Couldn't disagree more. Playing zenyatta is knowing were to play and picking your spots. I have single handedly turned the course of a game by switching to him. He particularly excels on defensive situations were forward movement is limited and you can pick your spots and your line of sight to hit discord, get kills and heal people out.
My last game with him I had 5k healing 8k damage 18 kills and a total of 2k transcendence healing.
Don't get a lot of exp for bot matches do you![]()
Game is starting in Windowed for me, i think that it started happening today after the patch. I set it to Fullscreen, but every time i exit and start the game again it goes back to Windowed. Anyone else with this issue?
What's the best counter to Toblerone's turrets?
What's the best counter to Toblerone's turrets?
Makes sense. Bots are for practice.
Oh shit I didnt even know that. Thats awesome! I wish it were on the screen at all times though, or atleast an option to turn that on. It would really help me personally with strategy.
Do you happen to know what that little orange lightning bolt with the circular arrow on it is? It appears in the top left screen randomly all the time for me.
I'm just throwing rhis out there, IMO there should be a cap to hpw many peoply on a team can have the same character. I don't think this is a problem but it's how I would have done it.
What's the best counter to Toblerone's turrets?
Game is starting in Windowed for me, i think that it started happening today after the patch. I set it to Fullscreen, but every time i exit and start the game again it goes back to Windowed. Anyone else with this issue?
I'm exclusively playing vs bots now because i suck vs real people lol
What's the best counter to Toblerone's turrets?
What's the best counter to Toblerone's turrets?
Naw I played one yesterday on Easy for character practice. Didn't get muchDon't get a lot of exp for bot matches do you![]()
What's the best counter to Toblerone's turrets?
It think it's a warning for connection issues. Is this it?
I thought so for a bit, but playing Lucio as well as seeing how much of an impact Mercy's Ultimate has really lowered my opinion of Zendatta. Lucio can get in, heal the entire team, blast someone off a cliff in the middle of their ult, and get out without losing even half his health, which will then be recovered in less than 10 seconds anyway. He can do damage and he can heal from a distance. So what? He's a free kill to Genji, Tracer, and Widowmaker. He's severely hindered on maps with enclosed spaces, like Lijiang Tower, yet Lucio is nearly unkillable on that map due to his wallrun as well as a major threat with his right click. I can't think of a situation where I would be more grateful to have Zenyatta than I would Lucio or Mercy.
I asked Seagull during his stream yesterday and he said its for connection issues/packet loss. It seems to be overly sensitive.Do you happen to know what that little orange lightning bolt with the circular arrow on it is? It appears in the top left screen randomly all the time for me.
I just want to say, I am able to use every single hero very efficiently EXCEPT mercy..
She is just useless in my hands. Her lack of offensive capabilities is probably what im having such a hard time with.
Her laser pistol thing is piss weak and I feel like me healing my teammates just leaves me prone to getting hit and dying, and doesn't seem like its worth it. I think the other healers are much much better.
Hold the button down and aim for the head. The pistol is stronger than you think.
Jesus, hardmode bots are absurd.
I played a ton of bot matches yesterday, and I think I won like 3.
At one point, I started to do super well and winning consistently, then I realized it was because I was playing against humans.
What does xp/levels do besides give you loot crates? I see people really worried about it but doesn't seem like it impacts much.
What does xp/levels do besides give you loot crates? I see people really worried about it but doesn't seem like it impacts much.
Offensive Torbjorn, that was another one we saw last night. I think that was the one class that's just a straight "do not pick if you're on offense". His turrets were quickly out of place and quickly taken down, when he could have been something more useful like a roving DPS, a tank, or a healer.
Loving the game but now that I have more time in it I'm starting to see some negatives
- Allowing multiples of the same character. I feel like this should be a weekly mode and normal gameplay should have unique being manditory. Just played a Hollywood defence where we all used Torbjorn. While hilarious for novelty purposes there was no way in hell the opposing team would win, they never even got close enough to contest.
What's the best counter to Toblerone's turrets?
Had my first
moment in a game earlier. Got hooked by a Roadhog through a wall :lol:
Game is starting in Windowed for me, i think that it started happening today after the patch. I set it to Fullscreen, but every time i exit and start the game again it goes back to Windowed. Anyone else with this issue?
For the experience you seem to want, absolutely. Mercy is The Healer's Healer; if you're playing her, you want to heal 99% of the time. That pistol is mostly for self-defense. At the same time though...
Yep. Every gun in the game does double damage with head shots and they're all automatic in that you hold and the character keeps firing. A crack shot can absolutely clean up with both Mercy's pistol and's light gun.
It's also why Tracer can go from scout/distraction to assassin in the right hands. One clip is all you need.
What's the best counter to Toblerone's turrets?
What's the best counter to Toblerone's turrets?
That's the game's 20 tickrate doing its work for you.Had my first
moment in a game earlier. Got hooked by a Roadhog through a wall :lol:
Not all of the guns get a headshot damage bonus, actually: Mei (left click), Zarya, Winston, and Symmetra are all unable to headshot.
Had my first
moment in a game earlier. Got hooked by a Roadhog through a wall :lol: