So, dating this girl for 4 months now. In the beginning of the dating, she flat out asked me if we should see each other exclusively, and I said sure. Couple of days, she tells me that her ex texted her and wanted to come over to talk...said she had "unresolved feels..." Now, she's putting "non-exclusivity" on the table, along with "stay friends" and "cuss me out." Texting/talking has been sparse since she put this on me, though she keeps saying that she likes me.
The night her ex was supposed to come over, I didn't hear from her all night except for some random text saying that she had a migraine and took a nap.
What do, DatingGAF? Pls respond.
Shes not fully over her ex yo. If I was you Id start looking for some new ladies,this one seems to be playin games and ain't nobody got time for that.