Nah doesn't even sounds plausible.
I am talking about how it works on Xbox and how it SHOULD work on Playstation tooHow do you own in the first place......by buying it? As said I'm not buying ps2 games again
What you mean by "you own it"?
I am talking about how it works on Xbox and how it SHOULD work on Playstation too
Yes you own by buying then how are you going to own? If your account got PS2 and PS3 games then you shouldn't buy them again
Unless Sony decides to charge again like they always do then GG
So the small handful of PS2 games available on PS4 can easily be emulated? They didn’t make any big changes to the code?The PS4 plays PS2 games locally, in 1080p, officially.
I don't know, this sounds dumb enough to be true"PS2 upwards" seems strange, since PS2 and PS3 would be the hardest to emulate yet PS1 is basically free at this point.
It looks like they tried to do something new by adding trophies to PS2 games and couldn't be bothered anymore. People with hacked PS4s would add a lot of PS2 games and most would work with little to no issues.So the small handful of PS2 games available on PS4 can easily be emulated? They didn’t make any big changes to the code?
The selection of games is laughable, I always figured it was because they strike a balance between being popular enough to sell and being easily emulated with little to no issues to address.
Cerny already talked about the BC in his presentation. No way would he have left out a small detail about how the thing plays nearly the entire back catalogue. It's time to let that dream die.
The only rationale to leave such a feature out would be that the GDC talk was intended to focus on new hardware-based features of interest to developers.Could be their one more thing moment since Cerny didn't mention anything prior to PS4 in his BC section.
Then again that talk wasn't meant for consumers to begin with so perhaps why they felt the need to omit it.
I've always felt that this slide had space on it for a reason.
The only rationale to leave such a feature out would be that the GDC talk was intended to focus on new hardware-based features of interest to developers.
Still, not likely at all. They would have already mentioned that in all other promotional material. It just doesn't make sense.
I don't honestly think for one second that ps3 and earlier compatibility is going to be supported. However, if it were, why would he need to mention that at a game developers conference? What would dev's need this info for?
The same reasons he did bring up PS4 BC. Boosting, and the fact that they know it's mostly non-developers watching and that this stuff will get immediately into the headlines.
I feel people have good reason to be negative about Sony and BC, but some of the pessimism might be unwarranted.
Here's some reason to keep optimistic.
1) MS were not widely known for BC before this gen, only supporting some OG XBox titles on 360 via emulation until 2007
2) AFAIK, 360 backwards compatibility did not leak, and was only known after E3 2015, despite how long the project had been underway
3) Right now, very few OG XBox games are supported; there might be similar reasons as to why 6th gen and prior emulation has proved so difficult for both
4) Even before this gen started Cerny was asked to support PS3 BC, but that was incompatible with the x86 architecture plans; so Sony was not innately averse to BC
5) The PS4 is legitimately a poor environment for emulation, especially of very "quirky" PS hardware; it might have proven sensible to move BC efforts to PS5
Ultimately the proof is in the pudding, but I'm confident we start seeing better BC efforts from Sony this gen.
I think ps4 BC was brought up to developers because they are working with them to ensure compatibility. It's in their best interest to get ahead of such a feature. Do you see devs patching ps3 through ps1 games? Do you see them caring about compatibility in the used game market? I disagree with that logic.
Well, yes and no. Microsoft have extensive backwards compatibility at the forefront of their Series X messaging, just look at the blog post from a few days ago letting people know that 1, 360 and original Xbox games are all going to benefit from things like increased and more stable frame rates, faster loads times, HDR on the Series X. But, as you say, none of that work actually involves work from the original developers. So I still believe if we were going to hear about it, we would have heard it there simply as an interesting thing the hardware can pull off, but maybe not, maybe that's the kind of thing they announce elsewhere. If at all - I also doubt we're getting it.
I'm inclined to agree, which fits with my point.the lack of OG Xbox BC titles most likely has a lot to do with licensing , as MS doesn’t really like to make games BC unless they’re available digitally.
I've always felt that this slide had space on it for a reason.
Not this again. Its the motherboard of the PS4, that's why they used it.
Please stop.
No. There is only PS4 BC.I'm well aware of this, yet this in no way contradicts those who might think the space is there for a reason.
They proactively chose the motherboard shape as the most appropriate one for a visualisation when talking about PS5 backwards compatibility and then left half of the graphic empty. This visualisation was not imposed on them.
They also didn't talk about their counter to Xbone's policies until E3 so as to let people think otherwise and pleasantly surprised them allNyet friend. If this was the case Sony would be raving about it specially cause XsX is BC day 1 thousands of titles @4k 60/120fps + HDR. Jst saying... Sony needs to start talking
Well, technically both PS4 and PSNow include some PS2 and PS3 games.
So this means that since PS5 will be BC with PS4 and will also have PS Now, it also will have PS3 and PS2 games. Not the entire catalog, and some of them only available through streaming, but you'll be able to play PS2 and PS3 games too on PS5.
I'm inclined to agree, which fits with my point.
It just might be difficult to get a lot of 6th gen or prior games due to licensing issues, irrespective of a company's commitment to BC.
If you have PS2 classics bought for PS4 they will work on PS5, no need to pay extra to use them through BC. Same goes with remastered PS2/PS3 games and PS3/PS4 crossgen games released on PS4: if you bought them on PS4, you get them free on PS5 through BC.A streaming service that you have to pay extra for is not my definition of backwards compatibility.
I see.let me put it this way do u think a software and hardware engineer like mark cerny and a group of software dudes wouldnt get the pretty complete ps1 emulator from 2006 that was on the psp/ps3 to run on a 9 teraflop machine in 2020, they could do it in a couple months of work.