Had a good go at SportsBarVR today.
They've priced it about right at £15.
It's the only PSVR title I've played where the FOV just feels off, especially when turning your head. This by itself is quite an immersion breaker but hopefully something they can easily patch.
The activities themselves are are mixed bag, pool is quite polished and has both AI and multiplayer modes. The move controllers perform about how you would expect in there usual clumsy yet usable way, if you don't put the cue away between shots you just end up knocking stuff and causing fouls.
Biggest gripe is moving around the table, given the PSVR cannot see behind you I was needing to use the 'hulk' mode (where you can turn the environment around) in order to line up shots without leaving the PS camera's vision. In this respect it probably shows up the limitations of the PSVR system more than any other title I've played, I imagine something like the Vive with it's full room tracking would be perfect in comparison. and it wouldn't surprise me if I found out this was developed with the Vive in mind.
Darts is completely fubar, sometimes they fly where you expect, sometimes they drop to the floor. Pretty much unplayable and feels like a last minute inclusion. The only way to put the darts away when you are done is to drop them on the floor one by one.
Air hockey and hoop-shots both work really well, the latter has a high-score board that seemingly never actually updates, hoping they can patch that in too.
Graphically it's a mixed bag, you have a large space with a lot going on but all of it is quite simplistic. The NPC's especially are very old school PS2 style character models which are too plastic looking to create any sort of emotional response when you get up close to them. On the plus side, you can put bins on their heads to avoid this problem.
Most of the environment is interactive, you can pick up chairs and throw them about, open the fridge and get out cans. But, nothing really reacts to anything, sure you can throw a fridge across the room but nothing else will budge, and the NPCs will not react. The inability to pour a pint behind the bar is also a big oversight.
This might sound quite negative, but add some other players in it becomes pretty awesome. As the only social sandbox title out on PSVR at the moment, it's a basic, albeit functional example of what the genre could offer.
Weirdly the menu system is slick as fuck, once summoned they have a physical presence and you can move them about etc.