That's what I use.Use Chuck.
Because Chuck is my real name and I always name my SMT protags after myself.
That's what I use.Use Chuck.
If you dislike Persona because of Social Links, calendar structure, and repetitive randomized dungeons, then know Persona Q doesn't have these elements.
If you dislike Persona because you don't like the characters, dialogue, or persona-fusion mechanics, know Persona Q does incorporate these elements. (Persona Q has a lot of dialogue, even if the story itself is pretty skeletal.)
Battles are round-based, with a focus on elemental advantages similar to Persona.
If a Persona comes with a "Resist Dark" passive skill (as in, it actually occupies a skill slot), it would cancel out the weakness, I believe. I might be wrong though.
I get it Atlus, Youske likes nurses and the girls can't cook, does that really need bringing up in every single spinoff? I'm sure the nurses thing was literally one line in the original P4.
The only correct answer in this thread so far.Both Chies suck. Original Japanese voice is Yui Horie, and no English voice actress could ever top her.
been on hold with BB for nearly two hours.
Apparently there was no receipt issued for my $80 cash pre-order. only $5 pre-order charge.
which is odd since I pre-ordered Porject Diva and GTAV for the Xbone all on the same receipt and I currently have both of those games.
The only info about PersonaQ on my account shows a cancellation for my pre-order today and nothing else.
I think the BB clerk I pre-ordered with stole my money...
Do you know how viable it is going P3MC and risky in terms of finding a resist dark sub? I really wanna do that combo. Or are all the resist dark personas late game or terrible?
I do like Alice a lot, so the faster I can get her the better it seems.
been on hold with BB for nearly two hours.
Apparently there was no receipt issued for my $80 cash pre-order. only $5 pre-order charge.
which is odd since I pre-ordered Porject Diva and GTAV for the Xbone all on the same receipt and I currently have both of those games.
The only info about PersonaQ on my account shows a cancellation for my pre-order today and nothing else.
I think the BB clerk I pre-ordered with stole my money...
I didn't play Risky, but there aren't too many enemies that use Mudo skills. A few in the later dungeons, and a couple of FOEs.
I remember finding a Resist Dark Sub-persona by happenstance sometime in the middle. You can eventually buy an accessory to nullify the weakness too.
I played between Hard and Normal, and I will say my P3MC did fall in battle from time to time. In my case, throwing a revive at him isn't much of a hassle, but RIsky players would definitely need to be more cautious (like throwing him in the back row, perhaps, to focus on magic abilities)
I feel much happier about doing P3 and Risky on my first run. Cheers.I didn't play Risky, but there aren't too many enemies that use Mudo skills. A few in the later dungeons, and a couple of FOEs.
I remember finding a Resist Dark Sub-persona by happenstance sometime in the middle. You can eventually buy an accessory to nullify the weakness too.
I played between Hard and Normal, and I will say my P3MC did fall in battle from time to time. In my case, throwing a revive at him isn't much of a hassle, but RIsky players would definitely need to be more cautious (like throwing him in the back row, perhaps, to focus on magic abilities)
Im confused. How was there no receipt issued for the pre-order but you have the receipt for the other games which was on the same receipt. Not trying to be a jerk either just really confused by your wording
been on hold with BB for nearly two hours.
Apparently there was no receipt issued for my $80 cash pre-order. only $5 pre-order charge.
which is odd since I pre-ordered Porject Diva and GTAV for the Xbone all on the same receipt and I currently have both of those games.
The only info about PersonaQ on my account shows a cancellation for my pre-order today and nothing else.
I think the BB clerk I pre-ordered with stole my money...
Which is confusing me as well. Because now they are telling me when they lookup my pre-order for the other two games it still shows an outstanding balance of a $103.00
I dont have the paper receipt for the pre-order since it was a while ago, but the other pre-orders show in my account, however the PQ pre-order only shows a $5 charge.
I paid in store cash, and it only shows $5 tendered on the receipt, the rest of the $75 I paid in store is not on the receipt.
So I got that heal stone in the first map, is that like an infinite healing item or something? I'm scared to use it
Also, any reason not to sell any materials? Also, any reason to keep old crappy equipment, or just sell them whenever I upgrade?
/droolspicked up the last XL and copy of the game.
picked up the last XL and copy of the game.
Anybody got a photo of the tarot cards?
P3MC is weak to Elec and Dark. P4MC is weak to Wind. P4MC gets better Vit and Str. P3 gets better Mag, Agi, Luc. The dark weakness is probably the biggest knock against the P3MC.
Somebody translated the Japanese wiki here for stats and abilities. Potential spoiler warning..
Both Chies suck. Original Japanese voice is Yui Horie, and no English voice actress could ever top her.
still sealed, so enjoy the back for now. took this before I went to work
Do you put first name first or last name first on a the name screen?
Question -- What languages are there for audio?
Answer -- Due to space issues, only English VA will be available.
first name first
How is the dialogue? Actually good like the mainline games, or caricature-ish and terrible like the Arena games?
How is the dialogue? Actually good like the mainline games, or caricature-ish and terrible like the Arena games?
Curious about this too.
Also, I know it's a dungeon crawler, but are there bits of story and what not paced throughout the game, or is it a bit at the beginning, and then a whole lot of "go fight shit ad nauseum just because" in a never-ending dungeon?
Curious about this too.
Also, I know it's a dungeon crawler, but are there bits of story and what not paced throughout the game, or is it a bit at the beginning, and then a whole lot of "go fight shit ad nauseum just because" in a never-ending dungeon?
It's pretty caricature-ish so far. Chie won't shut up about meat, Kanji is too dumb, etc. That's pretty much what I expected going in though, so I'm not particularly put off.
Every EO game has a story, they just aren't narrative heavy ones, I'm a big fan of almost every EO storyline so far.
I haven't played it but Persona Q is going to have to be really good to top EO3 story wise for me. I don't know anything about it but I'm expecting it to be a fanservice game and maybe even pull the lol it was a dream ending, so it migt not even get close.
The game has Aigis, so I know I'll love it no matter what but probably not as much as an EO title.
Do I need to have played P3 and 4 to enjoy this game? The aesthetic and the gameplay appeal to me but is the story non-stop fan-service that I'd be completely lost in?
So... What exactly does choosing the P3 or P4 protagonist at the start change anyway?
Do I need to have played P3 and 4 to enjoy this game? The aesthetic and the gameplay appeal to me but is the story non-stop fan-service that I'd be completely lost in?
So... What exactly does choosing the P3 or P4 protagonist at the start change anyway?
I don't mind minimalistic stories, like Shadow of The Colossus or Eco. that said, I heard that EO4 has lots of DLC, which I'm a bit against. I want to just buy a game and have it stand alone. Also, I heard the EO1 remake has a spoiler-y story mode?