all the ones i've gone to have been having the deal (i've only gone to two so i don't know if it isn't at all stores). i live in calgary.Super_Chicken said:Elaborate? What EB games/gamestop did you go to?
all the ones i've gone to have been having the deal (i've only gone to two so i don't know if it isn't at all stores). i live in calgary.Super_Chicken said:Elaborate? What EB games/gamestop did you go to?
Yaceka said:St. Vital Mall in Winnipeg. Pretty sure that's not going to help you at all though. You probably live in an actual decent city.
Roto13 said:I was thinking of getting a Celebi from the EB Games in the Eaton Centre (though I'm not 100% sure they have it) but it was too icy to walk that far.And now it's over.
Today was the last day and I'm pretty sure it's closed now.Super_Chicken said:When did it end.
Don't worry, It'll be winter in April.Forkball said:10 minutes in impressions:
WTF, it's not autumn.
I owned both those Pokemon
Tepig got a crappy nature, but whatever I don't want to restart for an hour trying to get a decent one
Way to fuck up my room
Roto13 said:^^ Apparently one of the starters is Spider-Man and can walk on walls.
Today was the last day and I'm pretty sure it's closed now.
well where i live it still snows in april so i'm fine haha.Bankoiia said:Don't worry, It'll be winter in April.
Fantasy Final said:Post Pics!!
FTH said:Hello!!! Listen!!!! Pics!
I don't think anyone on the Internet has taken pics of it in the wild aha.
But the Wii is unharmed!Forkball said:10 minutes in impressions:
WTF, it's not autumn.
I owned both those Pokemon
Tepig got a crappy nature, but whatever I don't want to restart for an hour trying to get a decent one
Way to fuck up my room
Thank God Nintendium isn't a Pokemon type.Fantasy Final said:But the Wii is unharmed!
Not even a scratch!Fantasy Final said:But the Wii is unharmed!
I'm sorry, what else do you need to know apart from this? Remember you can catch all of those as well \o/Mega Man's Electric Sheep said:white forest with 32 exclusive pokemon
If you want to solo the game all by yourself, White versionMega Man's Electric Sheep said:Someone talk up one of the versions to help me decide which one to get. I looked at the differences between Black and White, and it didn't help me choose. The exclusive pokemon are about even in each version as far as what looks cool to me. I like the slight technological touches in some areas of black, but white forest with 32 exclusive pokemon sounds better than black city......someone sell me on one version in particular.... if I have to randomly decide on one I'll probably end up passing on it :/
Fantasy Final said:If you want to solo the game all by yourself, White version
If you want to do a lot of trades, Black version
Fantasy Final said:If you want to solo the game all by yourself, White version
If you want to do a lot of trades, Black version
Delio said:Eh since when cant you solo in Black?
Achtius said:I guess he is referring to the fact that Black City allows you to battle rare pokemon that is high level, whereas White city allows you to catch rare pokemon that are low level.
So if you take black, you need to trade more often when compared to white.
yeah basically this.Achtius said:I guess he is referring to the fact that Black City allows you to battle rare pokemon that is high level, whereas White city allows you to catch rare pokemon that are low level.
So if you take black, you need to trade more often when compared to white.
If you don't care to keep it, you now have a fantastic bargaining chip for the GTS.kyo_daikun said:Caught a shiney Patrat 3 hours in on my pokemon black, thats 1 more shiney than my 200+ hours on D/P/P
Who would want to keep a patratSuairyu said:If you don't care to keep it, you now have a fantastic bargaining chip for the GTS.
Electivirus said:My god. Cress whipped the everloving piss right out of me. ;_;
Work Up can Die. In. A. Fire.
First one IDK but it's highest stat is SpA so Modest? Someone else could give a better opinion.Neiteio said:Two questions:
- What's the best nature for an Oshawott to have? (Yes, I'm considering restarting until I get it.)
- Is there a way to delete effort points so I can EV train Oshawott properly at a later time? I thought I heard there's a berry that can achieve this effect...
Just faced her. Goddamn I couldn't keep track of her Pokemon.Jinko said:Heh wait til you battle the electric type gym leader :S, volt switch sucks.
im assuming you havent spoiled yourself on the final formsballadofwindfishes said:The Baconator evolved into a pig that is kind of ugly.
I hope his final form doesn't look like an awkward Pokemon that doesn't know if it wants to be cute or powerful looking.
I also caught this badass caterpillar that's ripping Pokemon apart with his combo Bug Bite/Razer Leaf. I don't remember Caterpie or Wurmple ever being this ridiculously useful.
Boy: Oooh it's you and me...
Girl: Aww..
Boy: I know you are my destiny...
Girl: AWWWW!
Boy: Oooh Your my Best Friend...
Girl: Aww..So cute..
Boy: In a World We Must Defend...
Girl: What?
Girl: fuuuuuuuuuuuu-
wait, what pokemon are you wanting? the three dogs? there's a bunch of people here who have extra so i don't think it will be a problem. maybe ask in the heartgold/soulsilver OT though.Glix said:I never got any of my 4th gen event pokemon.
Is there any way to still get any of the 3? Like Pokemon Ranger or something?
btkadams said:wait, what pokemon are you wanting? the three dogs? there's a bunch of people here who have extra so i don't think it will be a problem. maybe ask in the heartgold/soulsilver OT though.
i missed a lot of the events and some nice gaffers traded me pokemon i missed.
yeah i got one of each of those from gaffers over the past month so you shouldn't have trouble. post in the gold/silv thread.Glix said:No no, Shaymin, Darkrai, and Arceaus. I think I spelled them entirely wrong, but you get the idea.
I figure even if I see them on GTS they are hacks or clones, which makes me![]()
I have an EXP share and I haven't done the Battle Centre, I don't know where I got it though.Suairyu said:So my Pokémon are all roughly level 22. I could reach the 55F of the Battlecentre (only had a choice of that or the 47th).
Beating everyone on the 55F:
You get an EXP Share item, so you can power level your weak Pokémon without even needing them to be in the battle for a single turn.
QUITE POSSIBLEdarkpaladinmfc said:I have an EXP share and I haven't done the Battle Centre, I don't know where I got it though.
BGBW said:Just faced her. Goddamn I couldn't keep track of her Pokemon.