It bad, might be worse than season 5.Okay, so can we agree that season 6 is fucking awful?
I know it just started and everything, but I'm pretty amazed at how bad my games have been.
Is it just me being really unlucky or is it others?
It bad, might be worse than season 5.Okay, so can we agree that season 6 is fucking awful?
I know it just started and everything, but I'm pretty amazed at how bad my games have been.
Is it just me being really unlucky or is it others?
This season is definitely better than 5 for me.
Still get put against 5-6 stacks when I solo q tho. Also still getting 3-4 stacks that all go dps but not as often.
This season is definitely better than 5 for me.
Still get put against 5-6 stacks when I solo q tho. Also still getting 3-4 stacks that all go dps but not as often.
Just pick D.Va.I look forward to the inevitable Junkrat Spam Meta that everybody will complain about for the next six months.
Just pick D.Va.
Oh wait.
Newest meta report showing Hog and Rat pickrates up, Winston and DF pickrates down.
what a time to be alive
This season is definitely better than 5 for me.
Still get put against 5-6 stacks when I solo q tho. Also still getting 3-4 stacks that all go dps but not as often.
This is a frequent problem ATM for me.
Team queue should be separated from single.
Got a POTG as hog today...on Numbani defence. Both Zarya's used their ults about 5ft from each other in Overtime and I had my Ult while Mercy and Ana pumped everything into me I just tapped Q and let rip. It was unimpressive but with his new E, 'Hog feels fun. Still feel like his damage could do with a slight buff, or maybe some damage increasing passive based on killstreaks.
This season has been terrible for me. Well, placements were a disaster...but I've suffered from the pox that is quitters and dc'ers, and generally toxic team mates. Although i did have a really fun game on Eichenwalde yesterday with some guy from New Zealand who got mildly offended when we thought he was Australian. The SR losses feel much harsher to me than last season too, but the MMR has been...much better in finding an average.
Still waiting on that god-damn Mercy rework though. I have discovered the love that is Orisa, bought the golden gun for Zarya and rediscovered my zest for Ana...but the game just feels less rewarding this season, although when you are a Support main it can be easy to feel like you're the butt of everyone's jokes and the first person to get flamed![]()
Yep, Mercy team rez is still a deciding factor in some matches and it's annoying. I can't wait for the rework to stop it.
I still think this change is going to make Mercy a mandatory pick for all teams. You just can't beat being able to bring back a teammate as an ability
Dude, the nerfs post-buff are going to be pretty epic.
Just suffer through the next season. It will be worth it.
Besides, she is effectively mandatory now at most levels and console.
Edit: I suppose Blizzard could surprise us and Buff Ana and Zen a little, bit I doubt it.
Newest meta report showing Hog and Rat pickrates up, Winston and DF pickrates down.
what a time to be alive
Imagine how toxic Deathmatch becomes if they were insane enough to go through with that.What the hell could they possibly buff other supports with to make them even half as effective as rezzing a player every 30 seconds? A 75% damage boosting discord orb? Replacing healing grenade with a healing tactical nuke? Sym being able to put down an infinite amount of turrets?
Can someone help me understand what happened here ? >
Yeah it's really hard from my experience. I only got it twice (3v3 and qp), the qp one was the lamest shit ever imaginable.
I think I only saw one good ana potg and it was from buttchin, I earth-shattered most of the enemy team, he threw a nade at them and hit a couple of shots and then sniped a pharah to finish it off. It was pretty cool.
He had a shitty highlight intro though... that's buttchin for you :
Most likely, beginning of next month I guess.
Agreed, but I'd allow duo though.Team queue should be separated from single.
Completely agreed, why are there so many choke points in this game? I'd love more open maps like Ilios ruins.rofl
Real talk though: The secret is that the problem with Overwatch and stale metas isn't (primarily) hero balance but map design. Spam-tubes don't lend themselves to a wide variety of tactics.
Two questions- Do console players find it impossible to get Play of the Game with Ana?
Can someone help me understand what happened here ? >
you not knowing how to use orisa is what it looks like
you not knowing how to use orisa is what it looks like
Ilios ruins is the best sniper map in the game.Completely agreed, why are there so many choke points in this game? I'd love more open maps like Ilios ruins.
A man hasn't known pain and hardship until he's been demoted to gold and made his way back to platinum.
I agree, that was me in S2. It was rough. Made Diamond by the end of the season, though.
A man hasn't known pain and hardship until he's been demoted to gold and made his way back to platinum.
There and back again I've been there once. Low Diamond to mid gold went back up to high plat to end the season.
I never knew tilt could be felt even on days I didn't play
btw this whole thing was done SOLO
A man hasn't known pain and hardship until he's been demoted to gold and made his way back to platinum.
You monsterBesides, she is effectively mandatory now at most levels and console.
I've done it twice already and dropped to 2439 atm.
Lulz, I'ma keep on rollin them dice.
Lulz wut.
In a comp game with guts, I get lc-202'd.
No rejoin option when I log back in, but I'm not suspended and didn't lose SR. The fuck?
I've won one comp match today. The other team either always outplayed us or use Junkrat/Orisa cheese to win. I don't know how to win anymore
Seen my posts today and yesterday?
I know the feeling
Wierd thing is, once I've stopped playing Tracer and tried Geni, a hero I have far less time in, I started doing better.
I feel like i prob would have won those matches if someone on my team had played Soldier. Guess I have a new main
Maybe I just don't know how to carry as Dva. I get Medals for gold damage/elims with at least 9k damage blocked and that's still not enough. How to carry
D.Va isn't supposed to be doing that, really. I mean, I get it, I do that all the time, because playing that way is fun, and it's great when the team can take care of itself enough that that is an asset instead of D.Va going off lone wolfing. But D.Va isn't a diver and doesn't do the damage she needs to just eat people down compared to how much she can do by DMing the team...
...Atleast not until we get our missiles and Booster Shottys! Then we will all be DPS Diva's, not Soldiers.