Short, (2) Reference something from their profile so they know you've looked at it, and (3) Ask a question/Start a conversation. Too long, they just won't bother reading it. Asking a question gives them something to respond to. The reference is there to show 'em that you're not mass-messaging everyone. You should avoid referencing anything too specific, favorite movies and music included (unless they're obvious mega-fans of it)...some people completely forget what they have in their profile.
This is not true at all. Get a better haircut, spice up your wardrobe (get fitted clothes or whatever), ask friends for advice perhaps, then ask a friend to take photos of you (candid) when you're hanging out.
Clothes/hair make a massive difference in how people perceive you (and in how you perceive yourself). If you look better, YOU will see yourself as more attractive, which will in turn make you more confident.
Feel free to! I spent the past year reinventing myself physically and lemme tell you, the moment you're able to look yourself in the mirror and think "Damn, I like that!" makes it all worth it.In case I'm up for it though, I'd like to show you one or two if you don't mind!
I suppose I can try to do a bit more in those areas. It couldn't hurt! I mean I would love to be able to perceive myself in a better light first and foremost. I just wonder if that would ever translate to how others see me though. I mean it's just all a facade, right? If I had to act not myself to impress someone, I could never keep that act up in the long run. It's just not me. And the actual me is, in essence, a letdown.
Who says anything about acting? Just be yourself. BUT that doesn't mean there isn't room for improvement. Your self should not be an immalleable entity, you should also seek self-improvement (for your own sake, not for anyone else).I suppose I can try to do a bit more in those areas. It couldn't hurt! I mean I would love to be able to perceive myself in a better light first and foremost. I just wonder if that would ever translate to how others see me though. I mean it's just all a facade, right? If I had to act not myself to impress someone, I could never keep that act up in the long run. It's just not me. And the actual me is, in essence, a letdown.
So, since her interest seemss wanning despite her denying it, I downloaded Tinder again. Already doing pretty well. It's whatever, I'm pretty upset and frustrated but I'm definitely investing less into it. She can message me if she likes but I'm pulling back on this.
When you say you 'brought up exclusivity' what exactly do you mean?I brought up exclusivity really early into this, like embarrassingly early. She said she needed more time of course which is fine but she knows what I want. In anycase, things have been great from then on until about a week ago. Just a lack of effort on her end, even less affectionate when we are together. It really came out of the blue. I called her out on it on the train ride yesterday morning. She just shrugged it off. She's out of town this weekend, so I'm just going to wish her safe travels and then let her get to me whenever she feels like. I don't feel like wasting my time with someone who's suddenly not going to reciprocate my feelings.
I'm in a bind, I have been dating this girl for nearly 3 weeks and we went out 4 times but the thing she expects me to pay everytime and never offers to help.
now for date number 5, I asked her what she wanted to do and she said....... restaurant..... again
fuck me
she never invited me over yet, she never offered to cook for me yet. For date number 6, if she doesn't invite me over, I will invite her OVER to my place because I am getting tired of going out to freakin' restaurants all the time
I'm in a bind, I have been dating this girl for nearly 3 weeks and we went out 4 times but the thing she expects me to pay everytime and never offers to help.
now for date number 5, I asked her what she wanted to do and she said....... restaurant..... again
fuck me
she never invited me over yet, she never offered to cook for me yet. For date number 6, if she doesn't invite me over, I will invite her OVER to my place because I am getting tired of going out to freakin' restaurants all the time
Why wait until Date 6 if you're already upset? It's going to ruin Date 5.
If it's annoying you and you don't see it going anywhere, just break it off.I'm in a bind, I have been dating this girl for nearly 3 weeks and we went out 4 times but the thing she expects me to pay everytime and never offers to help.
now for date number 5, I asked her what she wanted to do and she said....... restaurant..... again
fuck me
she never invited me over yet, she never offered to cook for me yet. For date number 6, if she doesn't invite me over, I will invite her OVER to my place because I am getting tired of going out to freakin' restaurants all the time
I'm in a bind, I have been dating this girl for nearly 3 weeks and we went out 4 times but the thing she expects me to pay everytime and never offers to help.
now for date number 5, I asked her what she wanted to do and she said....... restaurant..... again
fuck me
she never invited me over yet, she never offered to cook for me yet. For date number 6, if she doesn't invite me over, I will invite her OVER to my place because I am getting tired of going out to freakin' restaurants all the time
The date went very well. She's into me, I'm into her. We ate at a pizza place, my friends from work invited us to a comedy club last minute, then we drank for a bit after.
I'm in a bind, I have been dating this girl for nearly 3 weeks and we went out 4 times but the thing she expects me to pay everytime and never offers to help.
congrats, i may have to get you a steam game as agreed =) glad things are going well