Shouldn't we put something more anniversary like in the title?
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Shouldn't we put something more anniversary like in the title?
It needs to be a 👏🏼💯💯💯💯👏🏼 ass joke for there to be changeShouldn't we put something more anniversary like in the title?
It needs to be a <span class="emoji-outer emoji-sizer"><span class="emoji-inner" style="background: url(chrome-extension://immhpnclomdloikkpcefncmfgjbkojmh/emoji-data/sheet_apple_64.png);background-position:27.083333333333336% 29.166666666666668%;background-size:4900%" data-codepoints="1f44f-1f3fc"></span></span><span class="emoji-outer emoji-sizer"><span class="emoji-inner" style="background: url(chrome-extension://immhpnclomdloikkpcefncmfgjbkojmh/emoji-data/sheet_apple_64.png);background-position:35.41666666666667% 66.66666666666667%;background-size:4900%" data-codepoints="1f4af"></span></span><span class="emoji-outer emoji-sizer"><span class="emoji-inner" style="background: url(chrome-extension://immhpnclomdloikkpcefncmfgjbkojmh/emoji-data/sheet_apple_64.png);background-position:35.41666666666667% 66.66666666666667%;background-size:4900%" data-codepoints="1f4af"></span></span><span class="emoji-outer emoji-sizer"><span class="emoji-inner" style="background: url(chrome-extension://immhpnclomdloikkpcefncmfgjbkojmh/emoji-data/sheet_apple_64.png);background-position:35.41666666666667% 66.66666666666667%;background-size:4900%" data-codepoints="1f4af"></span></span><span class="emoji-outer emoji-sizer"><span class="emoji-inner" style="background: url(chrome-extension://immhpnclomdloikkpcefncmfgjbkojmh/emoji-data/sheet_apple_64.png);background-position:35.41666666666667% 66.66666666666667%;background-size:4900%" data-codepoints="1f4af"></span></span><span class="emoji-outer emoji-sizer"><span class="emoji-inner" style="background: url(chrome-extension://immhpnclomdloikkpcefncmfgjbkojmh/emoji-data/sheet_apple_64.png);background-position:27.083333333333336% 29.166666666666668%;background-size:4900%" data-codepoints="1f44f-1f3fc"></span></span> ass joke for there to be change
We had an awful comp game and now I assume everyone will win with me gone.
I've never played a game with a worse community than this one.
Never seen so many 'faggots' and 'kill yourselfs' thrown around in a PC game before.
Makes me appreciate how much better the people that play hots and TF2 and other PC games in general are are not being scum.
I've never played a game with a worse community than this one.
Never seen so many 'faggots' and 'kill yourselfs' thrown around in a PC game before.
Makes me appreciate how much better the people that play hots and TF2 and other PC games in general are are not being scum.
Counter strike and halo 2 back in the days were probably the worst I've seen it. It's gotten "better" but still bad. Kill your self is almost a cleaned up version of shit talking nowadays.I've never played a game with a worse community than this one.
Never seen so many 'faggots' and 'kill yourselfs' thrown around in a PC game before.
Makes me appreciate how much better the people that play hots and TF2 and other PC games in general are are not being scum.
Nothing aimed at me yet though, so I must be doing something okay at least.
Counter strike and halo 2 back in the days were probably the worst I've seen it. It's gotten "better" but still bad. Kill your self is almost a cleaned up version of shit talking nowadays.
The comp game after you left went worse than our surprise comp.I had to eat when I left, and I didn't mean to put us in comp on that Gibraltar game. It found a match immediately upon me hitting search, lol.
Nope we lost..... Badly. Dropped below diamond played a match solo q to get back above. I thibk I'm done with comp until next season can't play anyway all weekend.We had an awful comp game and now I assume everyone will win with me gone.
Only a mod can change titles.
Had my first leaver in a while on comp last night. Fucked our whole shit up, we would have handily beat the other team too. Sucked worse than i remember lol.
I feel you.What shitty session today went 0-3, first two games were losses where if I my team had concentration, we could have won. Should have ended there but decided to solo q,
I practiced Winston jumps and Sombra in training, I am ready to be a Sombra main after I get the dance emote. Might be on after the cavs game to see if people are playing, maybe 11pm est.
PS4: Owzers
Friend me if you want in qp groups when we aren't in comp and don't like hockey. Mics? Team comps without four snipers? Are there four snipers?
The odds...I got a legendary and it was the Lucio skin I already bought. Goodbye 2800 coins.
We had an awful comp game and now I assume everyone will win with me gone.
This basketball game probably isn't worth watching.
Let me know if a new stack is forming.
I haven't comped with you in so long I'd probably assume we were playing qp if you were with us.Did you miss me?
I got a legendary and it was the Lucio skin I already bought. Goodbye 2800 coins.
New career high, nice!
Lol <3Shut up dude I fell down to 2400 this season
Also I always quit in previous seasons once I hit diamond
I haven't comped with you in so long I'd probably assume we were playing qp if you were with us.
I'm getting onI'm on solo.
Since S4 ends about 3 hours after we normally start the in-house, should we just wait to start the in-house for when the season is over? That way people can do any last minute grind and then make it to play? Or is that too late for people? I made a poll to find out: