Ya its easily noticeable. Didn't kill it for me but ya.
That is just weird. The issue I have is regardless of setup after playing a game for a time the entire world has drifted to one way or the other and reseting it doesn't work . So I have to shutdown and start up. Even tried in our empty room that has 0 items in it buy me in a headset with the door closed and the VR wire going under it. Still drifts. 2 camera units...still drifts
I got the drift occasionally and just closing the app and relaunchung fixes it. But it doesn't pop up a lot.
I have e this setup in my basement office with no windows and all the lights are turned off. I turn off all of my monitors but the camera's FOV shows nothing in the way.
I have to take a break. I tried 15 minutes in total today and it was a huge mess. Need to lay off for a few hours. When it works its brilliant but I'm not sure if Move controllers interfere with headset tracking (they shouldn't) but man, my arms and hands were all sorts of going in directions not possible in Until Dawn and Job Sim.
Job sim was far worse with FoV snapping randomly while I played and Until Dawn had just enough view snapping to make me nauseous.
I play Job Sim standing and don't move my feet and use a non-swivel chair for Until Dawn just to make sure I'm not moving my body around like mad.
It worked great the first night outside of general physics funky collision in Job Sim which is to be expected, but man it killed me today.
As much as it works when it works, these issues shouldn't be happening. I'm sticking with it because its mind blowing when it's on point but Sony REALLY needs to use a new camera, gyro and LED tracking solution. I think LEDs are fine but PSVR2 better have a new cam and move controllers. I think using this old tech was a mistake. When it works - awesome. When it doesn't - ick.
I still will recommend PSVR because it's bonkers when it goes smooth.
Hoping a lot of this can be rectified in patches to smooth the experience.