TFW you use Zarya's ult on the 2nd point on Temple of Anubis, sucks up 5 guys and the Pharoh on you're team using her ult right after for a 5 man kill
Zarya's ult so so good if you have a team which will follow it up.
TFW you use Zarya's ult on the 2nd point on Temple of Anubis, sucks up 5 guys and the Pharoh on you're team using her ult right after for a 5 man kill
I don't know what I'm doing wrong or maybe it's just bad luck, but I'm not really having fun at the moment. Losing team like 80% of the time, I feel like I only need three hits to die, while taking way too long to kill others, ...
It's annoying, but maybe I'm just not good enough yet.
For instance, as a Tracer or Reaper, you shouldn't ever be leading the team to the front lines. You should be exploring the map for loners or sneaking up behind the enemy and shooting them in the back.
guys shooting in the nearby vacinity of people isnt hitting them either, you lied to me ;_;
Im just a trah hanzo I guess (widowmaker is even worse)
edit: just got a legendary.....its currency. Legendary currency, FU BLIZZARD
oh well at least I have 1000 now for a costume
This should be read as you should be sneaking around like a little sneak fuck looking to backshoot virtuous players who have chosen to give up glory for a role as team support![]()
Mass tjorbjorn on defense is broken as fuck what the hell
I'm surprised at how decent the community has been so far, I've had very few toxic kids so far. In fact I've only had to report one person.
Mass tjorbjorn on defense is broken as fuck what the hell
hanzo junk or widow and peek the turrets, boom
Can organised teams play against solo queuers or can they only play against other teams?
Can organised teams play against solo queuers or can they only play against other teams?
Hardly ran into anybody using a mic never mind being toxic.
No it's not.Mass tjorbjorn on defense is broken as fuck what the hell
Legendary currency is actually really good. It gives you the ability to buy any costume you want, since it gives you 50% of the cost of a full legendary skin.
No it's not.
There's a bunch of counters. Tracer, Pharah, Hanzo and Junkrat. Even Soldier 76 wipes them.
hanzo junk or widow and peek the turrets, boom
How would that work? I need to get line of sight to kill turrets, but if there are 5 turrets and tjorbjorns all around me these squishies are gonna get destroyed
if it gives you 50% it doesnt give you the ability to buy whatever you want lol
anyway devil mercy or goth zarya...decision decisions
TIL winston jump does dmg.
if it gives you 50% it doesnt give you the ability to buy whatever you want lol
anyway devil mercy or goth zarya...decision decisions
TFW you use Zarya's ult on the 2nd point on Temple of Anubis, sucks up 5 guys and the Pharoh on you're team using her ult right after for a 5 man kill
People talk about how troll POTG is but I think it's one of the coolest features implemented in a multiplayer game in a long time. Sometimes you get a really sweet multikill or do something amazing and it's cool to share that. Obviously the system isn't perfect but it's still super cool that the feature is in the game as it is.
People talk about how troll POTG is but I think it's one of the coolest features implemented in a multiplayer game in a long time. Sometimes you get a really sweet multikill and do something amazing and it's cool to share that. Obviously the system isn't perfect but it's still super cool that the feature is in the game as it is.
I've seen a lot of Bastion players going up against teams of Reinharts and Roadhogs, which doesn't work. He can't output damage fast enough to take those guys out.
Zarya's ult so so good if you have a team which will follow it up.
I just don't get Winston. Is it just me or is he a horrible tank? His gun tickles only the smallest of foes to death and his shield doesn't seem as useful as other tanks similar abilities. I don't think I've ever gotten a kill from using his ultimate, either. He is great at disrupting the enemy lines, but if I have to hold a point or go toe-to-toe with someone I'd rather be playing any other tank.
Bastion destroys both Reinhart and Roadhog
People talk about how troll POTG is but I think it's one of the coolest features implemented in a multiplayer game in a long time. Sometimes you get a really sweet multikill or do something amazing and it's cool to share that. Obviously the system isn't perfect but it's still super cool that the feature is in the game as it is.
People talk about how troll POTG is but I think it's one of the coolest features implemented in a multiplayer game in a long time. Sometimes you get a really sweet multikill or do something amazing and it's cool to share that. Obviously the system isn't perfect but it's still super cool that the feature is in the game as it is.
how do you make money in this game?
I just don't get Winston. Is it just me or is he a horrible tank? His gun tickles only the smallest of foes to death and his shield doesn't seem as useful as other tanks similar abilities. I don't think I've ever gotten a kill from using his ultimate, either. He is great at disrupting the enemy lines, but if I have to hold a point or go toe-to-toe with someone I'd rather be playing any other tank.
how do you make money in this game?
how do you make money in this game?
They really need to fix POTG. Just got one as Symmetra that consisted of me setting up a portal. That was it.
In beta there was one with a Winston who did nothing, actually nothing. He was just walking out of spawn.
They really need to fix POTG. Just got one as Symmetra that consisted of me setting up a portal. That was it.
No he doesn't. Reinhardt allows someone like McCree or Soldier 76 to pop shots at Bastion while under fire.
Roadhog isn't the best counterpick but his ult can wreak havoc.
how do you make mei's ice change type/form on ps4?