So four times in a row in Kanji's dungeon I get to the 8th or 9th floor without problem and then I'll run into these FUCKING magus enemies. I'll hit escape on the first turn of the fight but they still ALWAYS kill my MC within the first round of battle because they just spam agilao on him
I might be taking a break from this game.
Just started TLoU, by the way. It sure has some big names in it; I've already recognised the voices of Sam Riegel, Yuri Lowenthal, Laura Bailey and I think Phil LaMarr. The opening strangely made a bunch of dust fly out of my PS3 and into my eye though :'(
The opening strangely made a bunch of dust fly out of my PS3 and into my eye though :'(
Yeah, my PS3 fans really crank up while playing TLoU.
I do get what you're saying though. Was fully expected, though.
Promising myself I won't replay P3P, but seeing it run on that new PSP emulator, so I'm getting a full screen hi-res Fem MC, HNG.
For some reason I find myself wanting to find really good mashups of meguro songs with more mainstream music....
For some reason I find myself wanting to find really good mashups of meguro songs with more mainstream music....
May still have a spot open for tonight's podcast, subject is Persona 2 and P3/4 fans going back and trying that game/why they should etc.
Anyone want too get in on that?
May still have a spot open for tonight's podcast, subject is Persona 2 and P3/4 fans going back and trying that game/why they should etc.
Anyone want too get in on that?
^So far armada, iwakura, and PK(if his laptop mic isn't that bad)
May still have a spot open for tonight's podcast, subject is Persona 2 and P3/4 fans going back and trying that game/why they should etc.
Anyone want to get in on that?
I feel like if I was on this episode that I would be a negative Nancy. I did not like Persona 2, excluding its writing and characters, at all.
Promising myself I won't replay P3P, but seeing it run on that new PSP emulator, so I'm getting a full screen hi-res Fem MC, HNG.
I feel like if I was on this episode that I would be a negative Nancy. I did not like Persona 2, excluding its writing and characters, at all.
A dissenting opinion would make for better listening.
That would be fine, multiple perspectives. If you've got a decent mic and can make the 8PM PST recording time it's probably doable.
May still have a spot open for tonight's podcast, subject is Persona 2 and P3/4 fans going back and trying that game/why they should etc.
Anyone want to get in on that?
If I had played enough of P2 I'd jump in on this one as that does sound like a good topic. I really need to dive back into that game one of these days I swear :S
You should just watch a Let's Play, so you can skip the bad parts of Persona 2 (i.e. the actual playing of the game).
Amazing + shit = ???
Though if you're just talking about well-known music (like Slam Jam) and not just the crap pop they play on the radio then it might be interesting.
I'd be game for it. Though, I'm not too sure if I am the best person to be on a podcast due to my speech impediment!
Speech impediment? Well it's up to you if you think it's not good for podcasting.
Still waiting to hear back from iwakura about someone he suggested to bring on. All I really ask of people coming on is please have a mic that doesn't suck.![]()
Ohhh, what's the emulator called? Is it stable? I wouldn't mind switching my P3P playthrough to PC.
Except they've got an engine that works on both Cell and 360 hardware
Now, it's entirely possible that Catherine's basically held together with spit and blu-tak and would fall apart if the engine was pushed into being used for a different title, but I was under the impression that part of the point of developing Catherine was to give them precisely that option.
It's found in this thread:
Using the most updated version of it, playing in 4x resolution and not having any issues with it. Only thing are some graphical bugs, usually involving the targeting cursor. Tempted to use the emulator for a playthrough, that let's play persona 3 thread got me thinking that I haven't played 3 Portable in awhile.
Hey, I posted this in response to people saying that there's no way in hell P5 will be next-gen and I put some time and effort into it, so I though I'd repost it here. What do y'all think?
Persona 5 should be a next gen game because it's time to move along.
True, and those highly detailed models would probably look good enough to be re-used in future generations.1. It's in Atlus' interest to create a bunch of SMT demon models that they can use for a whole generation.
I'd argue that P3/4 did so well precisely because they were released on a system with a massive install base and at the end of its lifecycle.2. Persona (and to a lesser extent, SMT in general) is a far bigger thing than it was when P4 released, especially outside of Japan. Unfortunately, the series has been relegated to systems that no one has or is paying any attention to outside of Japan (PSP, Vita, PS2 years after most people had upgraded and right before backwards-compatibility was phased out). If it came out on a popular system, people would pay more attention to it and be able to actually play it.
The success of P3/4 proves this is not the case.3. No backwards compatibly means that people would have to drag out their old consoles to play it, and the Persona audience probably overlaps a good deal with people who will upgrade in the first year or two of the PS4's life.
Possible.4. Being a next-gen RPG will probably get it a good deal of attention.
Eh. Could be, but it's still conjecture.5. Judging from comments from the creators, this will probably be their most ambitious game ever.
6. I think Persona team is starting to think of themselves as world-class developers (and not undeservingly, in my opinion), as shown by their fancy new studio logo and stuff. Or maybe not. Just speculation.
Possible. But those games also have a lot more to gain from being moved to a newer, more powerful platform, with Square trying to bring mainline FF back into the spotlight and Team ICO thriving on visual spectacle. Persona (in its current form) will always sell north of 500k to a small but dedicated fanbase of otaku and Japanophiles, regardless of graphics or the platform it's on.7. P5 wouldn't be the only game to make the jump in 2011: both Versus and the Last Guardian (the latter heavily rumored) were switched to PS4 in that year.
I wasn't aware of this but those hints are the only thing that adds credence to a proper next-gen move. Everything else makes current/cross-gen seem like a much more... sensible pick.8. The mods on GAF have been hinting at it for a while.
So, does any of you know a great Persona 4 wallpaper for the iPhone?
Persona 5 should be a next gen game because it's time to move along.
8. The mods on GAF have been hinting at it for a while.
They have?
I tried P3P on the emulator, and it seems to run perfectly fine. There are a few minor graphical issues, but they're hardly worth noting. I could probably get rid of them by fiddling around with the settings a bit.
Don't use buffering or whatever, the AA. Had no graphical issues anymore, running at 4x the resolution.
I'm finding "Don't be cry" to be hilarious for some reason.