I find it weird that English speaking people have a problem with her accent at all.
It's pretty cheesy. I don't hate it, but I can see why someone might.
I find it weird that English speaking people have a problem with her accent at all.
Sup with that?
I love Abyss.![]()
Have any of you guys played Alice: The Madness Returns by chance. I liked the first one well enough but I hear mixed opinions about the sequel even though it looks gorgeous.
Take note that I also love Alice in wonderland in general and will probably accept more flaws if it delivers and interesting take on the story than most.
My dream Persona scenario is for Namco to buy Atlus, and then, Persona 5 with idolm@ster characters. Producer-san is just a grown-up Yu, anyways.
Tales of the Abyss was hot garbage. Never playing it again.
Happy birthday, Dantis!
I love Alice Madness Returns. It was in my top ten list for game of the year 2011. It is a great callback to classic 3D platformers. The game is a little longer than it should be though. But Alice's art direction is superb; it is easily the best from 2011.
Yay! Another Abyss lover in here! It's my favorite Tales of games. Vespira almost took that honor, but that final act. Gah.
What makes Abyss so bad? I've enjoyed it so far, and heard nothing but good things outside of this thread.
I don't know much about the Tales games, so forgive me if I'm incorrect thinking like this if I'm off-base, but it seems to me the games have vastly different casts and storylines, so whether you'll like or hate a particular Tales game has more to do with personal tastes than anything else, right?
Vesperia is still on my backlog, sigh.
Cheers pal!
How can you have great opinions like this..
...And then opinions like this? >_>
Also Catherine's art direction was better. COME AT ME.
What makes Abyss so bad? I've enjoyed it so far, and heard nothing but good things outside of this thread.
Vesperia is still on my backlog, sigh.
Vespira has a weird difficulty hump in the beginning, but after that hump, it isn't too hard of a game. I'm telling you this, since I expect you to play Vespira immediately. Get off Gaf, and play it!
Right now I'm not halfway through Last of Us, so that's first.
My backlog is still pretty big though, so not sure what to tackle next. Vesperia may be the smartest thing. Burning myself out of Phoenix Wright after marathoning 1 and 2, so it might ruin 3 if it's any good. 999 I know nothing about the story yet so that's probably a ticking time bomb in terms of spoilers, but since I've avoided everything so far stlll could be safe.
I still haven't really played a Tales game before, not counting the maybe 5 hours I put into Vesperia over a year ago. From what I played, it reminded me a lot of my favorite PSX RPG, Star Ocean 2, so maybe that should be next.
It's not baaaaad, but compared to the other Mothership titles it has its flaws. One thing that irritated me was the MASSIVE AMOUNT of backtracking done at a certain point in the game. Another thing was the amount of unsympathetic characters in the game, and how they handle a few key issues. Everyone in your party at one point or another does/say something that will make you go "...what".What makes Abyss so bad? I've enjoyed it so far, and heard nothing but good things outside of this thread.
Play 999 first instead, and then Ace Attorney 3. Those are FAR more important than any Tales of games.
Ok, so this leads to the next question then. I don't know much about 999's structure, just that you have to beat it quite a few times to see anything, which I'm guessing is what I should do before getting to VLR?
There's no point in playing 999 if one's not going to go for the true ending, which requires several playthroughs.
Sigh, and this is what I was afraid of, oh well. Guess I'll have to do that then.
What makes Abyss so bad? I've enjoyed it so far, and heard nothing but good things outside of this thread.
Sigh, and this is what I was afraid of, oh well. Guess I'll have to do that then.
VLR is worth playing through 999 for.
I preferred 999.
VLR is worth playing through 999 for.
I preferred VLR. The two are pretty darn equal quality-wise and both do different things well and badly though.
999 has the better overall story and is self-contained, unlike VLR, which is basically a setup for the final entry in the franchise. Though, VLR is still awesome.
They're both great, but 999 is much better. More suspenseful too.
Even the writer said he was forced to make VLR less of a horror game.
Never forget the sliding doors.
Even the writer said he was forced to make VLR less of a horror game.
That's one of the problems for me. The quality of VLR's narrative heavily depends on Zero Escape 3 while 999 was a well thought out, self-contained story that would work without a sequel.
That, and VLR on the Vita at least had an awful user interface.
They're both great, but 999 is much better. More suspenseful too.
Even the writer said he was forced to make VLR less of a horror game.
Until the followup Q&A with the director/writer that was posted on the site afterwards.
A shame. I think the game could've used more tension.(VLR spoilerz)Only a few of voting segments were actually tense.
999's puzzles stunk. I thought the other annoyances (painfully slow text scroll speed, having to do the first room five times, lack of voice acting) were incidental in comparison.
lack of voice acting
Hey guys, CEO 2013 Persona 4 Arena finals will start at 7PM EST - you can watch the stream from here:
I don't play puzzle games, and I still thought they were way too easy.Some of them were alright. I just used a non-spoiler guide to get those that weren't.
but laura baileyCan't say I call that an issue, ever.![]()
but laura bailey
Anyone here contacted Evilore before? No luck no matter how hard i try :/
Oh god, does it. I'm in the thick of it right now, and I cannot believe how many hoops I need to jump through just to select and use an item. Or even to trod through your inventory. I was convinced there had to be some sort of quick-select button hidden somewhere, but... nope.I prefer 999, as I feel it had the better cast of characters. :S
That, and VLR on the Vita at least had an awful user interface.
(VLR semi-spoilers)Betraying Luna made me feel like such a total ass, though. D:
I'm thinking about getting the Persona remake for the PSP. Is it any good? I heard it's quite the farm fest (which I don't mind all that much actually), but how are the characters and the story etc?
I'm thinking about getting the Persona remake for the PSP. Is it any good? I heard it's quite the farm fest (which I don't mind all that much actually), but how are the characters and the story etc?
I'm thinking about getting the Persona remake for the PSP. Is it any good? I heard it's quite the farm fest (which I don't mind all that much actually), but how are the characters and the story etc?
Mhhh, doesn't sound very good then. So I should rather give P2 a try? But isn't it weird to play it, since it starts where the first game ends? Also, you can only play half the game, since punishment was never released in english, or am I wrong?
Mhhh, doesn't sound very good then. So I should rather give P2 a try? But isn't it weird to play it, since it starts where the first game ends? Also, you can only play half the game, since punishment was never released in english, or am I wrong?