It is hilariously bad.
Yeah I saw that and lol'd
It is hilariously bad.
Also major derp, I don't think I once went to collect the rewards for saving people from Tartarus last playthrough.
If you do find a way to fix them would you mind telling us the settings? Just got it running myself, it's pretty neat. Got me using headphones for it at least, love the normal battle track.
Don't use buffering or whatever, the AA. Had no graphical issues anymore, running at 4x the resolution.
Looks nice there.
Here you can see the black lines through the text. Very minor.
Here there is the line through Mitsuru's head when she blinks. Happens to everyone when they blink.
and here you can see a small line through the save point when it glows, but vanishes without the light.
Ah that's no big deal. I'm more concerned that I have no recollection of the police officer saying you can go there to claim rewards yet I went and saved their butts missed out on a Salvation skill card if you rescued the second person in Tartarus in January around floor 250-ish
They have?
And how would they know?
I use the AA, and it makes no difference with it on or off.
So all very minor graphical issues.
On an unrelated note, I really should cook more involved foods. I cooked some buffalo chicken wings and garlic mashed potatoes, and they were delicious. I shared them with a friend and our social link has increased.
Today is my birthday. And there's still no Persona 5.
Just saying, Atlus.
You know.
Today is my birthday. And there's still no Persona 5.
Just saying, Atlus.
You know.
Today is my birthday. And there's still no Persona 5.
Just saying, Atlus.
You know.
remember when i was talking about p4 huge res images
well can i get some of those or instructions how to make my own
Today is my birthday. And there's still no Persona 5.
Just saying, Atlus.
You know.
Today is my birthday. And there's still no Persona 5.
Just saying, Atlus.
You know.
Today is my birthday. And there's still no Persona 5.
Just saying, Atlus.
You know.
Today is my birthday. And there's still no Persona 5.
Just saying, Atlus.
You know.
Today is my birthday. And there's still no Persona 5.
Just saying, Atlus.
You know.
Hey deah, ya big galoot. Ah know we don' got da best'a terms wit' each otha, ya know wit'chu hatin' mah game and all, but ah wanna wish ya a happy activation date, ya big palooka....I'll see ya in P5, cuz, ya'know, ima be in dat one too, ya know....
Had to do it man, happy birthday dude!
Happy birthday!
As a gift, I am mailing you my Little Witch Academia Blu-ray set with a piece of paper reading "Persona 5" taped to the cover.
FES in comparison:
Hey deah, ya big galoot. Ah know we don' got da best'a terms wit' each otha, ya know wit'chu hatin' mah game and all, but ah wanna wish ya a happy activation date, ya big palooka....I'll see ya in P5, cuz, ya'know, ima be in dat one too, ya know....
Had to do it man, happy birthday dude!
Happy birthday!
As a gift, I am mailing you my Cowboy Bebop DVD set with a piece of paper reading "Persona 5" taped to the cover.
Fixed that for you.
I really relllly think that for Dantis birthday, we should all ship him dvds of anime. Who's in?
I really relllly think that for Dantis birthday, we should all ship him dvds of anime. Who's in?
The only thing I could ship him is Cardcaptor Sakura: The Movie 2: The Sealed Card. I actually have a spare of that!
Nah. Let's send him some Tales of games, starting with Tales of Abyss.
We're off to a good start!
As much as I like that idea, no one should experience Tales of the Abyss, and I LIKE the tales games >_>
Have any of you guys played Alice: The Madness Returns by chance. I liked the first one well enough but I hear mixed opinions about the sequel even though it looks gorgeous.
Take note that I also love Alice in wonderland in general and will probably accept more flaws if it delivers and interesting take on the story than most.
Have any of you guys played Alice: The Madness Returns by chance. I liked the first one well enough but I hear mixed opinions about the sequel even though it looks gorgeous.
Take note that I also love Alice in wonderland in general and will probably accept more flaws if it delivers and interesting take on the story than most.
I have some good news and some bad news. The good news first: Persona 5 was announced. The bad news: Sega bought Atlas and forced the company to make the protagonist Hatsune Miku.
Today is my birthday. And there's still no Persona 5.
Just saying, Atlus.
You know.
Today is my birthday. And there's still no Persona 5.
Just saying, Atlus.
You know.
My dream Persona scenario is for Namco to buy Atlus, and then, Persona 5 with idolm@ster characters. Producer-san is just a grown-up Yu, anyways.
My dream Persona scenario is for Namco to buy Atlus, and then, Persona 5 with idolm@ster characters. Producer-san is just a grown-up Yu, anyways.
Sounds like you'll really enjoy it, it's a mixed bag. Personally I didn't care for the gameplay at all and only got a few hours into it.
The gameplay in the first one was quite frustrating...So I just used cheat codes, got all the weapons and took everyone out pretty easily. I thought the story was interesting. So basically my enjoyment depends on just how annoying the gameplay is, but I just came off of a "get all the endings" run of Hyperdimesion Neptunia MK2 so my standards can't be that high
My dream Persona scenario is for Namco to buy Atlus, and then, Persona 5 with idolm@ster characters. Producer-san is just a grown-up Yu, anyways.
Nah. Let's send him some Tales of games, starting with Tales of Abyss.
Hey deah, ya big galoot. Ah know we don' got da best'a terms wit' each otha, ya know wit'chu hatin' mah game and all, but ah wanna wish ya a happy activation date, ya big palooka....I'll see ya in P5, cuz, ya'know, ima be in dat one too, ya know....
Had to do it man, happy birthday dude!
Do one of the first game, then you can talk about low standards. Or tolerance. Maybe even wether or not you hate yourself.
I've seriously thought about it. Just to see if the complaints hold up. And because I assume there's more Blanc in it.
Do Japanese gamers find Labyrs accent as annoying as some English speaking ones do?