I'm very skeptical about this one, however a friend of mine who is originally from Turkey that I went to college with ensures me that Hepsiburada is a huge retailer there. A legitimate one, not one of the fake ones. With 2.9 million likes on Facebook they seem legitimate... Anyone speak Turkish or from Turkey on GAF can offer more thoughts?
This PlayStation 5 listing on their web site has the following paragraph.
Could be very unlikely but you never know. I originally picked this up on Reddit where other Turkish users have vouched for the retailer.
This PlayStation 5 listing on their web site has the following paragraph.
Unique Design Combining Old and New
Since all games in previous versions of PlayStation 5 are supported, these games continue to play in the same way. In other words, all games on PlayStation 2, 3 and 4 can be played on PS5. With this feature, the Sony brand, which steals the hearts of gamers, enables gamers to continue their games without giving up the games they are used to.
Could be very unlikely but you never know. I originally picked this up on Reddit where other Turkish users have vouched for the retailer.