Scalpel Knight
Apparently people who pirated the game can get online too. Kind of sad. 
Mejilan said:- Game boots up fine on 5.50 Prometheus-2.
- Data installs complete successfully.
- Importing trial version character went off without a hitch and proceeded into story mode. Progress resumes literally where I left off. (Happy I won't have to re-do the slow opening).
- Activated multiplayer via my PS3, since PSN purchases and licensing can be a bit spotty with a CFW PSP.
- Verified that PSP2 online multi was showing up in my list of services on PS3.
- Accessed Transaction Management on PSP (which signed me into PSN using PSNLover 1.2 beta plug-in), and pulled up the list of services on the portable. PSP2 online multi did show up properly.
- Booted the game back up, loaded my save, and tried out online multi. Signed into PSN without issue.
- Proceeded to host a party, and very quickly I had two random people I don't know show up.
So... long story short, not really sure why others reported earlier in the thread that they couldn't go online with the game via CFW. It's clearly possible, and I look forward to joining some GAF games a little further on.
Hotsuma said:You said you went online on your PSP by using your PS3? How does this work? I'm really thinking about getting the game, but the lack of playing online with CFW had me a bit iffy. I think I'm on 5.50 Gen D or something like that.
Scalpel Knight said:Apparently people who pirated the game can get online too. Kind of sad.![]()
Mejilan said:Really? How did they defeat the need to unlock the online multiplayer via a voucher?
I guess they hacked the digital release?
LALILULELO said:About the whole online play unlock voucher, I bought PSP2 in the shop (UMD) and it never ever asked me to enter it, and I played multiple hours online.
So I was wondering when I ever have to put in the little wing license?
Alex said:Do you have to play story mode to unlock new stuff in the shops? Everything about this has been really progressive in tuning up the flaws of the past until this.
Mejilan said:Self-quoting for new page.
My brief tests suggest that taking the game online with CFW is quite possible!
No, I said that I used my PS3 to redeem the online multiplayer enabling voucher that came with my (retail) copy of the game.
Really? How did they defeat the need to unlock the online multiplayer via a voucher?
I guess they hacked the digital release?
Zaraki_Kenpachi said:Wait, so you just went to the PSN store on your PS3 and put in your voucher code and since your psp was linked to that PS3 it let you go on? Or did you transfer something? Sorry, I'm just still confused about the whole using PS3 to put stuff on PSP.
Scalpel Knight said:Anyone playing online tonight? Last night I got an urgent mission with a random group and dropped for me. But someone returned to Clad 6 before I was able to pick it up. I was upset for hoursI really hate that once someone leaves, the entire party exits the mission automatically. It hurt, man.
kiryogi said:She grew up. And in shadow of her brother. As she often points out not wanting to have anything to do with him.
Lindsay said:Lumia when did ya become so serious business?! U4A2 reminded me of the StD defense mission which I liked. In the fmv sequence Alterazgoug was shown in De Ragnus's lair what a lazy error to make! Then the thing went an killed me so I had to do the whole act over again but this time I kicked its butt with a vengenance! Story aside its back to open missions I do Sacred Stream and what should I find at the end but a mysterious warp?! Its a Dragon+Falz mashup o.o! Its got cool moves cool music cool battlefield and is just great! And boy do the titles keep on rolling in! I see there is one for an 80 hit chain now... ugh that's not gonna be easy. Totally gonna need multi-player for that!
PepsimanVsJoe said:Seriously the damage output in this game is a bit much. It'd be one thing if I was taking on guys 20 or so levels above me but when I get rocked on supposedly even ground by a lucky combination it just gets frustrating. It's really strange balance since otherwise if I can get away or throw up a heal I'll be just fine. Death is either neigh-instant or non-existent..not much of a middle-ground.
The entire time I was wondering "when the hell did Ethan get a long-lost sister?" then it just hit me like a ton of bricks. The creepy girl from PSU..with the skirt that..oh god I blocked those memories out for a reason.
kiryogi said:She grew up. And in shadow of her brother. As she often points out not wanting to have anything to do with him.
CurseoftheGods said:Any advantages to playing the Story Mode?
Neudaiz - Is Ruins the only PSO stage that made a comeback?
Lindsay said:What the heckcoming outta the end of U5A2 I get an error message saying my install data is corrupt! Now stuff is loading slowly and the 3-5 second weapon load time has become a reality. With the install I'd hit the odd hiccup now and then but loads were not even close to what people were fussing over (prolly DD'ers trying ta justify their purchase). I guess now I have to delete and re-install it -.-
Pietepiet said:I had this happen earlier in the game. Saved, quit, started it up again, went into options, ticked "Install" back to "On". Worked fine again.
I don't know, the game is weird like that.
Also, would love to play with some of you guys. I tried doing random runs but everyone is locking their games because they're afraid of strangers or something.
kiryogi said:Every single mission that was on PSU is on PSP. That includes the PSO retro stages.
Lindsay: Also I'd say she had a pretty traumatic time in Ep3 depending which route you went.
Mejilan said:The voucher isn't really DLC.
It adds a service to your PSN account.
Since my PS3 and PSP are both tied to the same PSN account, registering the Little Wings service via my PS3 will also apply to the PSP, as soon as I sign into my account on the PSP.
Pietepiet said:Yeah, I got it working too. Just had to open some ports. Wasn't able to connect to games before but now I can![]()
Anyone want to get online real quick to exchange partner cards? I've set up a game:
Room: GAF
Password: cardtrad (not a typo, the e didn't fit...)
Just want to exchange cards so I can find you guys easier later. Don't think I'll play much, pretty tired and want to head to bed soon.
kiryogi said:Every single mission that was on PSU is on PSP. That includes the PSO retro stages.
Lindsay: Also I'd say she had a pretty traumatic time in Ep3 depending which route you went.
Mejilan said:The voucher isn't really DLC.
It adds a service to your PSN account.
Since my PS3 and PSP are both tied to the same PSN account, registering the Little Wings service via my PS3 will also apply to the PSP, as soon as I sign into my account on the PSP.
Came as a separate, one page paper stuck right in front of the game's manual, sealed in the box. Its flip side had the PSN download code that must be redeemed.Lyte Edge said:I don't recall getting a voucher when I bought the game. How do I find it?
Damn, that sucks!kyo_daikun said:My friend just told me he was playing online with randoms, they finished a mission and an urgent mission came up afterwards, straight away the party leader removed everyone from the party.
Some dirty ass people out there...
kyo_daikun said:My friend just told me he was playing online with randoms, they finished a mission and an urgent mission came up afterwards, straight away the party leader removed everyone from the party.
Some dirty ass people out there...
Lindsay said:I ran into another glitch but this one hurt me so much more! I got into another battle with the rare dragon boss and partway through the fight it became untargetable! It could hurt me but I couldn't hurt it at all. That's so cruel!! I even had a nice rare drop boost from Sayo! All I could do was either let it kill me or quit out of the mission (or the game obviously). ;_;
Sounds like the asshole PSU crowd made it over to this game -_-
kiryogi said:Heh Lindsay, why don't you play on the imports considering you're such a big fan.
I AM JOHN! said:Why is this game so damn hard to find? I've gone to almost every Best Buy near me and none of them have it despite saying they do on the website. >:|
DeVeAn said:So how is this game coming along for the fans? Is it hella fun? I want it so bad buy trying to follow my set of "rules" in buying games, as in not buying a game unless I plan to play it now. Finished KHBBS still got DQIX goin and got Sports Champions through PS3 Slim bundle.
This I plan to get next along with VC2. So should I get this or wait for PSP2i?
DeVeAn said:So how is this game coming along for the fans? Is it hella fun? I want it so bad buy trying to follow my set of "rules" in buying games, as in not buying a game unless I plan to play it now. Finished KHBBS still got DQIX goin and got Sports Champions through PS3 Slim bundle.
This I plan to get next along with VC2. So should I get this or wait for PSP2i?
Lindsay said:Gotta say now that I've got 30-some hours into the game that guarding is the best thing added to this series. Nuts to the dodge! It was fun at first and its still cute to roll through sector gates but really I could live without it. Guarding is brilliant and has become much more of a reflexive move then the dodge!
Lindsay said:Gotta say now that I've got 30-some hours into the game that guarding is the best thing added to this series. Nuts to the dodge! It was fun at first and its still cute to roll through sector gates but really I could live without it. Guarding is brilliant and has become much more of a reflexive move then the dodge!