But you (and we) already know the answer.
-They launched with a bunch of AAA exclusives like Uncharted, Vitas stayed on shelves.
-They brought us spinoffs of popular Sony franchises like KZ: Mercs and Resistance and they didn't sell.
-They got third parties to bring us spin offs / ports of popular franchises like Call of Duty, Assassin's Creed, and Borderlands 2... and people hated on them all.
-They created unique exclusives tailored to the hardware like Gravity Rush and Tearaway, and they didn't sell.
What do you want them to say? That? Why in the world would they say that in an interview? You need to stay positive in an interview and speak about the positives, not fester in the failures.
And those successes are huge:
1) They finally found a market Vita owners would embrace -- indies and localizations.
2) Remote play.
If an interviewer asks them if we're going to get, say, TLOU Vita, the only intelligent answer is to focus on remote play. Giving all the reasons the answer is 'no' would be... awful.
EDITED TO ADD: I'm currently playing Transitor on my Vita via remote play. It's fantastic, and will hold me over till Natural Doctrine. Now, Transistor would likely work on Vita, and perhaps we'll get it. But in the meantime? It's a fantastic option. Like, every time I use it I think it's black magic, and my wife is similarly amazed. Sony should be shouting about this tech from rooftops.
Vita is the best device for a dad, ever.