I haven't been keeping up since launch. Is it generally agreed now that VR is a Real Thing that is just going to get better with future iterations?
Can we finally put to rest the debate that this is a gimmick and a fad and the next wiimote? That it's going to be a slow build up to something great, not an instant success? That the technology and developer techniques have to grow, like 3D/polygonal games?
That the potential goes way beyond games, and that it will exist alongside traditional gaming rather than replacing it?
Seriously. It's been exhausting.
To be fair saying that now is as premature as the buyers remorse thread. I love vr so far but I'm still in the honeymoon phase where even just messing with throwing stuff in the wayward sky menu is fun. People were convinced waggle was the future for a long time after Wii came out. Personally I do think it has a place in the future, but it's still likely a ways off until mass market acceptance.