can't seem to find a match D:
Unfortunately that seems to be a normal occurrence for Overwatch.
can't seem to find a match D:
Done with this shit. It doesn't matter how well I play, I can't climb at all. There's so many fucking trolls ruining every other game.
What's the point of throwing games? What are they gaining from this? Why not play a different mode if you don't care about winning?
What's the point of throwing games? What are they gaining from this? Why not play a different mode if you don't care about winning?
Why do people put their mic on when all they do is talk to their roommate the entire match?
entire time during our attack push on enchenwilde had a guy talking to his roommate about seeing pirates 5
thought about throwing off the strength of even seeing a new pirates movie in 2017
When did this happen? I always leave at the victory pose screen.So apparently they changed when it's okay to leave a game and I haven't been getting exp in most of my matches? Fuck you Blizzard. I would always leave at the victory pose screen.
Why do people put their mic on when all they do is talk to their roommate the entire match?
Our Soldier has some deep thoughts "You guys have to kill the Pharah". talking to Hog,Zarya,Lucio,Mercy, and Mei.
I would actually love to hear the connection he made lolI remember playing gears 3 ranked and some dude was on the mic arguing with hi girlfriend about how the oceans 11 movies were prequels to ironman
Yea.I need to stop playing Total Mayhem.
Why do people put their mic on when all they do is talk to their roommate the entire match?
Good games everyone, after starting the day with a 6 loss streak it was a good change of pace.
Those high-noons from Ramirez were game changing.
Great Rein/D.Va combo on Nepal with Owzers and Batman, all according to keikaku. But the most surprising thing of the night was Buttchin actually getting kills with the dragon blade, I wasn't expecting that
Also, that poor hog on Ilios lmao
Fuck, I hate resurrect. See the Mercy flying in from respawn , flash bang immediately, lol nope sorry invulnerable instant 4 man cast, fuck outta here.
Nobody believes in me =(
Man, the Rein nerf is real. Those hammer swings feel crazily delayed. It hurts playing him right now
Random is random. Had four or five box drops, got two event legendaries. There's no conspiracy.I know everyone says this every event, but I seriously think they did something to the drop rates. I've opened probably 10+ boxes without a single skin.
Random is random. Had four or five box drops, got two event legendaries. There's no conspiracy.
Orisa feels a lot better to play now! Her barrier basically always being available means that she can easily place a shield in the most relevant position at any given moment. And pulling folks off of ledges with Halt is super fun.
I didn't even want those skins and I didn't get anything last event either, but that's just probability for you. After hundreds of lootboxes and multiple events I only got my first pachimari icon like two months ago, and those are my favourite (but I did get the event pachi on my first box this time ♥Well I'm glad you're getting your fair share. But you can see how this is pretty fucking frustrating for the rest of us plebeians, right? Getting a drip feed of the items we want for three straight weeks, then feeling pressured into buying stuff at the end when we've got nothing? I've done it five times now and I'm rightfully upset.
I didn't even want those skins and I didn't get anything last event either, but that's just probability for you. After hundreds of lootboxes and multiple events I only got my first pachimari icon like two months ago, and those are my favourite (but I did get the event pachi on my first box this time ♥.
I wouldn't mind more modes though, but the game's design is oppressively limiting to the styles of play it can support. Even a staple like CTF is the worst I've ever seen it in Overwatch. I could only wonder how a 5CP would play out.
I'm less interested in more modes, and more interested in more maps.
That being said, a 3 point king of the hill would be interesting. It'd require an entirely different team set up IMO.
1v1 and 3v3 are actually playable now. That's pretty cool.
I still think 1v1 needs to be toned down to FT3. FT5 is potentially a lot of time if you get weird matchups.
What shitty session today went 0-3, first two games were losses where if I my team had concentration, we could have won. Should have ended there but decided to solo q, asked the group of three if they could invite me to the party chat but they refuse.
Why do people do this? Surely having more people in chat is easier to coordinate? Anyway, we lost 3-1. This game can really rub you the wrong way sometimes when you get paired with idiots.
Probably just when it goes live unfortunately :/
Anyone know when we can start downloading this please? I want to start ASAP as I'm out most of the weekend and would like to play today if I can download it in time![]()
Yes it's the same way you described unless they plan on changing it for next season.With new seasons, is your skill rating completely wiped or is it maintained throughout placement matches?
Example I'll use is Halo. Your TrueSkill ranking behind the scenes is maintained when ranks reset, then you just redo your placement matches against players of similar skill. At least this is how I think it works lol.
I'll be online by 18, if you wanna play some comp let me know. The other day I was doing KOTH with Injustice 2 and then went to sleep. Man, that game is so much fun.