That is it! Weird though because I never have FPS or lag issues in game when I see this.

Found info official info here. Choose Network Icons. - https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/7779
That is it! Weird though because I never have FPS or lag issues in game when I see this.
Reaper finally clicked for me. He is the pyro of Overwatch.
I've alwayslikedloved the Pyro. W+M1 to victory!
I love how you can find a really passionate argument about why any character on the roster is OP.
It's incredible, Blizzard have really lived the "don't nerf power, buff weakness" design philosophy and it's made for absurdly fun gameplay. Roster-wise Overwatch has the closest thing I've seen to a fighting game roster in any other genre. Everyone can be useful in any situation if played accordingly.
I love how you can find a really passionate argument about why any character on the roster is OP.
Polygon review is up
Polygon said:Overwatch can be great, but it needs friends to back it up.
Loving the game but now that I have more time in it I'm starting to see some negatives
- Bastion is just broken, I know he is counter-able but his loadout makes it so any person can get a endless string of kills with minimal effort. It's like playing missle command, point your cursor over a person and he is dead within a second. Rinse and repeat. Under 3 seconds to take out Reinhardt shields is bananas.
- Allowing multiples of the same character. I feel like this should be a weekly mode and normal gameplay should have unique being manditory. Just played a Hollywood defence where we all used Torbjorn. While hilarious for novelty purposes there was no way in hell the opposing team would win, they never even got close enough to contest.
Mercy that refused to heal anyone that wasn't a tank.
The amount of complete retards I encounter is fun.
Makes no sense.- Bastion is just broken, I know he is counter-able but his loadout makes it so any person can get a endless string of kills with minimal effort. It's like playing missle command, point your cursor over a person and he is dead within a second. Rinse and repeat. Under 3 seconds to take out Reinhardt shields is bananas.
Except for Zenyatta
So McCree can animation cancel his reload with melee right? How does that work, I tried and the reload animation just restarts after the melee.
Being a mercy with a Winston dedicated to kill you is tough man. He just jumps behind who you are healing, kills you and jumps back. I just fed up and switched.
So McCree can animation cancel his reload with melee right? How does that work, I tried and the reload animation just restarts after the melee.
You're thinking of Reaper. His reload has a melee-animation cancel for the time being though it can't possibly be intentional.
Remember you're as mobile as he is. If he jumps at you, look for a distant ally and fly to them.
That said, If your experience is anything like mine, they're either snipers sat behind rocks that you don't have the line of sight on to fly to, or Genji/Tracer players behind enemy lines which would just get you killed anyway.
I would hope not, it considerably shortens the reload time. That fact changed up how I play Reaper entirely. Before this fact I rarely if ever went for long range shots to conserve ammo.You're thinking of Reaper. His reload has a melee-animation cancel for the time being though it can't possibly be intentional.
You have to wait until the shots in your counter go to 6/6 then melee for it to count. Try with Reaper first, it's easier and way faster.
I've started to cringe whenever someone picks widowmaker, most of the time they're just dead weight on ps4.
The team we were playing against was just so much better so my team was either dead or spaced out too far. After the second death I was always looking for another team mate but no one was around.
Except for Zenyatta
Yep. The frustrating experience of being a Mercy on a losing team. Seems like at a certain point the enemy just has your number and it's better to switch than expect your allies to adapt fast enough to protect you in a single match.
You have to wait until the shots in your counter go to 6/6 then melee for it to count. Try with Reaper first, it's easier and way faster.
Thanks, figured it was a timing issue. Also meh, don't like playing Reaper.
I know that there is really no right or wrong way to play this, but part of me feels lame for picking Junkrat on defense and Lucio on Attack 90% of the time. I'm more skilled with them as opposed to the other heroes, and contribute to wins at a higher rate. But who really cares? I'm having a blast and I'm helping the team. Game is awesome.
I got this in a $10 pack. I regret nothing!
Been thinking of picking that one up, her ult voice line changes in that too right?
Been thinking of picking that one up, her ult voice line changes in that too right?
That's only the Imp one I think.
I know that there is really no right or wrong way to play this, but part of me feels lame for picking Junkrat on defense and Lucio on Attack 90% of the time. I'm more skilled with them as opposed to the other heroes, and contribute to wins at a higher rate. But who really cares? I'm having a blast and I'm helping the team. Game is awesome.
I got this in a $10 pack. I regret nothing!
You're thinking of Reaper. His reload has a melee-animation cancel for the time being though it can't possibly be intentional.
That's the one I want for my Mercy!I got this in a $10 pack. I regret nothing!
It has to be intentional. The first thing anyone would check for is something like this.
That's a good skin. I really want it.
Man I got that skin in beta and it was the first legendary I got this time, but I want the imp skin lol
I actually got a compliment from a random, saying I was really good. I got a few POTG's as Symmetry; which basically means I don't have to aim and just walk around placing turrets, and I switched between Pharah and Winston as well.
I like that being good in this game basically means playing smart. Because i expect my aim on ps4 will always be terrible, it's a matter of countering play styles of the opposing team and a more tactical approach to choosing characters and the general 'doing of stuff'.
PS4 EU Gaffers much?
It changes. I heard it yesterday in an enemy team's replay, I heard her say something about Valhalla.
Till Valhalla!
I got this in a $10 pack. I regret nothing!
Yeah I'm pretty sure it was in the beta as well. If it wasn't intentional they would have hotfixed it, although I still think it's a bit too good.