Gotcha, thanks.Yes it's the same way you described unless they plan on changing it for next season.
Gotcha, thanks.Yes it's the same way you described unless they plan on changing it for next season.
Fair enough, thank youProbably just when it goes live unfortunately :/
When did this happen? I always leave at the victory pose screen.
Yeah I'll join you today, I might pick up Injustice later today as well.
At this rate, I'll just be happy to hit 2800 again before season ends...
Since season1 when he started playing super inconsistently.Since when is Esca a meme?
Rogue getting destroyed
People have talked about it. There isn't much left to say about it. Also earth shatter weak??? Was second best ult after grav.why no one is talking about how much they nerfed Reinhardt ?? he's probably the worst tank now
the speed of his swing is MUCH slower, and it doesn't reach like it used to, and i feel like he takes more damage now, kinda like Winston
i know they nerfed his ULT, even though it was already weak, but why no one is talking about the hammer speed ?? any Rein mains will notice
>push to talk
>bong rip
What? Where did they nerf his hammer speed?why no one is talking about how much they nerfed Reinhardt ?? he's probably the worst tank now
the speed of his swing is MUCH slower, and it doesn't reach like it used to, and i feel like he takes more damage now, kinda like Winston
i know they nerfed his ULT, even though it was already weak, but why no one is talking about the hammer speed ?? any Rein mains will notice
What? Where did they nerf his hammer speed?
Become the weeb you were always meant to be(I don't even play Genji, but I should start!)
why no one is talking about how much they nerfed Reinhardt ?? he's probably the worst tank now
the speed of his swing is MUCH slower, and it doesn't reach like it used to, and i feel like he takes more damage now, kinda like Winston
i know they nerfed his ULT, even though it was already weak, but why no one is talking about the hammer speed ?? any Rein mains will notice
I didn't realize any balance changes went into this patch. Shoot.
I still can't wrap my head around Genji. I just haven't been able to get a rhythm going with his abilities. Gonna take more practice.
Always be tapping jump, toss shurikens haphazardly from afar into red outlines, press deflect when you've overextended -- then dash into your target if they're low health, or dash away from them if they're winning. When possible hit ult and repeatedly press attack and dash and somehow kill everyone with 200HP or less. There, you're now a Genji pro.I still can't wrap my head around Genji. I just haven't been able to get a rhythm going with his abilities. Gonna take more practice.
What's your control layout for him?
I'm forced to put jump on L2 but I hate it because the I dont like the PS4 triggers in general
Always be tapping jump, toss shurikens haphazardly from afar into red outlines, press deflect when you've overextended -- then dash into your target if they're low health, or dash away from them if they're winning. When possible hit ult and repeatedly press attack and dash and somehow kill everyone with 200HP or less. There, you're now a Genji pro.
And if you're in line of sight, juke those fucking Ana shots as if she was an enemy Widow.
How can my team constantly blame me, melee me, spam thanks in chat and send toxic messages to me, when I'm the one carrying them!
Yeah, I upvoted myself. Since they were too salty to admit that they were wrong. That the reason we lost was because of their incompetence, not mine.[/QUOTE]
The whole meme about Hanzo mains is getting so goddamn old now. Hanzo is legit good. I enjoy using him now as well. Good job bruv.
How can my team constantly blame me, melee me, spam thanks in chat and send toxic messages to me, when I'm the one carrying them!
Yeah, I upvoted myself. Since they were too salty to admit that they were wrong. That the reason we lost was because of their incompetence, not mine.
How can my team constantly blame me, melee me, spam thanks in chat and send toxic messages to me, when I'm the one carrying them!
Yeah, I upvoted myself. Since they were too salty to admit that they were wrong. That the reason we lost was because of their incompetence, not mine.
I don't understand why Blizzard decided that you need to be in top 500 at the end of the season to get the rewards, but you get the season reward competitive points for just hitting a certain rank once. Honestly they would solve so many problems with throwers if they just gave you the end of season rewards based off where you finish the season. It's way more common for people to say they already hit masters or whatever so they don't care anymore, than it is for someone to say they already hit top 500 and don't care anymore (I've witnessed the latter plenty of times, but it doesn't apply to the majority of the player base).
How can my team constantly blame me, melee me, spam thanks in chat and send toxic messages to me, when I'm the one carrying them!
Yeah, I upvoted myself. Since they were too salty to admit that they were wrong. That the reason we lost was because of their incompetence, not mine.