who's playing hardcore?
The moment I can actually get in I am.
Edit: Fucking sweet. Finally got the name I really wanted. LondoMollari. OMG Fucking sweet got captainkirk as well.
who's playing hardcore?
who's playing hardcore?
So I want to make a cleave/spectral throw 2H Scion. How viable do you guys think that is?
For achievements broken up by Act or Difficulty, the progress of each is tracked individually, to make it easier to follow your progress. This also means that these achievements are no longer required to be done on a single character, though each individual Act or Difficulty must be.
who's playing hardcore?
I've done some 80-82 maps.
I have to say that the bosses are absolutely batshit insane. In a party of three people full of mirrored/GG gear, we had several deaths (one-shots), some bosses took over 3 minutes to kill, and another (Voll) we couldn't even put a dent on.
It was funny, but it's waaaaay overtuned, and there are going to be a lot of complaints about this as people reach maps in temp leagues.
Also, leech is absolutely fucking broken. I have 200K DPS single-target with Vaal Pact/Glyph Mark/Puncture, and I leech maybe 50hp back per hit from bosses and rares. I have no idea how anyone with a mid-tier weapon is even expected to leech. They literally broke leech. There are also going to be a lot of complaints about this by the end of the week.
now I don't play this that often, but I decided to give the game a go again today. Did they just send the drop rates of skill gems like through the roof? A year ago It would take me a solid 45 minutes to an hour of play to get maybe 1-2 gems. I've gotten at least 10 in the past 1-2 hours today. I'm not complaining about it though, lets me experiment and stuff and keep the game fresh as I try out new combos and stuff with whatever weapons/armor im using at the moment.
I've done some 80-82 maps.
I have to say that the bosses are absolutely batshit insane. In a party of three people full of mirrored/GG gear, we had several deaths (one-shots), some bosses took over 3 minutes to kill, and another (Voll) we couldn't even put a dent on.
It was funny, but it's waaaaay overtuned, and there are going to be a lot of complaints about this as people reach maps in temp leagues.
Also, leech is absolutely fucking broken. I have 200K DPS single-target with Vaal Pact/Glyph Mark/Puncture, and I leech maybe 50hp back per hit from bosses and rares. I have no idea how anyone with a mid-tier weapon is even expected to leech. They literally broke leech. There are also going to be a lot of complaints about this by the end of the week.
I've done some 80-82 maps.
I have to say that the bosses are absolutely batshit insane. In a party of three people full of mirrored/GG gear, we had several deaths (one-shots), some bosses took over 3 minutes to kill, and another (Voll) we couldn't even put a dent on.
It was funny, but it's waaaaay overtuned, and there are going to be a lot of complaints about this as people reach maps in temp leagues.
Also, leech is absolutely fucking broken. I have 200K DPS single-target with Vaal Pact/Glyph Mark/Puncture, and I leech maybe 50hp back per hit from bosses and rares. I have no idea how anyone with a mid-tier weapon is even expected to leech. They literally broke leech. There are also going to be a lot of complaints about this by the end of the week.
Does flame dash and fire trap burning damage stack or overlap?
Vaal Pact.It is neither broken nor destroyed.
Leech is capped unless you spend talents on increasing the cap. It is 2% of your max life per sec if I remember correctly, and unless you put serious work into being a leecher (assigning the proper nodes), you wont gain more than that. I already seem to leech more than that 50hp back with my lv30 character, and he does 400 dps![]()
Vaal Pact.
Seems like Cleave is a good leveling skill, dunno about how it does later. Spectral Throw is always good to me.
Someone give me some up to date builds from lvl 1. Any class, but preferably either melee or ranged if they hold up against mages in terms of power.
I played the game 20 months ago and the skill tree was completely unbalanced. I was also playing a duelist that was notorious for being useless in terms of build paths.
Thank you.
The mobs in SC aren't really a threat, but they're kind of annoying.
I got frozen once in HC by a tempest in the middle of a Rare Strongbox spawn. Almost ripped but I got out in time.
It's pretty sad that the best boss fight is still Vaal. I'm loving the lockstep, but hating on act IV and the bosses. Most of the bosses are terrible game design 101. This act probably needed a couple of more months of development, and another 3-4 weeks of beta with the boss fights. Making my way slowly to Merciless. Right now I'm in Act IV cruel with just Malachai left. Going to grind some levels then pay someone to beat the boss. It's way too risky to run on cruel.
Edit: Wanted to add that it's incredibly sad that multiple times today certain people in my party could not even attempt to help on certain bosses like.They tried at first the boss nearly killed them, and they had to wait it out. When the bosses force players in parties to not even be able to help than you know it's bad. It's also worriying that GGG knew this before they launched and really did not do much to balance the bosses. Malachai still has far far to much health, and the second form should honestly just be scrapped. It makes no sense in a game like PoE. The space is far too small and many builds can't even attempt him right now the way he is.Piety in Act IV
Oh thank fuck. I may actually come back if they fixed the stupid loading time as well.
Also how is this build? or is Summonmancer still not allowed in Path of Exile?
Jeweller's strongboxes. Jewellery with 6 mods can be quite good and you don't have to worry about bricking sockets. And even if you get crap, you can use the jewellery in the chaos and regal recipes.For you folks that are more familiar with the game's previous updates, what do you consider the best use of Vaal Orbs? Using them on gear seems pretty risky.
I wouldn't recommend leveling as a summoner, I mean you can, but you'll need a 4link helmet with +2 minion gems with zombies to even try (min dmg, melee phs, zombies, fortifyor min life). Even then it'll be slower than flameblast,fire totem, incinerate, firestorm.
First character died at 56, solo'd norm malachai with god awful gear. Piety beforehand was was more scary. Then I got to A4C and died to puncture + vultures all dive bombing me at once in the dried lake, not a one shot, more like a 4 shot in the space of 2 seconds, bah.
Back at A3C now. Duel flame totem is so boring, but considering my build is going to use summon skeletons (I know, I'm trying something), don't have much of a choice.
I wouldn't recommend leveling as a summoner, I mean you can, but you'll need a 4link helmet with +2 minion gems with zombies to even try (min dmg, melee phs, zombies, fortifyor min life). Even then it'll be slower than flameblast,fire totem, incinerate, firestorm.
First character died at 56, solo'd norm malachai with god awful gear. Piety beforehand was was more scary. Then I got to A4C and died to puncture + vultures all dive bombing me at once in the dried lake, not a one shot, more like a 4 shot in the space of 2 seconds, bah.
Back at A3C now. Duel flame totem is so boring, but considering my build is going to use summon skeletons (I know, I'm trying something), don't have much of a choice.
So there's no Diablo 2 Summonmancer class? :/
I just remade a Scion character but I'm not sure where to go since that Sphere Grid tree is daunting and I just want to summon things to do the work for me while I worry about talking to everyone and finding all the damn narrative stuff this time.
It's best to not level (Level one to high 40's/early 50's) as a pure summoner in PoE. Summons require a lot of support from the tree and gear to be able to withstand any form of punishment against bosses and act3+ mobs.
Version 2.0.0d
Act 4 Boss Fight Changes:
While we're very happy with the difficulty of the final boss on the Merciless difficulty level, it was definitely too hard in Normal and slightly too hard in Cruel.
- The final boss now has 33% less life on Normal, and 17% less life on Cruel.
- The final boss now has fewer area effects on Normal and Cruel difficulties.
- The damage of some skills performed by the final boss have been reduced slightly, especially against minions.
- The final boss's mortar degeneration ground has been reduced in the last portion of the fight in Normal and Cruel difficulties.
- The Corrupted Lightning Beam attack used by the boss in the penultimate area now does significantly less damage to minions.
- Fixed a rare bug where a heart would fail to open in the final boss fight.
Tempest Changes:
We will continue to balance Tempests so that they are rewarding to play in. While many of the higher-level ones grant generous bonuses (guaranteed uniques, vaal fragments, 10 tormented spirits, exiles everywhere, items dropping corrupted, etc), we want players to have to make a risk-or-reward decision even for low-level Tempests.
- Areas currently affected by Tempests now have a 10% Item Quantity bonus.
- Tempests no longer occur in the final area of Cruel difficulty. They already didn't occur there in Normal difficulty.
- Removed Vaal Ice Nova from the Arctic Tempest.
- Elemental and chaos damage themed Tempest suffixes no longer affect the damage dealt by monsters in that area. They also create less dense ground effects.
- The old elemental versions of these suffixes can still appear in maps, but with different names. (Tempest of Combustion, Tempest of Winter, Tempest of Fulmination)
- The old chaos version (now called Tempest of Contamination) no longer affects damage dealt by monsters, but still has the full ground effect.
Other Fixes:
- Fixed a bug where Key Pickup wouldn't work sometimes.
- Fixed a Warbands instance crash related to one of the Redblade Flamelords.
- Fixed a bug where legacy leech prefixes did not show their prefix name on magic items.
- Fixed various other rare server crashes.
We are aware of the problem where some users can't access some guild stash tabs. A fix is currently estimated to be around 48 hours away (hopefully a lot less).
Great server maintaince during the only time I can play.
So when/where do I get Ice Crash?
Are most here playing in the hardcore leagues? I usually play standard leagues as I don't have as much time to game on my PC as I used to.