The only thing that is interesting is that they are Giant Bomb fans. How is there a previews for a game that is not in production?! Game journalism o yeah!
Holy shit out of nowhere. My favorite RTS "series" of all time. I loved the shit out of CC and FA.
Wow, not digging the art style at all though. Doesn't really matter if the gameplay is there, but that's kinda disappointing.
Fuck it, dropped $95.
Big publishers get previews when they only have cg trailers or even a few poorly doctored bullshots to show all the time. No reason small devs can't do it too.
$950,000 will not be reached.
Defense Grid 2 barely hit $250,000 and that game was amazing, albeit the price of $1,000,000, was way to high.
People are relying too heavily on Kickstarter.
Even though this game looks freaking amazing and I would want it so bad.
$950,000 will not be reached.Prove me wrong.
Defense Grid 2 barely hit $250,000 and that game was amazing, albeit the price of $1,000,000, was way to high.
People are relying too heavily on Kickstarter.
Even though this game looks freaking amazing and I would want it so bad.
As for PA:
The business model they choose may affect whether or not I invest too much into the game. I'm not sure how modable the game can be if they will want to monetize post launch content. Unless they allow user made content to be sold and they take a cut. Or release expansions which constantly change the game systems so modders just don't recreate the units.
I'm probably just too used to paying for a game upfront and maybe expansions later, while small bits of content are free or user created.
Interview says they hope to do exactly that.Better have a Boneyards-esque Galactic War metagame.
Offline / LAN play support
By popular demand we are happy to announce that we will support LAN play and running your own servers! There will be elements of the game that are online only and will only be available when connected. For example things like player stats, auto-updating, metagame etc. However, we feel its important to be able to have an offline experience as well.
For offline play, the game will be DRM free. For online play that gives you access to the global community and social features, you will need to be logged in.
Multiple Language Support
At launch we are committing to support at least English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish. Other languages may follow based on demand.
Sharable Custom Commander
By popular demand we've decided to allow the $1000 level custom commander be sharable. We will send you 5 codes that you can choose to share with your friends. They can use the code to get access to the commander unit.
64-bit Support
We're confirming support for 64-bit operating systems.
The supporters of this Kickstarter are the ones we are listening to, so keep the suggestions coming!
You spoke, we listened; Linux support is confirmed. This is not a stretch goal. We are supporting it right out of the gate.
As an old TA player I hope this turns out better than Supreme Commander if the project is able to take off. I remember playing for hours with an old high school buddy. We would link via dial up back in those days.Man those were fun times.
On a side note and sorry to thread jack but. Anyway to get Battle Tactics and The Core Contingency to work on a Windows 7 x64 install? The news has me in the mood to play TA again but only the TA discs works and not the expansion packs. Without have to buy a digital version anyone know what to do to get TA on a modern PC from the original discs?
Just play Total Annihilation Spring
Spring is nice but the UI is atrocious. Maybe it was just the particular version of TA Spring I was playing. Do you have any recommendations?Just play Total Annihilation Spring
I won't be able to contribute now but when I have free funds next week, I'm all in.