are you on PS4?someone go tank plz need tank so and so go tank we need tank
(nobody stays with tank and just runs ahead as flankers and dies)
In my experience, Reinhardt is just as likely to charge in by himself and die.
Looking for people that play on PS4 late at night. 9pm central at the earliest. I am decent at best.
I play late at night probably at around 10:00 PM EDT or later.
PSN: jorgejjvr
I also usually have a full party most of the time
Level 12 and no legendary skin yet, sadface
I'm 30 and barely got any skins of any sort.
Attach yourself to a tank and hide behind themLots of teams are bad about not watching their flanks, and Mercy's are in deep shit when they see a Tracer appear. But you should always be close enough to a team member to zip over to them and make it their problem.
Also, fuck Tracer.
I'm 30 and barely got any skins of any sort.
I guess I'm not alone, then. With GAF posting pictures of double-leg boxes, I assumed people were getting one or two every 10 levels or so on average. Maybe they are and we're just outliers. idk.
I'm 30 and barely got any skins of any sort.
I broke down and bought 50 boxes.
1 legendary skin.
Never again.
I fucking hate Pharah ugh. Get the fuck out of the sky you asshole
Coming from League, this game's toxicity is some hilarious shit. Never in my life did I think that I would actually see a variation of "your favourite anime sucks" being used as a serious insult.
I fucking hate Pharah ugh. Get the fuck out of the sky you asshole
I fucking hate Pharah ugh. Get the fuck out of the sky you asshole
I think you added me, through the Google docs I'm assuming, I play around the same time usually, I'll be happy to play with you! (I won't scrub it up too much I promise)
Attach yourself to a tank and hide behind themLots of teams are bad about not watching their flanks, and Mercy's are in deep shit when they see a Tracer appear. But you should always be close enough to a team member to zip over to them and make it their problem.
Also, fuck Tracer.
I guess I'm not alone, then. With GAF posting pictures of double-leg boxes, I assumed people were getting one or two every 10 levels or so on average. Maybe they are and we're just outliers. idk.
You're not alone....
Oh wait, this is about Overwatch?
I've gotten a new skin with every loot box. Guess I'm lucky. Level 8.
I fucking hate Pharah ugh. Get the fuck out of the sky you asshole
She's a literal sitting duck when she uses her ult in the sky. It's very hard to position and almost unusable if the enemy team has a smart McCree or Widowmaker
I didn't care much for Soldier 76 during beta but I learned to really appreciate him. Pretty high damage output and good sel sustain. That makes him really a force to be reckoned with.
I'm not mad. I have a mccree with a green poncho instead of the red.I'm a little mad
What's the best strategy against bastion?
OMFG really 3 back to back games Defeat within a 1.5 minute time span
Wow, joined Numbani, 15 secs to go, Attack
Leave room, join up again Route 66, Defense, last area, 5 seconds, I spawn and get Defeat on my screen
Join up again Hollywood 20 secs Attack, Game over by the time I reach the team
Da Fuck!
I didn't care much for Soldier 76 during beta but I learned to really appreciate him. Pretty high damage output and good sel sustain. That makes him really a force to be reckoned with.
What's the best strategy against bastion?
What's the best strategy against bastion?
What's the best strategy against bastion?
Coming from League, this game's toxicity is some hilarious shit. Never in my life did I think that I would actually see a variation of "your favourite anime sucks" being used as a serious insult.
OMFG really 3 back to back games Defeat within a 1.5 minute time span
Wow, joined Numbani, 15 secs to go, Attack
Leave room, join up again Route 66, Defense, last area, 5 seconds, I spawn and get Defeat on my screen
Join up again Hollywood 20 secs Attack, Game over by the time I reach the team
Da Fuck!
I destroy him as Mei by just using my icicle and weaving in and out of a corner.
Genji reflects his shit back at him pretty hard.
Tracer can get behind him fast enough that he can't react.
Hanzo and Widowmaker can basically snipe him.
Even Phara can go airborne and clean him up before he knows whats going on.
Thanks, I really like Widowmaker so I'm going to use her against him.
What's the best strategy against bastion?
Is there anything a lone player can possibly do against a double Torbjorn double Reinhardt combo on a roof in Dorado
Is there anything a lone player can possibly do against a double Torbjorn double Reinhardt combo on a roof in Dorado