Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!

HIGGS - Enhanced VR Interaction
Hand/weapon collision, weapon two-handing, realistic object grabbing, and gravity gloves-style mechanics for Skyrim VR

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Usually it just mirrors the left eye's or the right eye's view as desktop view (so many VR FPS videos showing the left eye on a righty player so you never see the sights/scopes when they aim, I hate it, lol), if not then they should generally have it in the game options somewhere, something about a desktop spectator view or similar...Dumb vr question incoming in 3...2...1...
Does each game showing what I'm seeing on my laptop screen not cost processing power? In guessing it doesn't as it's just mirroring the headset?
If not, can I disable having the second screen to boost performance?
Lol yeah I guess. Still.Maybe good players just play on expert![]()
I was hoping to use the Aperture Hand Lab to set things up. I saw the first couple minutes of it and the humor hit me up pretty good. But it seems like that requires the Knuckles Controllers to properly advance the game..Yep, better do some random crap in The Lab first (or whatever WMR has as first entry/tutorial stuff, it's not accessible with other kits so no clue what MS has) so you can be comfortable and not fumble around, maybe see if you can get comfortable with free locomotion rather than just go with the teleportation default, etc.
With Oculus Rift the setup process was also a first tutorial that taught all the basic controls (except locomotion but then it dropped you in your Oculus "home" which did that) but the process probably isn't quite as smooth with other brands, or at least I've never checked exactly how it goes when people set those up from 0.
Sounds good. The download is only like a couple hundred megs for the Hand Lab. I will install both, try the Hand Lab first and if I cant properly play it with the Reverb Controllers I'll try the Lab instead.I think they added controller presets for other controllers but I've not tried it since. The Lab should be fine, it's mini games like archery and other stuff and/or just messing around with physics objects in the hub (I think they also made the hands physical like in Hand Lab in a later update so they affect stuff/stop at walls etc.).
My Reverb G2 also arrived today, finally! I actually moved apartments today, so I couldn't check it out yet. I already set up everything to be ready to go and am about to dive in later this evening. I'm somewhat anxious about it, but I'm sure that will pass quickly once I put on the glasses.Got the Reverb G2 and i got to say the jump in quality as far as the visual goes is immense. Coming from the rift s and quest 2 (which i tried for a bit then promptly sold) westworld is really really clean. Letters you can read and character models. Really happy with it.
Not so happy with me having to put my monitors in "native" (windows sees my 4k tv as 1080p native and my 75hz monitor as 60) to get the g2 to actually run otherwise i am getting the 1-8 error. Hopefully that gets fixed soon.
I am also having some issues with steam vr. Alyx had some texture issues and trying to run the home for steam vr got infinite loading. I only tried once though so we ll see. I did install the hotfix.
I would like to know that as well. I have been mainly doing gaming but i am interested in some viewer for movies / tv shows.My Reverb G2 also arrived today, finally! I actually moved apartments today, so I couldn't check it out yet. I already set up everything to be ready to go and am about to dive in later this evening. I'm somewhat anxious about it, but I'm sure that will pass quickly once I put on the glasses.
Also, are there any vr-software recommendations you guys have? Must have apps and such..
I would like
I would like to know that as well. I have been mainly doing gaming but i am interested in some viewer for movies / tv shows.
Seeing someone point a gun at you, dodging it on instinct, only to be able to follow the bullets trajectory as it flies by you is something that simply has to be experienced. You don't get it from watching someone do that on a flat screen. You have to experience it.
But on the other hand, the software side of things between SteamVR and WMR is an absolute nightmare to deal with
Exactly. PCVR will remain a niche for enthusiasts. The Quest, PSVR and (if rumors are true) Apple will be the ones who bring VR to the masses.yes, that's why pcvr will never be as popular as Quest or psvr - flawless and painless user experience that just works