You just need to plug them in once, and press the PS-button to get then to pair with the PS4. No cables needed after that.Yes i have 2 moves, but .. i'm not sure, do i have to charge them the first time ? i guess. And... I'm worried about that, i need to plug both of them with usb ? Not on ps4 i hope cause there are not free usb available... So yeah i didn't use them for my first time.
Tried different ports on my pc, it blinks 6 times then stops.
I received them today with the PSVR
So i have to use the 2 front ports of the ps3 to charge 3 things, while unpluging the headset... that's horrible. Fuck you Sony
Same here, tried plugging them into every USB port I could find, they only charge on Playstation's.
Are there any jump-scares? I'm fine with scary stuff, but jump-scares in VR is a no-go for me.You should try the full version of Here They Lie. Yikes. Rattled me a few times and I'm never really scared of horror games but it's a whole different ballgame in VR. Totally unsettling but in a good way.
That's the only game to get me so far. I suggest everyone avoid it. I went from "motion sickness doesn't exist" to "I'm so scared of new games making me feel the way world war toons did"messed around with World War Toons for a little bit, first game to kinda fuck me up, still feeling kinda woozy 20 minutes later
So, I ran out to Walmart last night and bought one.
It's neat, but this tech should not be sold yet, IMO. It's still in the early stages, fit for "proof of concept" but not for mass market appeal, and not to fulfill its potential of supplanting the TV screen.
For it to actually be "the future" it still has far too many shortcomings.
For instance, resolution. It looks as if I'm playing on very small screen and I'm getting as close as I can to it. There's a lot of detail loss and blurriness, especially when looking beyond the foreground; that right there kills it for traditional games, even for appreciating a landscape in an open world game.
It's not the complexity of the graphics on display (I'm OK with less polygons and less realistic textures, etc), but when I look at the same image on the big TV I appreciate the size : pixel density (it's not crammed into a tiny screen with the same ppi), even if I'm no longer "in" the world.
Then, there is the problem of the "diving bell" effect. I can see the black edges of the headset everywhere, so I feel like my "presence" is through a "VR diving suit" in every game. It works for the underwater game, but not so much for the rest.
Bottom line, everyone at home is having fun with it, but too much of that which I'm used to and enjoy in modern games has been turned back in time in order to demonstrate the concept of presence.
I would have been OK with demo stations here and there until the tech matures and costs go down.
For example, higher pixel density per eye, and flexible displays that can dome around your peripherals and FULLY block out the real world and replace it with the virtual one. Reduce the bulk of the headset. It's already light, slim it down, lose some cables (something my family raised their eyebrows at), make it less awkward to have a "VR session". Then sell it.
I'm not one for halfway steps, especially when I'm paying out the ass for it.
But it's neat.
And they need 5 fucking hours to charge... So i have to unplug something and charge them both tonight but then i can't use the vr anymore till tomorow. wtf
Same here, tried plugging them into every USB port I could find, they only charge on Playstation's.
Can anyone tell me if VR Worlds is worth the 40? For me it seems only Ocean Descent and London Heist are good and they don't have that much replayability.
Every new tech has got to start somewhere. Just look at the TV, by your thinking they shouldn't have even bothered with black and white tv's and just waited until colour was available.
I would let it drop in price a bit. The scavenger game is kinda cool but seems to cause nausea for a lot of people although it was mostly fine for me. The only game with replayability is danger ball which I really liked. It's worth checking out once it's on sale though.
Bought Rez, MIND BLOWN again. If you have played this in the past and enjoy it you will really like it in VR methinks. Cannot wait for Area X.
That analogy doesn't really work, though.
I still have a TV, I can still play games.
Before TVs, what was there to watch at home?
Scavengers Odyssey is better than either of them imo. I'd pay $20 just for that one by itself.
That analogy doesn't really work, though.
I still have a TV, I can still play games.
Before TVs, what was there to watch at home?
Is the general consensus that seated experiences are better with the camera mounted below the TV and standing experiences are better on the top of the TV? I have had zero issues with tracking whilst the camera is below when seated, but standing it all goes to shit. I don't have amount so I can't test mving the camera to the top
Why isn't there a similar launch bundle in the UK?
If you are looking for a fun horror shooter, I recommend getting Brookhaven Experiment. Haven't heard much talk about this game, despite it being one of the better PSVR launch titles. Requires a PS Move for each hand.
That analogy doesn't really work, though.
I still have a TV, I can still play games.
Before TVs, what was there to watch at home?
Yeah I jumped in after thinking about it for awhile.Jump in, water's fine.
I was going to wait until Pro was out, but today I visited electronic store and while they were initially sold-out, just as we were about to leave, staff dropped off 3 extra boxes on the floor. So how could I say no to that![]()
People were plenty entertained at home prior to television. TV wasn't considered anywhere near must have for 10 plus years, similar to every new technology. There wasn't a ton of content, radio networks were relatively slow to transition to TV studios, etc.That analogy doesn't really work, though.
I still have a TV, I can still play games.
Before TVs, what was there to watch at home?
I have never been prone to motion sickness (queasiness or nausea, etc.) in my life and have not experienced much with VR, but after each session of games and demos I am affected. Wore out? Mentally exhausted? Its just tiring and that bums me out. Ideally I will get used to it and adapt and be able to play without being drained.
The TV was an affordable way for people to watch moving images in thier home for the first time. The PSVR is an affordable way for people to watch immersive images in thier home for the first time. It's a similar situation. You could argue that Google cardboard offered this first but it's an inferior experience anyway and it's the experience quality that you have a problem with.
Okay, where do I get this damn safe combo from in London Heist?
Okay, where do I get this damn safe combo from in London Heist?
Not really similar.
The alternative back then was radio.
The alternative today is UHD TVs/3D and fully fledged games.
Let's see this iteration of PSVR try to do more than on rails stuff successfully.
Is Headmaster worth getting?
So does anyone know what the cause of the drift is? I'm having a blast but the only issue is every few minutes it feels like I have to turn my head more and more to stay aligned and recentering doesn't always help. By the end of the Driveclub demo race the results screen was way off to the left when I was facing forward.