So got my friend's ps4 again and will have it for pretty much the rest of the month now. But unfortunately I couldn't achieve my goal of making the setup problem free.
Friends finally did get to try it for the first time had terrific reactions, and the stuff they played went problem free aside from the expected controller tracking problems in job simulator when the controllers were out of the cameras view. Even the left drift seemed to have vanished despite me not getting a chance to try the advanced setup.
It was after they left and when I went to finally startup my own play session that things went wonky. The dreaded left drift popped up again. I then decided to do all the advanced setup. Ipd, tracking light adjustment, taped down the wires and camera in place, even measured distance and set up my seat absolutely dead center relative to the camera lenses and turned off the lights.
Happened again.
I heard turning off and turning on the headset sometimes reset the position. Started doing that as holding start simply wouldn't reset the position properly. After the third time doing this, finally the drift stopped and the screen was dead center. Yay!
Or so I thought...
Mind you all this time the troubleshooting is happening while I'm on the tutorial for London heist.
Started up the story, everything seemed to be going well, until the restaurant scene comes up. Partway through the scene, the environment started shifting and the tracking became bad, then would become okay for short intervals
When it finally got to the first shootout, the desk in front me just wouldn't stay stable, and the tracking was all over the place. Turning the headset off and on didn't help either. After struggling with this for probably 15 minutes, had to call it quits. Shut it off.
At least I found out that I don't get sick from these types of problems with tracking in vr, but the game stops being fun when stuff like this starts to happen.