I live in Queens but I work in Midtown. Do most of my Tindering from work so I think I'm getting matched with girls in Manhattan for the most part.
A lot of the girls that I'm passing up just dont seem interesting or I dont find attractive since theres nothing on their profiles or they have one or two pics that do nothing for me. I tend to run a quick "would I want a relationship with this person?" as I scan their profile. And now that I think about it, its probably a ridiculous thing to do when I no next to nothing about a person lol.
Thing is, I'm looking for something a little serious so I'm not sure if Tinder is the best place for it. Maybe I should spend most of my energy on OkC?
Whats a drawing event?
I never did respond to this because I'm a terrible procrastinator. Hopefully you've gotten some dates since then! I went to this
Drink N Draw which happens every week in Bushwick. There's another one that meets once a month called Drink N Draw NYC which is more of a mentoring-like one since a bunch of aspiring/pro artists go to that one including a GAF member. Society of Illustrators also has a sketch night every Tuesday and Thursday. If you want to come out to something, check out the
NYC GAF thread which I can't plug enough!
Hey GAF, I recently made some pretty big life changes and dropped off from dating for the last few months while going through these changes-namely quitting my job to pursue acting and moving back to NJ and into my mother's house. I'm still not entirely settled in yet (don't have any kind of part time job currently, and I'm in the process of losing some weight but haven't had any real progress yet). It may just be all the extra time I've got right now, but I've had that dating itch start getting at me the last few days.
I suppose my question is, how badly are my chances of finding a date if I am currently unemployed (though I have enough money saved up right now to last me a few months without any kind of cash flow) and living in my mom's house? In my mind these are huge detriments and a major step back from where I've been before, but maybe that is just me overthinking things? Give it to me straight, GAF. Should I hold off on entering the dating scene again until I'm employed (this would only be a part time job, just enough to pay bills while I pursue acting) and moved out, or is it not as big a deal as I'm making it out to be?
As someone who's semi-employed, works gigs from time to time, and lives at home I hear you but it's not the end of world to date. I get plenty of dates easily and do things that I'm passionate about (volunteer work). My brother is unemployed and like you, he has money saved up but he's not actively dating at the moment since he's focusing on himself.
I don't think it's a big deal to be honest and even then, I don't see why there's a huge stigma with living at home in the US because in the end of the day, you're paying bills like everyone else as you mentioned above and it's not like you're sitting around doing nothing at all. As long as you get some kind of privacy and your mom doesn't mind if you bring someone over, who cares? One girl might not like it, but the next won't mind.
So I would encourage you to go for it, keep it cheap, and if asked about your employment/living situation, just state it matter-of-factly and put a positive spin about it since you do have an end goal (lose weight, get a job, save up money to eventually fly the nest again). I don't bring up living with my mom unless asked so I mention that I live with my brother (also true). The arts field is tough as someone trying to do the same so it's good to support yourself with some kind of day job while you get acting gigs on the side.
I got a date in a bit with like a legit 10/10. She's from Lithuania staying the city for the summer. Fucking nervous. She's a bit younger than me though, 21/28.
I don't see the problem with this. I just turned 28 on Sunday and have been messaging a 20 year old on OKC that's potentially leading to a date since we have a few things in common. Heck I even message older women (34 and over) because I don't care. Enjoy the ride. As always, if you make it an issue, it will be an issue.
Speaking of 20 year olds, I haven't posted in here in a while so I'll try to keep my online dating updates brief. Was supposed to go out with another 20 year old yesterday but I never heard back when I asked if still on for the night and got the impression that she was an attention whore because she sent me all these pics when I gave her my number (they weren't nude). Won't be contacting her again.
Went on another date 2 Sundays ago and wasn't feeling the girl/super invested in it so I didn't contact her again. She was cool but not really my type. Plus it was made more awkward by the fact that my older brother was at the same event with his wife/nieces and she lives across the street from him (he's moving out next month).
The only thing that seems promising was a med school girl I went on a date with 3 weeks ago and fell off with me because she was falling behind on her studies. She has a big exam today so I texted her out of the blue last night wishing her good luck and she responded warmly to it. I'm looking forward to hanging out with her again after she gets back next week.
@Zerokku, if you're comfortable, mind sharing some pics? You can use the email tags if anything. I think people on GAF downplay their looks constantly when it turns out that they're decently attractive.