VR first timer here.
Bought it on thursday, set it up and played around for about one hour (with lots of time spent trying to find good focus). Started with Battlezone, it was really freaking cool, but after playing for a stage or so I was feeling a little uneasy. Decided to try another game. I stupidly went for Rigs which made me almost panic quit the game after only a few minutes. A felt a little bad until the next morning. I began to question if I could handle VR.
Day two. After some reading I begun to understand that I had some tracking issues, apparently my VR controller / whole world shouldn't be pulsing like that. After a calibration I was ready to greet 5 friends for an evening in the virtual world. All of them were first timers also. I bought Vr Worlds and started the night off with demonstrating Ocean Descent to a group of people that had no idea what they should expect. And tbh, neither did I. That non-interactive shark demo was the thing that sold me on the technology. God damn, this really works, and it's magical and mesmerizing in a way thats incredible hard to describe. Needles to say I was smiling like an idiot the whole time.
One easily scared friend tried The Heist next, and his reactions when loud sounds and characters got really close affected him deeply. And it was hilarious seeing him getting into character during the shooting sequences.
My gf got Until Dawn handed to her. I think all the neighbors could hear those screams!
She also got tricked into testing out Kitchen, which almost destroyed her for a moment. Such amazing presence! All of had a go at it, one friend (he who got scared while playing The Heist) screamed like a little girl and threw off the headset during the ending scene. We laughed so god damn hard! I managed to get it on camera without permission xD
Played around with Tumble and superhyper cube, both great fun but nothing for a room full of people.
Playroom Vr is the shit though, we had way more fun with that than I thought we would. Some really clever mechanics in there!
Incredible night and thankfully I never felt ill after playing again. Everyone was really impressed and surprised by the technology.
Day 3. A had a few friends over again and I bought both Thumper and Batman Arkham VR for the occasion. Thumper didn't look that hot on the TV but in the headset everything clicked. Gonna love playing through all of that psychedelic sickness (in a good way). My Batman loving friend got to try out Arkham VR first. I think I never have seen him that happy lol. When it was my turn... I knew it would be a ride based on all blown minds but I still could not be prepared for that fucking sick immersion and total awesomeness. Haven't felt like that gaming anything in ages.
VR makes me hyperbolic and happy. I can only dream what the future with VR hold in store for us... in a couple of generations iteration I might never leave. This is awesome, try it folks, I hope someone got out something of my badly grammatical ramble.