That's a pretty complicated question to answer.
The simplest (but incomplete) answer is the best weapon DPS. The average damage (low end damage + high end dmg/2) of the weapon multiplied by its attack speed.
But the big question is to consider what nodes you are taking on your passive tree. A strong build will usually focus on passives for a single weapon type only, for example, if you were doing dagger Blade Flurry (selecting the dagger-specific nodes on the passive tree), you would use the best dagger you could find even if you found a claw with higher dps.
Specializing in a weapon on the passive tree is pretty important because most of the weapon-specific nodes are stronger than the general melee nodes.
Finally, a more complete answer would involve considering whether you're focusing on physical damage or elemental damage (again, your passive tree would be different depending on which you choose to pursue). Faster weapon attack speed allows greater benefits from added attack damage on other gear. And weapon base critical strike chance will be important if you're doing a crit build.
Hmm, maybe I can use my own build as an example. I don't know how in depth of an answer you want but hopefully this is useful to you. I'm going physical dagger blade flurry with crit, and my passive tree looks like this right now:
(This is a very softcore tree - most players would advise picking up more life nodes.) The starting area, I take physical damage nodes, while pathing to the the horseshoe-like cluster of nodes to the right, and the semi-circle cluster are physical dagger nodes. So in my case, I look for the best physical dps daggers I can equip at my level.
If you aren't getting good drops or aren't buying from (it's a community shop indexer which lists items other players are offering to sell), there are "vendor recipes" which can produce a decent weapon for you. You go to a vendor in town, and open the sell item window, placing a specific combination of items to get a specific item in return.
You can see them here:
But specifically for weapons, there useful recipe is "Weapon with (40 to 69%) Increased Physical Damage". Take a rustic sash (belt) that you find. If it's white, use an "orb of transmutation" to make it magic (blue), take it with a blacksmith's whetstone, along with the best dagger "base" you can find, and sell all three items to a vendor to get back a weapon with a boost to physical damage.
Select the dagger lowest on the list of daggers that you can equip. The lower down you go, the stronger they are, but the level and stat requirements go up.
List of daggers:
Hope at least some of that was helpful to you.
Thank you very much, that was a very helpful post (especially the part about weapon nodes deciding your build).
I guess I'm just unsure of what would be considered a weapon upgrade. I'm following the Blade Flurry guide for Assassin in the PoE forum (that uses claws). Sometimes I'll find something with 100%+ physical damage increase or +1 to socketed gems and think it's an upgrade, but when I equip it my in game DPS actually drops. I'm only level 40 at the moment and things die so fast I can't tell what weapons are better. I suppose it doesn't really matter but I just hope by 70+ I will have figured this stuff out haha.
I used poe trade a lot last league but I played mostly spellcaster so I usually only looked at spell damage/crit/cast speed on wands. Guess it's going to be different for a physical build.
I've been wondering for a while now how DPS on weapons are calculated in PoE and thanks to your clear explanation I understand it now.
So basically, to compare weapon DPS I just take the base physical damage numbers, average them and then multiply by the attacks per second number. All the other extra stats on the weapon are just bonuses? How is the in-game DPS for Blade Flurry under Offence calculated then?
For, the pDPS number is the average of the physical damage numbers right? Is it multiplied by attacks per second?
Thanks again for all this info, it has been super helpful!
I use the item info script which I believe you're referring to. It's very, very helpful and can be found here.honestly the best answer is to use a tool, i don't know if the AHK script still works or where to find it but there's sites online, you can ctrl+c while mousing over an item to grab it's stats and ctrl+v on one of these sites and they'll tell you those sorts of things.
for calculating yourself remember that quality bonus adds with local %mods so if you have 120% increased physical damage and 20% quality you actually have 140% increased physical damage.
I just wanted to say that this was one hell of a good post.*great info snipped*
I've been wondering for a while now how DPS on weapons are calculated in PoE and thanks to your clear explanation I understand it now.
So basically, to compare weapon DPS I just take the base physical damage numbers, average them and then multiply by the attacks per second number. All the other extra stats on the weapon are just bonuses? How is the in-game DPS for Blade Flurry under Offence calculated then?
For, the pDPS number is the average of the physical damage numbers right? Is it multiplied by attacks per second?
Thanks again for all this info, it has been super helpful!
honestly the best answer is to use a tool, i don't know if the AHK script still works or where to find it but there's sites online, you can ctrl+c while mousing over an item to grab it's stats and ctrl+v on one of these sites and they'll tell you those sorts of things.
for calculating yourself remember that quality bonus adds with local %mods so if you have 120% increased physical damage and 20% quality you actually have 140% increased physical damage.
I use the item info script which I believe you're referring to. It's very, very helpful and can be found here.
I just wanted to say that this was one hell of a good post.
The other stats on your weapon also have their effects, but in most cases are much less significant than the ones I mentioned.
In-game DPS for Blade Flurry is...another can of worms but I don't have time to type a long post right now. The short version is that it's also affected by your passive tree node and also by your skill gems - the ones in sockets that are linked to your blade flurry gem. For example, all those "increased physical damage with claws" or "Increased attack speed" nodes and such that you have taken on your skill tree, they all contribute. And I'm guessing the guide recommends certain support gems to link with your blade flurry, such as "Melee physical damage support". These all contribute as well, in a very significant manner. It's the combination of gear, your character's passive skill tree, and skill gem selection that makes PoE so complex and interesting.'s pDPS already factors everything into it, you don't need to multiply it with another number. The tools the other posters mentioned are worth trying, although I don't use them myself.
BTW, do we have a lot of discord users in this thread? It might be nice to set up a server for us to chat and maybe find groups, since we're not all in the same guild.
Thanks, will check out the script.
haha ok thanks for the clarification, I've figured out by now that PoE is super beginner unfriendly, but it's also super addicting!
Is there any decent primer on the Atlas? I've been out since it was introduced so I want to know what I'm headed into as I near 70.
I got lucky and got an Exalted Orb drop today. Traded it for a ton of Chaos Orbs and bought myself a Death's Opus for my archer.
Were the rings ilvl >= 60?
Anyone got any tips for me as I start to transition into mid and late game?
Not too active, but i can invite you.Playing hard core breach league. Just got to cruel: normal Kaom, Daresso, Malachai & labyrinth were all nerve-wracking even though I never went below 1/3rd of my hp.
Is POE gaf guild still active? "Sinimaali" would like an invite, ~40+ necromancer. Mostly for chat company but I can help with random HC stuff.
Not too active, but i can invite you.
I can also help you slightly on HC (with wp etc), because i'm playing on it in late EU time![]()
Playing hard core breach league. Just got to cruel: normal Kaom, Daresso, Malachai & labyrinth were all nerve-wracking even though I never went below 1/3rd of my hp.
Is POE gaf guild still active? "Sinimaali" would like an invite, ~40+ necromancer. Mostly for chat company but I can help with random HC stuff.
HP is king. HP is all. If your build doesn't have enough survivability to survive w/e hits bosses throw at you then the build is unusable. You can dodge the hits, but sooner or later you'll get hit and if you can't take the hit, all the DPS in the world doesn't help you.
I use HP as a combination word for life, ES, life leeching and all other stuff that lets you survive hits with big numbers.
In last league my softcore necromancer hit a wall around T7-9 or so maps because I started to meet bosses that could annihilate me before I could even get them on the same screen as my character.
Not too active, but i can invite you.
I can also help you slightly on HC (with wp etc), because i'm playing on it in late EU time![]()
Could I also get an invite to the guild? My character is named "Hawkdongs".
I set up a discord. Quote this post for the link.
Think i've kinda hit a wall with my Blade Flurry build, i'm on cruel (lvl 66) and getting one shotted by Koam and the labyrinth boss.
I THINK I need to start prioritising guild that has the most energy shield and stop worry about other stuff on the gear.
Cruel at level66? You should already be done with and approaching maps by that point. Did you try to level as a CI?
What does you tree/gear look like right now?
What's your in-game HP and other defensive stats?
Ok cool, thank you both. I'll take a look at and just run some search for items with a max price.
Nah im not in the guild, how would I go about joining?