Does the RE7 demo (not kitchen) currently on PS Store work with VR?
Does the RE7 demo (not kitchen) currently on PS Store work with VR?
I played more Job Simulator after getting it to work a little better. It still isn't perfect, but I played for like an hour and a half straight. The game is so good. The radio station in the car mechanic job that has the Rick and Morty voice actor talking about cars was so fucking funny.
I went to grab a block that fell off my table and slammed my move controller into my couch. You can get really confused when you get focused on a game.
What's the reason for the grainy overlay that happens when you start a vr game? I don't really understand what it is or why it's there.
They must've refunded a pre-order to you. I know I saw a thread on that a day or two ago.
Cool, thanks for the impressions on that one.
So you're playing with the teleporting right? Since I'm prone to it in regular FPS games I kind of expect I'll need to favor that too in some games.
Essentially it's just a really janky walking simulator with a few easy puzzles. I actually like it so far but it's really hard to recommend. Especially for the asking price. It think most people will be put off by the controls which are really weird but I got used to them.Sorry I'm no help, but how is that game so far?
I'm looking at both this and The Assembly and still thinking about which to get first. I expect I'll buy both.
It's weird. I originally charged my used Move controllers with my iPhone wall chargers and after I connected them to the PS4 they wouldn't stay on.
But now that I connected and charged them to the PS4 they seem to be holding a charge just fine.
It's almost like they didn't charge at all until I connected them to my PS4
Yea teleporting for me is definitely they way to go. Early on it suggest the alternative right stick free move, but honestly the moment I took a step I felt funny. I tried going really slowly but couldn't handle more than about 20 seconds before switching back. Just for reference I can spend 2hrs in either driveclub or rigs with no problems at all but this threw me a right wobbly.
Essentially it's just a really janky walking simulator with a few easy puzzles. I actually like it so far but it's really hard to recommend. Especially for the asking price. It think most people will be put off by the controls which are really weird but I got used to them.
I finally found the damn coordinates so I can say more later.
Yep. My used ones that I charged with my Samsung S7 Edge charger didn't work, either. The moment I hooked them I to a PS4, they held a charge.
What floored me was the way the hologram figure models and other chararacters in the game would follow you with their heads and eyes as you moved around. It really feels like you're looking at a real person. Never seen that before in any other VR game.I can't believe Arkham VR is 19.99. WOWOWOWOWOWOW. Finished it and I'm ABSOLUTELY BLOOWOWOWOWOWOWN away by the possibilities of VR now. The other games were like HOLY SHIT THIS IN INTENSE AND MY MIND ASPLODE but this game actually made me THINK I was in another world.
First of all, the graphics are amazing. The small details that make you feel like the world is real. Smoke. Steam. Fog. Animals. Amazing models. FANTASTIC 3D SOUND. Then the gameplay. It's actually FUN! You FEEL LIKE THE BATMAN!!!!
I LOVED the hand integration. You are the BATMAN!!!
One day they will figure out how to nail movement with combat and actual TV games WILL be obsolete. Maybe it's room scale + some kind of force feedback. Not sure.
I would pay SO MUCH for experiences like this. This is unlike anything in gaming!!!!
I don't remember ever needing to do this in the platformer level. What part was it?Whoa, got dizzy playing the platformer in Playroom VR. it forced me to stand to get close enough to camera. That wasn't pleasant.
This happened to mine a couple of times during my first hour with it, then never again. No idea how or why.
So here's my VR saga thus far:
> Pre-order PSVR as soon as they were available through best buy.
> Got wet feet and canceled my pre-order the weekend before launch.
> Tried a demo at a store after launch and immediately regretted my cancelation decision. PSVR was much closer to the PC VR sets than I anticipated.
> Couldn't find a launch bundle anywhere this week/weekend.
> Stumbled across a lone Launch bundle, at a Walmart of all places (the last one they had), and snagged it this morning.
> Ordered physical Rez Infinite from iam8bit as soon as I got home.
Am I doing it right?
I'm not really prone to motion sickness but compared to games like Here They Lie it feels more comfortable. Except for walking forwards and backwards which is smooth you turn in incrementals so sometimes it is unnecessarily complicated to get in position. There are no options to change the controls. Personally I think it works OK. The immersion is quite good which is enough for me so far to play further.Thanks!
Yeah I remember reading something about its unique movement. Is the movement comfortable at least, if it doesn't have multiple options?
If you like that you will also like the Adventure Time VR game which I believe is also coming to PSVR. It's only a few levels but it's also really cool.HOLY FUCK!!! Why are there not more reviewers talking about Playroom??!! That platformer game is legit breaking new ground in the platformer genre! It's a game changer!! So many of the mechanics are just perfect for VR!!! Playroom is exactly what VR needs to show that VR isn't just a gimmick or what have you. It shows VR can add vast amounts of innovation to genres that have needed them for so long!!
I fucking wanted it to be longer! It's such a good platformer! Even better than Luckeys Tale for the Rift. And the use of the DS4 is genius! You cannot have that kind of mechanic anywhere else right now. It really makes you think if Sony was that forward-thinking with the Touchpad and the controller being tracked. The mechanics are just perfect!
I couldn't stop smiling the whole time!
Whats a good test for checking my IPD settings? I tried the driveclub demo with the blue car and tried to read the word "speed" on the speedometer (is that the right word?) but it just stays blurry no matter how i change the ipdnormaly i get 67mm
How many scenarios (or levels, if you prefer), in total, are there for London Heist?
The demo I tried in February only gave us two (shootout in the office from behind the desk and the car chase).
How long does Batman take to beat?
That's pretty much it, for what you actually do in the game. There's a lot of you sitting in a chair listening to people talk and there's a thing at the end that requires you to do a small action.
What exactly is going on in that GIF?
O my god the move controllers are 80 euros, I had no idea they were that much.
There's no fucking way I'm gonna fork out another 80 bucks after spending 400 on the unit, 60 on a camera and 100 on a bunch of games. I'm going bankrupt at this rate.
Is my PS VR headset faulty? In the middle of the game the screen (in headset) sometimes goes black for couple of seconds like it lost the connection or something. I've already checked the cables and even swapped all the hdmi cables. :/ I don't want to send this to repair and wait months to get a new one. Does anyone have any suggestions? Am I the only one with this kind of problem?
I must say that wayward sky impressed me out of nowhere and I NEED more platformers in VR. The playroom game is limited but I can't get enough
That's...really disappointing. I was hoping for at least an hour of emptying and reloading clips.
That's...really disappointing. I was hoping for at least an hour of emptying and reloading clips.
First game I bought. I know the experience is limited compared to the Vive version, but since I've never played that version it is hard for me to be disappointed in what I'm missing. Glad I did get it. It is just fun to pick shit up in it, unlike say, The Order.
I more and more get the feeling nobody played it but I'm stuck on loading human and the internet can't help. I have to find some coordinates to insert into a computer and have no fucking clue where they are. Does anybody know?
Is anyone else shocked that the PSVR is this good?
I thought this was going to be a fun distraction but I find myself absolutely blown away and getting that giddy feeling that is all to rare these days. The last time I remember feeling like this is when I got my N64 and turned on Mario 64 for the first time.