I was forced to give Gamestop money for this game. I am not pleased, Sega. Not pleased at all. >:|
On the plus side, though, it's pretty fun.
On the plus side, though, it's pretty fun.
Haha, nice! Yeah I added you after we traded cardsScalpel Knight said:Hey Pietepiet, I'm "Drizzyfinks" from the 4chan thread. Believe you added me on MSN, yes?
Anyway, I wish there was more interest in this game. I'm starting to wonder how many of you I may have come across, seeing as I usually play with randoms. Need to exchange cards with some of you guys.
kyo_daikun said:Is anyone up for a game tonight? I will be around from midnight to about 3am GMT if people want to party up.
xKilltheMx said:Gmt is what time EST?
Lindsay said:Ooohh yeah! I beat the story mode! But I only got the "normal" aka bad ending thats a real slap in the face ;_; I generally had Emilias back the whole time in the text select stuff so what went so desperately wrong? That final story missions were really hard to! I died so many times I earned the 10 death title and my scape doll reserve dipped into single digits!That tower... and the end boss. Oh if only I had noticed right away that it switched from dark element to light element between forms I woulda been spared so much pain.
Thankfully they let ya replay the story missions over and over so I can rectify my mistakes... after I get massively powered up! Still got sidestory missions, some more open ones that just unlocked, tons of clothing to buy and titles to get! These past 37 hours have only been a prologue!
xKilltheMx said:37 Hours? Shit im at 42 and on chapter 5. How many chapters are there?
Source: essen from http://forum.psupedia.info/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=1137
Password - Item
32091120 - Bullet Lancer (up to 50%)
53962481 - Maverick Rifle (up to 50%)
33286491 - Scouring Bubble
29888026 - Clarita Visas I (up to 50%)
30495153 - Toop Nasur (up to 50%)
11293398 - Puyo Pop Fists (up to 50%)
54186516 - Puyo Pop Fever Gun (up to 50%)
34819852 - Sonic Knuckles (up to 50%)
74612418 - Ogi's Head
34162313 - Special Pizza Slicer (up to 50%)
89747981 - Pizza Shack D. Box (up to 50%)
32549411 - Platinum Tiger (male clothes)
32549412 - Platinum Tiger (female clothes)
32549413 - Platinum Tiger (male parts)
32549414 - Platinum Tiger (female parts)
32549410 - Angry Marshmellow (up to 50%)
98443461 - Trauma Bandages (male clothes)
98443462 - Trauma Bandages (female clothes)
98443463 - Trauma Bandages (male parts)
98443464 - Trauma Bandages (female parts)
98443460 - Crutches (up to 50%)
72401991 - Lovely Feathers (female clothes)
72401992 - Lovely Feathers (female parts)
72401990 - Art Javelin (up to 50%)
41761771 - Hanhel Tsunagin (male clothes)
41761772 - Hanhel Tsunagin (male parts)
41761770 - True Hash (up to 50%)
48168861 - Blank Epoch (male clothes)
48168862 - Blank Epoch (male parts)
48168860 - Telltale Hearts (up to 50%)
55687361 - Magical Princess (female clothes)
55687362 - Magical Princess (female parts)
55687360 - Mr Ekoeko-stick (up to 50%)
84639190 - Knight-King Armor (female clothes blue x white)
84639191 - Knight-King Armor (female clothes red x white)
84639192 - Knight-King Armor (female clothes green x white)
84639193 - Knight-King Armor (female clothes yellow x white)
84639194 - Knight-King Armor (female clothes purple x white)
84639195 - Knight-King Armor (female clothes pink x white)
84639196 - Knight-King Armor (female clothes light blue x white)
84639197 - Knight-King Armor (female clothes gold x white)
84639198 - Knight-King Armor (female clothes white x white)
84639199 - Knight-King Armor (female clothes black x white)
84639200 - Knight-King Armor (female parts)
76416348 - Excalibur (up to 50%)
24932270 - Akahara Reisou (male clothes red x black)
24932271 - Akahara Reisou (male clothes blue x black)
24932272 - Akahara Reisou (male clothes yellow x black)
24932273 - Akahara Reisou (male clothes green x black)
24932274 - Akahara Reisou (male clothes purple x black)
24932275 - Akahara Reisou (male clothes pink x black)
24932276 - Akahara Reisou (male clothes brown x black)
24932277 - Akahara Reisou (male clothes light blue x black)
24932278 - Akahara Reisou (male clothes black x black)
24932279 - Akahara Reisou (male clothes white x black)
24932280 - Akahara Reisou (male parts)
46815464 - Kansho Bayuka (up to 50%)
15644321 - Plug Suit Shinji (male clothes blue/white)
15644322 - Plug Suit Shinji (male parts)
46211351 - Plug Suit Rei (female clothes white/black)
46211352 - Plug Suit Rei (female parts)
34336181 - Plug Suit Asuka (female clothes red/black)
34336182 - Plug Suit Asuka (female parts)
32143166 - Longinus Lance (up to 50%)
39395341 - Miku Hatsune Dress (female clothes grey/green)
39395342 - Miku Hatsune Dress (female parts)
39395343 - Miku's Leek Saber (up to 50%)
39395344 - Miku's T. Leek Sabers (up to 50%)
39395345 - Miku's Leek Rifle (up to 50%)
39395346 - Miku's Leek Wand (up to 50%)
51355131 - Ochakendoog (up to 50%)
51355132 - Tea-Dog Plush
51355133 - New Tea-Dog Plush
51355134 - Pa-Panda! Table
54333358 - Edelweiss Figure
43326648 - Play Blu Edge (up to 50%)
88619433 - Game Pro Knuckles (up to 50%)
33974688 - TOXIC Cannon (up to 50%)
21887733 - PS Magazine R-Mag (up to 50%)
54684698 - The Rappy of Hope
41325468 - Memoir of a legend
64991154 - Nei's partnership
It seems like that there isn't; by all accounts, Ad-hoc Party doesn't suffer from the same amount of lag that the online is quite prone towards and you get the tremendous advantage of having both actual keyboard and voice chat available. The netcode for this game is really disappointing.matmanx1 said:Wow at that password list. Sort of awesome but also sort of unfortunate that they all got cracked open so quickly. I see the Edelweiss in there which is all kinds of awesome. That's probably the first one I'm going to use.
I wonder which one of those are good guns? My Ranger is always on the lookout for more powerful ranged weapons!
Also: I've got some friends from work who've been playing online but they are using Ad-hoc party exclusively so they can use the PS3 voice chat at the same time. Is there any advantage to using Sega's servers over Ad-hoc party?
Ridley327 said:It seems like that there isn't; by all accounts, Ad-hoc Party doesn't suffer from the same amount of lag that the online is quite prone towards and you get the tremendous advantage of having both actual keyboard and voice chat available. The netcode for this game is really disappointing.
depward said:All Visiphone passwords have been found:
Ogi's Head
Ridley327 said:It seems like that there isn't; by all accounts, Ad-hoc Party doesn't suffer from the same amount of lag that the online is quite prone towards and you get the tremendous advantage of having both actual keyboard and voice chat available. The netcode for this game is really disappointing.
RubyEclipse said:I don't get millions of dollars to spend trying to promote this game or the franchise via ads. I get some assets and some codes, and my role from there is to try and do as much as possible to support the game with what I have. As the community manager, that's my job.
It's unfortunate to see people in support of hacking and cheating because they 'stopped the drip-feed' that wasn't even a drip-feed in the first place. What they did do was kill off any hope of promoting this series elsewhere with those codes, so kudos to them for that - I hope you enjoy your fame.
Anyways though, as disappointing as it is, what's done is done and there's no point spending too much more time debating it. We did still get a major win on the community front by simply getting these items over to the west, and that's a victory that I don't think should be overshadowed by a couple cheaters.
They work for me. (full version)DeVeAn said:I tried the codes in the demo. Up to Sonic Knuckles worked after that no go.
We did still get a major win on the community front by simply getting these items over to the west
timnich said:Made a room. See previous post for room details!
timnich said:Hold on, I'll make it again.
Edit: it's up!
Lindsay said:Chelsea is top tier to me. She's kinda weird yet awesome. Segac may have taken all mention of hostesses and clubs outta Yakuza 3 but her dialogue and champaign call brings it all back! Plus I love the replica of her outfit!
timnich said:Do the open missions you complete in multiplayer count towards completion in single player?
digita1alchemy said:How do you get it? I thought it would be in the shop with the rest of the NPC outfits when I beat the game but, unless I missed it somehow, it wasn't there.
Hcoregamer00 said:Got the game, it is pretty awesome.
I am a Newman female Force like in Phantasy Star Portable, is there any way to increase your PP? I seem to be draining that thing like nobodies business.
depward said:This game is crack. So very much enjoying it.
So, I got an item that seemingly my partner gave me that's a variation of a partner? What do I do with it?
xKilltheMx said:No way to increase PP I think, just reduce use.
depward said:If you level Braver to type level 2, you get a small increase in PP. At 15, you get a higher boost. And at 25 you get a boost to the regen rate.
xKilltheMx said:I stand corrected.
depward said:Yeaaaah but really, it's easy to level that type up to 2... but after that, it'll take some serious time to grab the other bonuses.
Parallax said:im sure this has probably been answered, but i dont have much time to read through the thread. has anyone else been having character transfer problems between psp and psp2? it says that my save is corrupted, when it clearly isnt. is there a fix for this?