Another Dad-Gaffer signing in. 2 year old son, with another baby due at the start of next year.
I feel like I go to bed tired, and wake up tired. I don't know if I'm actually typing this or dreaming it.
We just started potty training too. That's an experience! The good thing about being a parent is that you lose any squeamishness about poop and wee you might have ever had. It's amazing how normal scraping a human turd from your furniture can become. They don't start off there, but when he has an accident, removing the pants without spillage is like playing Jenga or Buckeroo. The chances of the cargo remaining in its little hammock long enough to get it to the loo are slim. A sudden kick from him, and a brown comet sails through the air and lands on something that you hope is wipeable.
I love it though (not the poop volleyball, I mean parenting as a whole). It's really rewarding, and the best thing I've ever done. I've read to my son every night since he was born, and I treasure that time. I know it won't last forever. As a result I'm incredibly well versed in the works of Julia Donaldson, probably like most parents. I reckon I could recite most of her books off by heart. Although recently he's been favouring Christmas based books - bit weird in September, but whatever.
Anyone elses kids watch weird stuff on YouTube? When we let my son use the iPad, he goes straight to YouTube and picks videos that have been recommended when we've been finding kids stuff for him, which are mainly unboxing videos for toys, essentially. In fact, I think he'd rather watch videos of people playing with toys than play with them himself. Setting him up as a future Twitch viewer perhaps. He goes mad for them. One of his favourites is watching someone reveal toys hidden in Playdoh. It's baffling.
BTW, I have seen Blippi's Tractor Song video approximately one billion times. It is burned in my brain and will be forever. I'm convinced this guy is taking the piss, or it's some high performance art.