London: The Heist was great. But man I feel a bit tired after playing it through. Going to take a break and play later.
where are these settings? Can't seem to find them anywhere.Just went into options and calibrated the eye position and headset lights..... Everything looks much sharper now, not to mention I've learned over the past two days how to put the headset on just right so everything is as clear as possible. I also gently wipe the lenses each time.
I'm one of developers of Bound, thanks for such great comments about our VR version. I'll be doing reddit AMA next week, if you have some questions.
For those who doesn't know how the game looks in VR you can check on my commentary here:
But like couple of people already said, it needs to be checked with HMD on.
Thanks and please keep your eyes on the next update!
where are these settings? Can't seem to find them anywhere.
Thank you. Hopefully this fixes the blurry issue I have.Go to Settings > Devices > PlayStation VR > Measure Eye-to-Eye Distance
Thirty minutes of Rigs later and I'm a resident of puke city.
I'm so bummed out.
Thank you. Hopefully this fixes the blurry issue I have.
Did you use head turning? That messes me up too. Right stick turn is absolutely no problem.
Depends on the game, but this is a horrible solution.
You won't be getting positional audio in games where it is important. When you turn your head in VR the headphones move with you. If you turn your head to search for a noise, say you look left, the right can would be where your center channel is on your 5.1 set and the right channel audio you would technically be hearing behind you since the back of your head now faces the right side of your 5.1 setup because the 5.1 setup doesn't follow how you turn your head.
Not only that but there is no positional audio for above or below you if you can't tilt your 5.1 system with your skull. All of that is important and 5.1 is a sub par experience.
This will cause a disconnect in games where you are turning a lot. I imagine this would be horrible for horror games.
To others having the giant bomb issue - exchange or return it. A few preview streams had theirs rectified with exchange units. If it's hardware related you don't want to hang on to it.
Generally better. It depends on a game per game basis. The image quality can be really good, better than Gear VR in the better apps. You absolutely have far less screen door effect so it's a cleaner image. I only really notice almost like dots at the corner of where the pixels meet, and only when you're really looking for it in a light scene. Compared to Gear VR where I can easily decipher every single block of pixels when looking for it.
So it's much better than the Gear there. Also, the optics in general give you a clearer image across a wider field of view than Gear VR does. I found Gear VR blurrier much closer to the centre. PSVR blurs but only at the very extreme edges.
VR is the only time cockpit racing has clicked for me.I pulled the trigger and bought Driveclub VR despite the disappointingly blurry demo. :O Glad i did, the full game is insanely good!! I've never been this immersed in a driving game, VR is definitely the future of driving games.
I am so excited to get the game soon and rip into it. It looks amazing!!!
Couple more questions...prediction hats on...
Console game bundles are a common thing these days, actually downright expected...especially during the holidays.
Do you think PSVR will have game bundles too? If i already have a ps4 pro in the future, i would be more inclined to get a psvr bundle packed in with RE7, if I dont give in to the hype and buy one sooner, lol.
Soooo got mine, just been 3 hours with the headset on, tried every demo (from the european disc, DC, Rigs, Battlething...) plus some apps and playroom. Never felt nauseous nor tired. I just removed it and i don't even feel weird or have some mark / physical senstation on my head like i always had with the dk2 after putting it for some time. It's like i basically didn't stay 3 hours in VR.
So comfort = 10/10 amazing
There is ZERO screen door. There is some grain you can see when it's darker, but i couldn't spot any screen door, and it was really obvious in the DK2, with the same resolution.
Now i had a lot of problems of tracking with the Dualshock. I think it's cause teh camera is on a table, and sometimes my hands go below the table. I have to find a better place for it.
Some games like wayward sky have a weird ... retroprjection problem ? Or a camera tracking problem i don't know but when i move my head i can see things being kinda warped. It's really obvious in that game, more than others. Also the controller tracking problem was horrendous in this demo, almost not playable.
Yes i have 2 moves, but .. i'm not sure, do i have to charge them the first time ? i guess. And... I'm worried about that, i need to plug both of them with usb ? Not on ps4 i hope cause there are not free usb available... So yeah i didn't use them for my first time.
Drive Club: No nausea, but i wasn't trying to look everywhere all the time lol. I guess if people do that it must feel nauseous pretty quick, like in a real car. The game feels good, is really playable like that, but.. Yeah it's blurry as fuck, the track in front of you, the landscape. Problem with that in VR, to me, is that it kinda killd the 3D effect. You just have a blurry mess in front of you like if you needed your glases and you forgot them. After playing many demos today i'm pretttty sure DC doesn't have the same resolution as other games... But the framerate seemed nice.
No Nausea in Battlezone nor rigs but i prefered Battlezone for the 2 stick control. I love that and there is zero problem for me in VR with second stick control so this is the most intuitive. Aiming with the head in Rigs felt weird but that kind of game is not really for me control wise. The scale and graphics looked great tho, Battlezone to with some intense action, loved it.
Eve looks amazing but the demo is way too short.
The platformer from playroom is really nice, really cute. But i also had a problem with the controller tracking, different this time. It kinda sliped.. The initial position of the controller was oriented wrongly after some times and i just had to push start and do the quick calibration to reboot it, weird...But it was playable without problem anyway even with that.
The funniest demo.. Tumble and Headmaster lol.
More globally i'm a little disappointed with something. I.. i wasn't really amazed at any of that, like the first time woth the Oculus dk2. It's a shame cause i'm pretty sure the experience is way more confy and better quality, and things are more refined. But hey that OMG moment is not eternal with VR. It'll be there again when there will be a major boost in quality i guess. That's also i think why reviewers are sometimes not selling the purpose of the vr, barely talking about the sense of immersion and all..
But still, i wanted to touch some things, like he robot or the palm trees in playroom, or the little helicopter that shoots at you. I said at loud OMG many times with a smile on my face like when you discover the factory around you in battlezone.
I mean contrary to what people said. The tech is way enough to do amazing things. It's an absolute lie to say PS4 is not enough and not legit for VR. This is WAY enough to do amazing things really. It's all about learning how to optimize things, what works or not. Some of the demo, like DC are clearly forced to VR without much work, and with a game that wasn't a good fit at all (graphic wise), but most games that are optimized are way sharp enough, clear and fluid.
Now i'll have to see what game i'm buying. I would almost be tempted to buy Tumble. Of course i know Rez is amazing but i couldn't try it. Thumer could be too frustrating for me i don't know.. I'll see.
Other minor things:
I'm disappointed with the 360° movies in the dedicated app. NONE of them are stereoscopic... Some have insanely bad quality but some others are good.
Not that much amazing use of binaural for now, but in the sega diva thing it wa nice to be on the stage behind her. You could hear the music from behind, then change clearly when turning your face.
[earlier tracking problem comments]
I think this would work fine with the move and headset, but because of the slant on the DS4 controller, your likely going to occlude the light bar. I've noticed that putting the camera above my TV leads to sub par controller tracking, putting it below increased accuracy.
I'll quote my post so i didn't took 15 minutes to post it for nothing![]()
I'm surprised that there's zero dizziness with Thumper. Maybe it's the fixed "perspective" of the beetle?
Incredible experience.
And this is the reason the new DS4 has a light bar at the top of the touchpad.
The platformer on Playroom was good but I was getting motion sick feeling when the camera moved forward. I'm kinda concered now as that wasnt really all that intensive.
Impressions from Kitchen, Playroom VR and Wayward Sky?
I have a vive and now a PSVR.. and I'm very impressed
The Vive may have better tech for the most part.. but I have to say that PSVR's comfort and lenses has the vive beaten by just as much..
I'm glad I have bought the two best options out there![]()
I have a vive and now a PSVR.. and I'm very impressed
The Vive may have better tech for the most part.. but I have to say that PSVR's comfort and lenses has the vive beaten by just as much..
I'm glad I have bought the two best options out there![]()
Anyone care to comment on the replay value for the games they bought?
Anyone care to comment on the replay value for the games they bought?
While room and equipment setup works, that doesn't explain when things go bad. I have issues today, after 2 days of near flawless play. Everything today is excruciatingly bad.I will be truly amazed if people don't have tracking issues the first time they turn it on. 3 days in I have the camera and everything set nicely and am having little to no issue. First night was pretty bad, but it was due to a light I had on in the room.
In short if you are having tacking issues, spend the time to get everything set ocrrectly and using the vr set up accordingly
While room and equipment setup works, that doesn't explain when things go bad. I have issues today, after 2 days of near flawless play. Everything today is excruciatingly bad.
For reference, I game in my basement office, no windows, no lights so it's always the exact same.
While room and equipment setup works, that doesn't explain when things go bad. I have issues today, after 2 days of near flawless play. Everything today is excruciatingly bad.
For reference, I game in my basement office, no windows, no lights so it's always the exact same.
While room and equipment setup works, that doesn't explain when things go bad. I have issues today, after 2 days of near flawless play. Everything today is excruciatingly bad.
For reference, I game in my basement office, no windows, no lights so it's always the exact same.
While room and equipment setup works, that doesn't explain when things go bad. I have issues today, after 2 days of near flawless play. Everything today is excruciatingly bad.
For reference, I game in my basement office, no windows, no lights so it's always the exact same.
I'd like to give more info.. but I'm not good at explaining the technical parts..Would like to hear more comparisons
Went to Target and bought Bateman VR and Until Dawn VR.
I'm not playing horror things, fuck them.
Playroom i talked about it, great platformer. I'd like a full game, but had a slight calibration problem with the pad that kept changing it's base orientation. Its a shame most games in playroom are multiplayers. They are really pretty.
Wayward Sky was barely playable due to tracking problems with my cam and the pad.